What was so bad about Hillary?

11,265 Views | 106 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by bearister
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For 4 years I've heard how 2016 was a choice between two very unlikeable candidates. And sure, Hillary was no June Cleaver, but she was smart, passionate, and experienced. Works for me!

Knocks against were were mysterious and made up in my mind.

Benghazi, please!
Whitewater and options trading profits? Escaped me.
Email server in unsecured closet? Stupid but not disqualifying.
Email content? There was nothing there, right?
Stand by your cheating husband? Personal choice, no?

Meanwhile, compared to 2016 Trump, she WAS June Cleaver, and compared to 2020 Trump, that favorability rating only improves, big time. Hillary as Jesus, our woulda been, coulda been savior! If only, we'd have avoided these last 4 years of endless insults and crimes, hypocrisy and waywardness.

So tell me, why was she so unlikeable again???
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Any Conservative that takes your bait will be big on bombast and slim on backup. I think the important query would be to explain why she would not have been good POTUS (notice I didn't say a better one than tRump because even a porpoise crosses that threshold). I don't really like any of the Clintons, particularly Chelsea...but so what?
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GOOD GOD!!!!!!!!Hibernation is good for Bears. It is not recommended for aspiring humans. Just in the last four years, everyone who reads books, articles, de-classified documents, texts, e-mails, congressional testimony behind closed doors, and the IG report KNOWS that the phony Steele Dossier was dreamed up, authorized and PAID FOR by the Hillary campaign and the DNC. It was a fantastic hoax designed to avoid paying attention to Hillary' illegal private e-mails. HELLO?????Inj addition, my deceased hamster knows that Hillary ordered her aide to destroy with a HAMMER her 33,000 subpoenaed e-mails....Either you know this, and, are looking the other way....or, you are unaware of this public knowledge. Either way, this does not reflect well on either your knowledge or your integrity. Or, as Ralph Barbieri always said, " two things can be equally true." And, bear in mind, I haven't mentioned her "activities" between 1985-2016. Hillary makes Marie Antoinette and Queen Elizabeth look like Sunday school teachers. concord...stick to basketball...Bearister...strick to your death wishes ...for anyone who displeases you...50% of America. Go Bears..
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As I predicted, .." big on bombast and slim on backup." In helltopay1 case, "slim" is an upgrade.

I wish helltopay1 was a billionaire so and that he had personally financed the millions and millions spent on investigations of Hillary that came up with bupkis. Unfortunately it was our taxpayer dollars that funded those chasing windmills expeditions.

*Leon Panetta was a big supporter of Hillary. His endorsement means just a little more than Grandpa QAnon's baseless opinions.
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Hillary would have been a great President. There are three reasons people didn't like her.
1. She's a nerd
2. She's a woman
3. Many millions of dollars have been spent defaming her character since the early 1990's. Who could withstand that kind of slander?
Big C
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dajo9 said:

Hillary would have been a great President. There are three reasons people didn't like her.
1. She's a nerd
2. She's a woman
3. Many millions of dollars have been spent defaming her character since the early 1990's. Who could withstand that kind of slander?

Agree 100%. Well, maybe not a "great" President, but just fine (maybe great, who knows?). Er, so 99%.

From the moment she talked about not staying home and baking cookies (Bill Clinton's first Presidential run), Hillary Clinton was the target of more negative campaigning than anybody I've ever seen in American politics. Even more than her husband and more than Obama (the bronze and silver medalists in this category, respectively). It was personal and it was largely sexist.

Okay, so if she had been a great politician, she could have deflected this and she did not, so that part is on her, but still...
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If George Floyd is a saint to the left, that's all you need to know. Yeah, Hillary is a goddess.

The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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concordtom said:

For 4 years I've heard how 2016 was a choice between two very unlikeable candidates. And sure, Hillary was no June Cleaver, but she was smart, passionate, and experienced. Works for me!

Knocks against were were mysterious and made up in my mind.

Benghazi, please!
Whitewater and options trading profits? Escaped me.
Email server in unsecured closet? Stupid but not disqualifying.
Email content? There was nothing there, right?
Stand by your cheating husband? Personal choice, no?

Meanwhile, compared to 2016 Trump, she WAS June Cleaver, and compared to 2020 Trump, that favorability rating only improves, big time. Hillary as Jesus, our woulda been, coulda been savior! If only, we'd have avoided these last 4 years of endless insults and crimes, hypocrisy and waywardness.

So tell me, why was she so unlikeable again???

If there was nothing in Hillary's emails why did she delete them?
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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What do you think was in the emails (excluding embarrassing personal matters)?
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joe amos yaks
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Well, there are many reasons why I did not vote for candidate HC, but she sealed it when she played the "dumb blond" card when asked about the emails and wiping her computer clean.

The POTUS is no different ... just thinner hair and prefers to play in a Citrix environment.
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BearForce2 said:

concordtom said:

For 4 years I've heard how 2016 was a choice between two very unlikeable candidates. And sure, Hillary was no June Cleaver, but she was smart, passionate, and experienced. Works for me!

Knocks against were were mysterious and made up in my mind.

Benghazi, please!
Whitewater and options trading profits? Escaped me.
Email server in unsecured closet? Stupid but not disqualifying.
Email content? There was nothing there, right?
Stand by your cheating husband? Personal choice, no?

Meanwhile, compared to 2016 Trump, she WAS June Cleaver, and compared to 2020 Trump, that favorability rating only improves, big time. Hillary as Jesus, our woulda been, coulda been savior! If only, we'd have avoided these last 4 years of endless insults and crimes, hypocrisy and waywardness.

So tell me, why was she so unlikeable again???

If there was nothing in Hillary's emails why did she delete them?

She didn't. You were lied to.
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joe amos yaks said:

Well, there are many reasons that I did not vote for candidate HC, but sealed it when she played the "dumb blond" card when asked about the emails and wiping her computer clean.

The POTUS is no different ... just thinner hair and prefers to play in a Citrix environment.

This isn't what happened. You were lied to.

And, by the way, your post is sexist.
joe amos yaks
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No. HC was playing the sexist card.
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joe amos yaks said:

No. HC was playing the sexist card.

You are sexist
joe amos yaks
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Ok. If you say so ... whatever. She did what she did.
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concordtom said:

For 4 years I've heard how 2016 was a choice between two very unlikeable candidates. And sure, Hillary was no June Cleaver, but she was smart, passionate, and experienced. Works for me!

Knocks against were were mysterious and made up in my mind.

Benghazi, please!
Whitewater and options trading profits? Escaped me.
Email server in unsecured closet? Stupid but not disqualifying.
Email content? There was nothing there, right?
Stand by your cheating husband? Personal choice, no?

Meanwhile, compared to 2016 Trump, she WAS June Cleaver, and compared to 2020 Trump, that favorability rating only improves, big time. Hillary as Jesus, our woulda been, coulda been savior! If only, we'd have avoided these last 4 years of endless insults and crimes, hypocrisy and waywardness.

So tell me, why was she so unlikeable again???

The Republican party is really successful at painting non-white males as the embodiment of evil.

They are less successful at doing the same with white males (see: Bill Clinton, Joe Biden).

Look at AOC: She's a really smart person who's only been around for 2 years. But she's been made out to be not only dumb, but somebody who will destroy America.

Look at Obama: Oh, sure he won 2 elections with a majority vote. But he inspired the Tea Party, whose chief goal was fiscal responsibility. If it was really about fiscal responsibility, they wouldn't be supporting Donald Trump.

To Republicans, if you're a white male, you're allowed to make mistakes. I remember Sean Hannity or somebody at Fox News saying Donald Trump Jr.'s actions were excusable because he's just a kid.

All those scandals mentioned above pale in comparison to what Trump has done. Yet does his scandals stick? Nope.

That's why it's hard to land blows on Joe Biden. That's why they've instead warned that a Biden win would mean radicals like Kamala and AOC would control the government.

Biden has been in Washington since 1973, yet the attacks on him being a Washington insider haven't hurt him.

This is something I've pointed out many times before: During the 2016 campaign, Trump kept saying that Hillary had been in power for 30 years. Think about it: Was Hillary in power in 1986? Did you even know who she was in 1991? Probably not, because Clinton announced his presidential candidacy in October 1991. And she really didn't became a famous figure until January 1992 when she sat down with 60 Minutes to discuss her husband'a affair. And of course, she didn't have any power until Bill Clinton took office in January 1993.

Yet Trump had succeeded in making it seem like she was in power for 30 years.

He's really good at going after non-white male politicians. I mean, look at the Michigan governor. Has he been successful at going after white male politicians?

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Dago-----my estate against your estate...whether or not Hillary deleted her e-mails after they had been subpoenaed can easily be checked...So---how about it---my estate against your estate????I believe this is about putting your money where your mouth is...I know comic books can be instructive; but, at some point, you have to expand your reading list.
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Same for you, Bearister. Are you denying that the Steele Dossier, which by now, has been 100% discredited, was authorized and PAID for by the DNC and the Hillary Campaign???for God's sake....we now have e-mails authenticating this FACT!!!!Her motive???hello?????Distract the public from focusing on her illegal private e-mails which clearly compromised national security..same bet...my estate against your estate...My deceased Hamster knows Hillary and the DNC authorized and paid for the bogus Steele Dossier....how come you don't know this????Bet or no bet????time to show the cards....
Bear With Me
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okaydo said:

concordtom said:

For 4 years I've heard how 2016 was a choice between two very unlikeable candidates. And sure, Hillary was no June Cleaver, but she was smart, passionate, and experienced. Works for me!

Knocks against were were mysterious and made up in my mind.

Benghazi, please!
Whitewater and options trading profits? Escaped me.
Email server in unsecured closet? Stupid but not disqualifying.
Email content? There was nothing there, right?
Stand by your cheating husband? Personal choice, no?

Meanwhile, compared to 2016 Trump, she WAS June Cleaver, and compared to 2020 Trump, that favorability rating only improves, big time. Hillary as Jesus, our woulda been, coulda been savior! If only, we'd have avoided these last 4 years of endless insults and crimes, hypocrisy and waywardness.

So tell me, why was she so unlikeable again???

The Republican party is really successful at painting non-white males as the embodiment of evil.

They are less successful at doing the same with white males (see: Bill Clinton, Joe Biden).

Look at AOC: She's a really smart person who's only been around for 2 years. But she's been made out to be not only dumb, but somebody who will destroy America.

Look at Obama: Oh, sure he won 2 elections with a majority vote. But he inspired the Tea Party, whose chief goal was fiscal responsibility. If it was really about fiscal responsibility, they wouldn't be supporting Donald Trump.

To Republicans, if you're a white male, you're allowed to make mistakes. I remember Sean Hannity or somebody at Fox News saying Donald Trump Jr.'s actions were excusable because he's just a kid.

All those scandals mentioned above pale in comparison to what Trump has done. Yet does his scandals stick? Nope.

That's why it's hard to land blows on Joe Biden. That's why they've instead warned that a Biden win would mean radicals like Kamala and AOC would control the government.

Biden has been in Washington since 1973, yet the attacks on him being a Washington insider haven't hurt him.

This is something I've pointed out many times before: During the 2016 campaign, Trump kept saying that Hillary had been in power for 30 years. Think about it: Was Hillary in power in 1986? Did you even know who she was in 1991? Probably not, because Clinton announced his presidential candidacy in October 1991. And she really didn't became a famous figure until January 1992 when she sat down with 60 Minutes to discuss her husband'a affair. And of course, she didn't have any power until Bill Clinton took office in January 1993.

Yet Trump had succeeded in making it seem like she was in power for 30 years.

He's really good at going after non-white male politicians. I mean, look at the Michigan governor. Has he been successful at going after white male politicians?

Your selective BS notwithstanding, if you believe repubs are only successful at going after white males, then you may need to look within. Corruption and incompetence aren't inherent to a particular race or gender. If you and your peeps only hold non-white males accountable, that's on you.

As for Trump specifically, ask his mostly white-male 2016 Primary opposition how they felt how effective he was.
Bear With Me
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dajo9 said:

BearForce2 said:

concordtom said:

For 4 years I've heard how 2016 was a choice between two very unlikeable candidates. And sure, Hillary was no June Cleaver, but she was smart, passionate, and experienced. Works for me!

Knocks against were were mysterious and made up in my mind.

Benghazi, please!
Whitewater and options trading profits? Escaped me.
Email server in unsecured closet? Stupid but not disqualifying.
Email content? There was nothing there, right?
Stand by your cheating husband? Personal choice, no?

Meanwhile, compared to 2016 Trump, she WAS June Cleaver, and compared to 2020 Trump, that favorability rating only improves, big time. Hillary as Jesus, our woulda been, coulda been savior! If only, we'd have avoided these last 4 years of endless insults and crimes, hypocrisy and waywardness.

So tell me, why was she so unlikeable again???

If there was nothing in Hillary's emails why did she delete them?

She didn't. You were lied to.
Wow, that's either some serious denial or one super-weak attempt at gas-lighting right there!
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I'll always be grateful for Trump for two reasons ( maybe the only two) : ridding us of two ******* dynasties: Clintons and Bushes
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You folks who are here accusing Hillary of committing the crime of erasing subpoenad emails. What is the evidence?
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helltopay1 said:

Same for you, Bearister. Are you denying that the Steele Dossier, which by now, has been 100% discredited, was authorized and PAID for by the DNC and the Hillary Campaign???for God's sake....we now have e-mails authenticating this FACT!!!!Her motive???hello?????Distract the public from focusing on her illegal private e-mails which clearly compromised national security..same bet...my estate against your estate...My deceased Hamster knows Hillary and the DNC authorized and paid for the bogus Steele Dossier....how come you don't know this????Bet or no bet????time to show the cards....

The Steele dossier has not been discredited. Much of it is uncorroborated, which is common for a raw intelligence document. But many parts are consistent with the evidence uncovered in the Mueller investigation
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dajo9 said:

Hillary would have been a great President. There are three reasons people didn't like her.
1. She's a nerd
2. She's a woman
3. Many millions of dollars have been spent defaming her character since the early 1990's. Who could withstand that kind of slander?
Yeah, I think that's it. Well said.
But none of those sound like good reasons to me.
I'm so disheartened by the state of politics in this country. There are simply too many mentally feeble voters.
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Big C said:

dajo9 said:

Hillary would have been a great President. There are three reasons people didn't like her.
1. She's a nerd
2. She's a woman
3. Many millions of dollars have been spent defaming her character since the early 1990's. Who could withstand that kind of slander?

Agree 100%. Well, maybe not a "great" President, but just fine (maybe great, who knows?). Er, so 99%.

From the moment she talked about not staying home and baking cookies (Bill Clinton's first Presidential run), Hillary Clinton was the target of more negative campaigning than anybody I've ever seen in American politics. Even more than her husband and more than Obama (the bronze and silver medalists in this category, respectively). It was personal and it was largely sexist.

Okay, so if she had been a great politician, she could have deflected this and she did not, so that part is on her, but still...
Maybe if she hadn't adopted that southern accent?
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joe amos yaks said:

Well, there are many reasons why I did not vote for candidate HC, but she sealed it when she played the "dumb blond" card when asked about the emails and wiping her computer clean.

The POTUS is no different ... just thinner hair and prefers to play in a Citrix environment.
So, you chose to have Trump as President rather than Hillary?
See - that's what I just don't get. She may have lost on that email question for you, but DIDN'T YOU SEE WORSE IN TRUMP????
I just don't get that. He was so obviously a horrible prospect. Jeb called it best when he said, "He's been a chaos candidate and he will be a chaos president." Uh, yeah - just slightly (understatement of the century).
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dajo9 said:

joe amos yaks said:

No. HC was playing the sexist card.

You are sexist
You guys are funny.
"Give me the key."
-"No, give me the key!"

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helltopay1 said:

Dago-----my estate against your estate...whether or not Hillary deleted her e-mails after they had been subpoenaed can easily be checked...So---how about it---my estate against your estate????I believe this is about putting your money where your mouth is...I know comic books can be instructive; but, at some point, you have to expand your reading list.
sure, give us all your address so we can verify the bet. ;-)
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dajo9 said:

helltopay1 said:

Same for you, Bearister. Are you denying that the Steele Dossier, which by now, has been 100% discredited, was authorized and PAID for by the DNC and the Hillary Campaign???for God's sake....we now have e-mails authenticating this FACT!!!!Her motive???hello?????Distract the public from focusing on her illegal private e-mails which clearly compromised national security..same bet...my estate against your estate...My deceased Hamster knows Hillary and the DNC authorized and paid for the bogus Steele Dossier....how come you don't know this????Bet or no bet????time to show the cards....

The Steele dossier has not been discredited. Much of it is uncorroborated, which is common for a raw intelligence document. But many parts are consistent with the evidence uncovered in the Mueller investigation
And it was started by Republican oppo research - she picked it up after the initial funder dropped out. Duh.

Yet, now we have THIS reason for its existence: "Distract the public from focusing on her illegal private e-mails which clearly compromised national security."

You know - if the pee pee photos ever pop up, I'm coming right back to this place to laugh. And I expect HTP will come back her to laugh should any Hillary nudes show up. I'll laugh with him.
joe amos yaks
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concordtom said:

joe amos yaks said:

Well, there are many reasons why I did not vote for candidate HC, but she sealed it when she played the "dumb blond" card when asked about the emails and wiping her computer clean.
The POTUS is no different ... just thinner hair and prefers to play in a Citrix environment.
So, you chose to have Trump as President rather than Hillary?
See - that's what I just don't get. She may have lost on that email question for you, but DIDN'T YOU SEE WORSE IN TRUMP????
I just don't get that. He was so obviously a horrible prospect. Jeb called it best when he said, "He's been a chaos candidate and he will be a chaos president." Uh, yeah - just slightly (understatement of the century).
Your reasoning is flawed. You just don't get it.

If you lived and were registered in CA in 2016 the votes were going to the Dem candidate no matter how/whom you voted. Even if you did not vote. It wasn't even close.
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Showing Hillary nude has killed more folks from fright than all covid 19 cases so far.
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concordtom said:

For 4 years I've heard how 2016 was a choice between two very unlikeable candidates. And sure, Hillary was no June Cleaver, but she was smart, passionate, and experienced. Works for me!

Knocks against were were mysterious and made up in my mind.

Benghazi, please!
Whitewater and options trading profits? Escaped me.
Email server in unsecured closet? Stupid but not disqualifying.
Email content? There was nothing there, right?
Stand by your cheating husband? Personal choice, no?

Meanwhile, compared to 2016 Trump, she WAS June Cleaver, and compared to 2020 Trump, that favorability rating only improves, big time. Hillary as Jesus, our woulda been, coulda been savior! If only, we'd have avoided these last 4 years of endless insults and crimes, hypocrisy and waywardness.

So tell me, why was she so unlikeable again???

I supported Hillary. I even supported her over Obama during his first primary.

However, even I have to admit that she is unlikeable.


She's smug and arrogant.

She is not relatable. (That "deplorables" comment came back to haunt her.)

She was seen as a career Washington insider more focused on her career than helping people: First Lady, Sec of State, Senator

She also is associated with her husband, who I don't dislike, but who you have to admit was a philanderer who was constantly embroiled in scandal and ultimately impeached.

She is extremely smart and was one of the most qualified candidates we have had as President, but in spite of her political success she has bad political instincts and always came across as cold and calculating.

joe amos yaks
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helltopay1 said:

Showing Hillary nude has killed more folks from fright than all covid 19 cases so far.

Good grief. Then showing the POTUS nude is the US's "Samson Option".
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joe amos yaks said:

concordtom said:

joe amos yaks said:

Well, there are many reasons why I did not vote for candidate HC, but she sealed it when she played the "dumb blond" card when asked about the emails and wiping her computer clean.
The POTUS is no different ... just thinner hair and prefers to play in a Citrix environment.
So, you chose to have Trump as President rather than Hillary?
See - that's what I just don't get. She may have lost on that email question for you, but DIDN'T YOU SEE WORSE IN TRUMP????
I just don't get that. He was so obviously a horrible prospect. Jeb called it best when he said, "He's been a chaos candidate and he will be a chaos president." Uh, yeah - just slightly (understatement of the century).
Your reasoning is flawed. You just don't get it.

If you lived and were registered in CA in 2016 the votes were going to the Dem candidate no matter how/whom you voted. Even if you did not vote. It wasn't even close.

Jill Stein protest vote?
Gary Johnson?
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