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Cal Football

Cal Football Independence Bowl Press Conference

December 15, 2023

SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA - Cal head coach Justin Wilcox, QB Fernando Mendoza, safety Craig Woodson and running back Jadyn Ott spoke to Independence Bowl game media this morning about their upcoming bowl game vs Texas Tech.

“First of all, just appreciate being here. It’s been an incredible couple of days,” Cal head coach Justin Wilcox said of their time so far in Shreveport with the Independence Bowl festivities. “The hospitality at the bowl game is unmatched.

“Really proud of our team for what they’ve done this year. We’ve been through some ups and downs but finished the season extremely strong. It really speaks to their character, their perseverance and how they feel about each other. So, really, really proud of them. Obviously, we know we have a challenge ahead of us tomorrow night against a Texas Tech team that is really well-coached and has really good players. It’s going to be a battle, but really proud of our group and thankful for these guys up here and their teammates and what they’ve done. We’re excited to play tomorrow night.”

The Bears had to dig out of a deep 3-6 hole after getting hammered at Oregon to teeter on the edge of bowl ineligibility for the fourth straight season.

“A month and a half or so ago we played Oregon. We didn’t play well and they got after us good,” Wilcox said. “In the locker room, we talked about it right then that we’re going to finish with three wins and end the regular season with a chance for four by winning a bowl game. The bowl game means a lot for the program for a number of reasons: the reward, the extra work you get in. There’s just a lot of positives that go into a bowl game as we know, so we’re just so glad to be here, but the number one goal is not going to the bowl game, it’s winning the bowl game. We know we have a test tomorrow but we’re focused on that.”

For many, it’s first opportunity to experience a bowl game and that message hit home in a big way after their surprising romp over UCLA to end the regular season.

“I think for me, I was just happy to see my teammates cheering and smiling, knowing we put in the work all season long, especially these last three games, to get us to a bowl game,” safety Craig Woodson said. “A lot of my teammates haven’t been to a bowl game before, so it was great just being together and being on that field cheering, especially with the way we did it in the last game just beating them the way we did, we just made a statement. It just felt good to be out there with everybody so that’s what I would say.”

“To expand on that statement, it was special,” Mendoza said of the win to gain bowl eligibility. “As Coach Wilcox referred to after the Oregon game, we got beat up pretty bad and he rallied us together and told us that we’re going to win these last three games. A lot of people in that moment can either just give up and not really believe it because three straight wins is a tough task at hand. However, leaders of the team such as Craig Woodson and Jaydn Ott, really helped rally us and keep us motivated through practice, making sure everyone was keen on their thoughts, make sure everyone was prepared for the game and that really helped lead us and showed us how great we can play as a unit together.”

The Bears have used metaphorical fire as a theme to fire up the team for each week’s critical matchup in their quest to gain bowl eligibility. Mendoza was asked about this week’s motto “Burn the Bayou:”

“So, the last three weeks of the season as was stated, we were 3-6 and each week was essentially a playoff death match for us, so we needed to win the last three games to then have a bowl berth. So Coach (Tim) Plough and the offensive staff coaches and we kind of came together with these sayings, whether it was ‘burn the city,’ ‘burn the forest,’ and with the help of Coach Wilcox and Coach Plough, we came up with ‘burn the bayou.’ Also, we had approval and amazing help from Mr. (Bryan) Roppolo (bowl chairman) over there, so we can’t thank him enough and the coaches enough.

“I believe that ‘burn the bayou’ is something to get the fans excited, something to get the team excited, and it’s just a cool catchphrase. It has no particular detrimental feelings behind it. I love everything about the bayou. I love the exceptional hospitality, the spectacular food and even better people. So, I will say that’s been our catchphrase for the week to get the good luck rolling because every time we’ve had one of those catchphrases we’ve won.”

It’s been a whirlwind season for Mendoza so far, going from an unheralded 2 star recruit committed to Yale, to the third-string QB going into his redshirt freshman year at Cal to now a bowl game starter after taking over the starting QB role with fairly significant success midyear this season.

“I think that’s a perfect word to describe it – whirlwind,” Mendoza said. “At the beginning of the season I was named the third-string quarterback. However, with support from coaches and players on the team such as the guys up here on the stage. I knew that at some point I was going to get my opportunity, whether it was going to be the end of this year, next year or two years from now, I knew I was going to get my opportunity at some point. So, I put my head down and kept on working and preparing like I was going to be the starter every single day to make sure that when my opportunity arose, that I’d rise to the occasion and shine bright with the lights.

“With the support from our great offensive staff coaches, Coach Wilcox and the support of our great players when I got thrown in against Oregon State on ESPN, it was an amazing opportunity for myself and I was able to capitalize on the opportunity. I’m just so grateful to the coaches and all the players for their support on helping me along my journey.”

“Entering college I wasn’t a very highly rated recruit, so I was extremely grateful to coach Wilcox and his staff who took a chance on me. From a little kid, all I could dream about was playing on the big stage, playing in a bowl game, leading my brothers and just idolizing Tom Brady and seeing how he did it. That’s what I wanted to be. I wanted to be on the big-time stage, playing quarterback with my brothers and people I love, and that’s the opportunity I have tomorrow. So, this means the world to me and as Coach Wilcox stated earlier, this team is very special because it has other guys that play so hard for each other.

“In practice there’s no excuse not to play hard when you see Craig Woodson, Jadyn Ott busting their butt every single play, giving 110 percent even when they are star players, future NFL players on the field. So, when everyone else around sees that, no matter what your role is, whether it’s scout team, starter or whatever your role is, everyone sees that, and I think that is what is so special about this team and what provides such unity and belief within the team.”

Running back Jaydn Ott almost broke the internet this morning with his Instagram post stating that he was entering the transfer portal before letting everyone in on the joke and affirming his intention to be back at Cal next season.

Many in this morning’s press conference hadn’t yet seen the post and when he was asked about returning to Cal, his answer shocked the gathered media as well.

“I actually entered the transfer portal this morning then jumped back in,” Ott said with a smile. “No, I’m playing. I posted that joke this morning.” Wilcox interjected: “That’s the worst joke I’ve ever heard!” “I posted on Instagram saying ‘I was leaving.’ Scared some people I guess. Then I posted that I was just joking, just joshing.”

After last month’s win over UCLA marked the end of the Pac-12 regular season, Wilcox was asked about Cal’s final game in Pac-12 and the move to the ACC:

“The historian in me has some feelings about the history of the Pac-12 and the rivalries, but I will say it’s exciting for us,” Wilcox said. “I will say we’re looking forward to it. Obviously, we’re focused on this next game tomorrow night, but after that we’ll turn the page and start preparing for our ACC schedule. So, I think that’s exciting.

“Some new venues, some new teams. We’re going to make the absolute most of it and I know our team will be excited to play. Where this all ends up in the next three, five, seven years who knows. So much is changing in college football we’re really not looking at it in terms of what’s happened in the past. What’s done is done and we’re looking forward to what’s in the future for us and our program.”

Though they play in a different conference and haven’t played in nearly two decades, Cal’s familiarity with members of the Texas Tech coaching staff is strong.

“Oh, we’re very familiar,” Wilcox said. “We had Coach DeRuyter on our initial staff when I got here in 2017 and he was there for a number of years. He’s a phenomenal guy and a great coach. And, then Marcel Yates who coached our secondary for a season and coached Craig. One of their defensive staff members Ryan Conry was with us, so we’re very familiar with their defensive staff especially.

“Structurally, there’s quite a few similarities on how they run their defense. They’re not exactly the same. Any given year, offenses and defenses will be tweaked based on their personnel but I’d say it’s (similar). Based off of practice this couple of weeks we were able to call some of our stuff because it’s the same stuff that they run. They are really good coaches across the board.”

“I don’t have any familiarities with any of the (Texas Tech) players but definitely the coaches like Yates,” Woodson noted. “We had a great relationship when they were at Cal. Those guys coached me up, especially during my younger years of being on the team. I think they were really impactful for me, so being on the other side of them kind of just funny a little bit just knowing we’re going against those guys.

“At the end of the day, they were great people and great coaches.”

Wilcox was asked what he might say to his team prior to tomorrow night’s kickoff.

“Well, we usually have a good team meeting on Friday nights, so we’ll have a team meeting tonight and share a couple of thoughts with them,” Wilcox said.. “I think the big thing is that this is it for this team. Cal football will move forward. We as individuals will move forward. For some guys, this will be the last game here at Cal. Some guys will have an opportunity to go play in the NFL. Some guys this will be the last football game they ever have a chance to play in. What I do know is for this group this is it. There is no next week and so to make the most of that. Enjoy being with their teammates, enjoy competing and make sure that they leave everything out there on the field because they’ll remember this game.”

Though many in the program would’ve preferred the conference stay together, the team's migration to the ACC is also paying early dividends.

“We have noticed an uptick in some of the geography of the guys that are a little more willing to listen in recruiting just because some of the games we’re going to be playing next year and beyond on our schedule,” Wilcox said. “So, that’s a good thing. Cal was here long before I was here and will be here long after I’m gone. Cal is a national and global brand. You can walk through the airport in Atlanta, New York, Dallas, London or Tokyo and you’re going to see that script and people are going to give you a ‘Go Bears!’ We’re fortunate to represent that brand but I will say that some of the recruits that are in those areas have been a little more apt to call back and talk a little more than they have in previous years.”

It’s been 30 years in 1993 since the last time Cal ended a season with four straight wins. Wilcox was asked if he remembered what he was doing at the time.

“What was I doing in 1993? Let’s see here. In 1993, we had just won the state title - the Junction City Tigers for the first time I believe,” Wilcox said. “That’s what we were doing. Just finished winning the state title against Sherwood High School. I played quarterback and safety.”

Wilcox was asked about the mixture of young and experienced players impacting the Bears’ roster this season.

“Means a lot. There’s no profile for leadership,” Wilcox said. “There are some character traits that we all look for and these guys all have them and they’re different ages. The key to the whole thing is that you have guys like Craig (Woodson) who have been through it and have seen it before. Craig, not to speak for him, but probably learned from some guys in his room on how to do it. The Elijah Hicks, the Bynum’s, Ashton Davis, Jalen Hawkins – that group of guys, then he does it like he does. He comes to practice and meetings and how hard he plays and some of these other guys watch Craig.

“Fernando and Jaydn are doing the same so that’s what you really want in the program is that those guys who’ve been through it can show the younger guys the way and it carries forward. We are really fortunate to have that across the board. It’s great to have guys like Craig, who are veterans, and some young guys who see it at such a young age how to do it, so we’re appreciative to have guys like that.”

Suffice to say, Wilcox does not have fond memories of the last time the two programs met in Cal’s 2004 loss to Texas Tech in the Holiday Bowl when he was a young linebackers coach for the Bears.

“They got after us in that ’04 game,” Wilcox said. “That was the year we finished the season with one loss I think to USC who won the national championship. That was when Aaron (Rodgers) was our quarterback and Marshawn (Lynch) was playing, and we had a really good team. We were playing in the Holiday Bowl and I remember the school, the team and everyone was hoping we would go to the Rose Bowl that year. Whatever went on, went on and we ended up going to the  Holiday Bowl and ran into a buzz saw with Tech.

They got after us, I do remember that. It was a great bowl week however, but the bad taste after losing that game was tough. I remember that they had some really good players too and great coaches on that staff as well.”

On coaching the seniors one last time in this game:

“It means a lot just to watch,” Wilcox noted. “In this era of college football, you’ve got some sixth-year seniors. We’ve got some fifth-year seniors, fourth year. We’ve got some six-month seniors, so it’s just different in this era. Love them all for what they’ve done and how they’ve gone about representing Cal Football, and giving themselves to the team. That means everything to us as coaches and it’s all you can ask for, so it means a lot to me and us, and I know it means a lot to the team. Because you watch how the guys play for each other – Fernando mentioned it, Craig mentioned it, Jadyn mentioned it. I mean these guys play for each other and really, that’s the ultimate compliment I think to your teammates. When you play that hard and want to represent your teammates.

Wilcox was asked about running back Jaydn Ott returning a kickoff for a TD against UCLA and was asked if will he be returning kicks on Saturday.

“Well, we’ll see. Jadyn, as you mentioned has been a workhorse,” Wilcox said. “Every game we go into, we know that we’re going to get Jadyn the ball a number of different ways. Later in the season, especially that game, we felt there was a chance possessions could be limited on both sides. They had a real talented, talented defensive front and we wanted to make sure to give him opportunities to make an explosive play.

“He’d been back there and practiced that position before. He’s always been eager to do it. We had just kind of been measured on getting him his touches. We felt like throughout the season, he was getting a lot of touches and he did, but we felt like that in that last game, there could be a chance to get him, based on their kicker, based on the number of possessions we thought we might see during the game, there might be a great chance for him to see another touch. And, sure enough, it was an explosive touch. Great job by the coaches and the kickoff return unit, and obviously he ran away from everybody. So, we will see what happens tomorrow.”

Woodson will be playing within a reasonable distance from his hometown of Grand Prairie, Texas and he's excited for the opportunity to have friends and family see him play.

“When it comes to being from around here in Texas, it’s great to be able to come back home and play. Just having family come out because it’s only about two and a half hours I think from where I’m from so I’m going to have a lot of friends and family at the game,” Woodson noted. “Just having them watch me because I really don’t get the chance to have them come out to California and watch me play so being able to come home is just great, man. Being around people I love and allowing them to see me when they don’t get the chance to do so a lot just feels good.”

Tomorrow’s game will kick off at the Independence Bowl in Shreveport at 6:15 PST.


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Cal Football Independence Bowl Press Conference

3,568 Views | 9 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by bearsandgiants
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Will the teams be using helmet communication in the bowl game? I missed the reason why they were messing around with it in practice. Love the idea.
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Yes they will with select players, including Mendoza common Correiea and Woodson. They're pretty excited about it.
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Are red and yellow the official colors of the acc "cal" brand?
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Bobodeluxe said:

Are red and yellow the official colors of the acc "cal" brand?
The official colors of the Independence Bowl brand
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Thanks! That is cool.
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Wilcox played quarterback in high school. Learn something new every day.
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Wilcox represents so well - and the Bears with him made me feel very proud to also be a Bear!
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Thank you.

But whoever put that Cal script over red should be shot!

*** were they thinking? (Corporate colors or something, but jeez, gimme a break!)
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Hoping Ott is showcased and discussed as an early Heisman candidate throughout the game tonight. Need to get a start on his campaign, immediately.
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