Don't know how to use this site, but Blue Blood passed away July 23, 2024.
Blueblood said:
Don't know how to use this site, but Blue Blood passed away July 23, 2024.
I'm sorry and very surprised to hear this. He will be missed around here. You have my condolences and please pass them on to Blueblood's friends and family.Blueblood said:
Don't know how to use this site, but Blue Blood passed away July 23, 2024.
I assume you are a relative and sorry for your loss. Would you mind posting his obituary here? I would love to know more about him and always enjoyed (well not always) his quirky posts.Blueblood said:
Don't know how to use this site, but Blue Blood passed away July 23, 2024.
'Blue Bloods' To End With 2-Part Season 14 Airing In Spring 2024 & Fall 2024
— Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) November 20, 2023
Yes, those were my memories as well. I think he used to take on Cajun Lurker as wellHairOfTheBear said:
Oh man, one of the OG's from back in the day. I remember how he used to give the furdies the business especially that one guy Stanford Observer (I'm probably forgetting the correct name) or whomever it was that used to come around with his back handed compliments and fake interest in Cal sports. Blue would light him up sometimes.
My condolences to the family and friends, and to Blueblood in Golden Bear Heaven, Roll on you Bears!
oskidunker said:
I always thought he was a student or young alumni.