OaktownBear said:
HateRed said:
Many coaches don't want to come to Berkeley because it's Berkeley. Telegraph and its environs ain't pretty. Add that to the entrance requirements and the candidate pool shrinks. I suspect CAL may have been interested in quite a few candidates, but the interest was not mutual.
C'mon man. Berkeley is a beautiful city that is one of the most sought after housing markets in one of the most sought after housing markets. Telegraph and environs are a few square blocks.
Again. Decuire makes $175K at Montana. (and he was fine in Berkeley for 6 years). If he doesn't want the job (and I still doubt that being the case) how many Decuires are out there making chump change that maybe could look past Telegraph for a six fold pay increase? Guys that may not be proven but they aren't proven mediocre. You don't go for a "sure thing" (and Fox is not a sure thing) when that sure thing is mediocrity.
I can't envision Berkeley impacted Travis. Maybe he was luke worm for other reasons, such as he doesn't want Cal basketball, which is hot mess, to be his first P5 job, and he could use the Cal job to leverage more money out of Montana in the interim.
Does Berkeley, the city or bureaucratic school, impact the desirably of coaching jobs? Sure, in some cases.
But you sell what you are and Berkeley has some good points, such as academics or the Bay Area, which can be a draw as well. You don't want to hire someone who doesn't like Berkeley (thinking maybe Dykes), you want a fit. So no hiding what you are. Embrace it!