So a local politicians threw out some red meat about health care and the over 8 billion the state will spend on health care for them.

But because I know just enough to be my own worst enemy I know this isn't going in the form of some check to illegals. It is going to the providers who are required by law (maybe that is the issue?) to treat folks at least in an emergency room. If to Primary Care it is to provide cheaper preventative care so they don't end up at expensive ERs. Arguably (but I am open to the idea that we need better data and more efficiency in health care) this investment keeps costs LOWER for the rest of us - since providers will recoup the costs of care in some way.

It just irritates me and I honestly feel powerless. I am SURE that the left does it as well but I just can't stand when politicians of any stripe take something, pull it out of context and don't provide background just to solicit red meat reactions.

And I KNOW this local pol. He is a good guy.

I guess my question for the right wingers is how YOU see that issue and (I honestly think a legitimate point) you would allow hospitals to turn away those seeking emergency care if not legal status (or enact some sort of mechanism - not sure what that would look like) so that the cost of care truly was pro-bono/charity rather than cross subsidized on others.