Should A and AA leagues even be considered.
blungld said:
The NCAA should have an independent committee who has final authority with no conference affiliations and whose mission is fairness & sportsmanship--with revenue being beholden to that mission. Call me an idealist, but I am tired of the wall to wall partisan/financially-driven corruption everywhere.
Leftist waster and abuse monkey!blungld said:
The NCAA should have an independent committee who has final authority with no conference affiliations and whose mission is fairness & sportsmanship--with revenue being beholden to that mission. Call me an idealist, but I am tired of the wall to wall partisan/financially-driven corruption everywhere.
Another one! The King knows that only filthy lucre matters in the world now, or ever, for that matter.calumnus said:blungld said:
The NCAA should have an independent committee who has final authority with no conference affiliations and whose mission is fairness & sportsmanship--with revenue being beholden to that mission. Call me an idealist, but I am tired of the wall to wall partisan/financially-driven corruption everywhere.
The Ayn Rand religion of selfishness acolytes (with enabling Supreme Court decisions) have successfully removed regulation and even self-regulation of sports, business, economics, politics, government, the environment, public discourse…. In every case their selfishness and zeal to advance their individual interests will destroy the very ecosystems that allowed for their success in the first place. College football is just one of the institutions being destroyed by the most powerful within it, people who seem unable to see the big picture much less care about anyone but themselves and their very narrow in-group.