Cal Strong! said:

joe amos yaks said:

If Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi stay in power there will be BIG unrest in Egypt and that won't be safe for anyone. Is Sisi clueless or has he learned anything from the events of 2011?

Enjoy STRONG family, eat ful medames and big kushari, drink salep and get to New England, eat BIG lobster rolls and THRIVE.

Sisi government definitely have unhealthy fascination with Cal Strong. Cal Strong followed by minders and have his strong phone tapped by weak cowards.

Cal Strong never feel good after eating ful. Cal Strong get food poisoning several times from ful. But Cal Strong big fan of koshari, mashi, and tamaaya. That being strongly said, Egyptian food WEAK for the most part. There good reason it hard to find Egyptian restaurants even in the most cosmopolitan western cities.

If anyone know any think tank or political operatives looking for strong middle east and/or religion/violence/peace making expert, please connect Cal Strong.

Wife Strong and Cal Strong had long conversation last night. Long conversations strong! Teamwork in marriage NOT WEAK! We decide to leave Egypt one month from now. It break Cal Strong's big strong Cal heart. But it for the best. After 6 week furlough in Sydney, Cal Strong return to USA to toughen up America's thinking.


1. I know that a number of the major universities are interested in hiring people with on the ground foreign service. Including Cal (IGS and Goldman).
2 also a number of the big West Coast international tech companies are often interested in people with experience in certain countries and market areas.