Worst Movie You've Ever Seen.

7,403 Views | 89 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Oski87
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I'm kind of with you on 2001. Never could get into it.

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes comes to mind.
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AhhHHHHhhhhhaaa....sharknado classics!
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MinotStateBeav said:

You've Got Male and School of *ock were very poorly acted films. The story line was shallow too.
Maybe so....so why did you watch these movies to their ends? 8>)
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I'll give you 9 movies:

All 9 of the Star Wars movies.

Foocking awful.
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joe amos yaks said:

Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs (1992) was too brutal to watch.
We saw the 1st half at the Northside Theater and walked out.

Inglorious *******s. I am Jewish and I started sympathizing with the Nazis. Any good revenge movie needs to first establish or reestablish why we hate these guys and they deserve to die in pain. All the more so In an era where we have Nazi sympathizers in the White House and where anti-facist counter protesters at Nazi rallies are the ones demonized by a major political party.
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Superman. Superman has too many crises to take care of and Lois Lane is tragically killed, so Superman starts flying around the earth super fast somehow causing it to slow its rotation and then start rotating in the opposite direction. Instead of causing everyone on the planet to fly off or be killed in horrific earthquakes, tsunamis and 1,000 mph winds, it somehow causes time to go backwards. Superman and Lois are then reunited without Superman ever doing anything about the thing that killed Lois in the first place. Just a tremendously stupid cheat.
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Up until recently, my absolute worst movie was a Sean Connery movie in the early 70s, "Zardoz." But that may have been knocked out of first place (or should that be last place) by the absolutely dreadful "Uncut Gems." Neither of those two had a single redeeming factor.

I would give an honorable mention (or should that be dishonorable mention) to "Dumb and Dumber."
bitter bear
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If we are going for highly rated films I would have to go with Lost in Translation. Normally I like Bill Murray, but that film bored me to tears and I disliked every character in the movie.

Punch Drunk Love was also pretty Tedious. Adam Sandler should stick to stupid comedies.
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Calypso said:

Toss-up between Showgirls and The English Patient. Before Sunrise was also horrible.
if I had to pick two, this would be it. I I feel a sleep during both. With the English Patient, I asked my date what happened in the last half of this Merchant Ivory loser that lasted longer than any Keven Costner film, and she said she fell a sleep before I did. Watched with my wife, to try and find some redeeming value, and then ended-up telling my wife how tedious and meaningless it all was, because she fell asleep. Actually I put on Godfather 2 and didn't tell her. And TEP is supposed to be a chick flick. Worse directing job ........... ever.

Then there was showgirls that got 4 males to fall asleep in a movie full of scantly clad hot women. Maybe it is the worse.

Back in the days of dating, women hood was getting even for every slight made by males, making us endure Merchant & Ivory. The worst biopic ever made had to be Surviving Picasso. Dropped a girl friend for subjecting me to that. And when it came to suggesting something British, stuffy and frightfully dull girlfriends seemed to love to torture men with Merchant Ivory. They made Jane Austin seem racy. How many English upper-class repressed women are there in the damn world? Don't expect any sex afterwards. We men were neutered after the first two hours of these endless movies. They actually blew up a few things in the English Patient so guys would stay awake. Didn't work. Even the women though it was boring, even as my wife noted, she got to look at a young Ralph Fiennes, and thought he was boring and whiny.

But did I learn? Oh no. The wife says we are going to Paris, let's see M&I's Le Divorce.The whole movie is, for the most part, a love letter to handbags, expensive art, and having affairs. Too bad the wife fell asleep 20 minutes in. She missed all the great shopping shots. Everything comes together in the exciting climax for the one guy who stayed awake, when Matthew Modine shoots his wife, kills Naomi Watts's estranged husband, attacks everyone on the Eiffel Tower (sure, why not?) and then Kate Hudson his ex, throws her handbag over the side and it floats over Paris (W-T-F?). But Watts's dearth is deserved for speaking with the accent of an American speaking with a French accent. Why not just let her play an Aussie ex-pat? Or how about Kate Hudson's inability to render human emotion due to recent plastic surgery. But it is an M&I movie - so she should be dull. An insane combination of bad content, bad writing, good cast acting badly, really dumb costumes, lighting that shows Paris as the most dreary place on earth, in the most dreary, long movie. But it also is insanely stupid. Naomi Watts's character is a struggling poet without a job living in her beautiful apartment, all while having her billon (yes, one billion) dollar painting assessed by museums. But wait, there is more. There is a discussion on the subtle differences between French and Northern Californian dinner parties. Well, for one, the speak French in the French dinner parties. I would have never guessed.

Ivory & Merchant owe me 100 hours of my life back, ..... and therapy.
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calumnus said:

Superman. Superman has too many crises to take care of and Lois Lane is tragically killed, so Superman starts flying around the earth super fast somehow causing it to slow its rotation and then start rotating in the opposite direction. Instead of causing everyone on the planet to fly off or be killed in horrific earthquakes, tsunamis and 1,000 mph winds, it somehow causes time to go backwards. Superman and Lois are then reunited without Superman ever doing anything about the thing that killed Lois in the first place. Just a tremendously stupid cheat.

I told my kids about this scene because they are huge Marvel fans so they have watched some of the old superhero movies like Michael Keaton's Batman and Toby Maguire's Spiderman. Remembering how acclaimed Batman was and having liked it at the time, I was surprised how poorly it held up. Spiderman was pretty cheesy. But to explain why they were so well received I was explaining how bad superhero movies used to be and described this scene from Superman because even at the time I thought that was the stupidest concept ever and I don't think it takes a science geek to say "gee I don't think reversing the Earth's rotation turns time backward". My kids thought that was hilarious,,,in a bad way.
Big C
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wifeisafurd said:

Calypso said:

Toss-up between Showgirls and The English Patient. Before Sunrise was also horrible.
if I had to pick two, this would be it. I I feel a sleep during both. With the English Patient, I asked my date what happened in the last half of this Merchant Ivory loser that lasted longer than any Keven Costner film, and she said she fell a sleep before I did. Watched with my wife, to try and find some redeeming value, and then ended-up telling my wife how tedious and meaningless it all was, because she fell asleep. Actually I put on Godfather 2 and didn't tell her. And TEP is supposed to be a chick flick. Worse directing job ........... ever.

Then there was showgirls that got 4 males to fall asleep in a movie full of scantly clad hot women. Maybe it is the worse.

Back in the days of dating, women hood was getting even for every slight made by males, making us endure Merchant & Ivory. The worst biopic ever made had to be Surviving Picasso. Dropped a girl friend for subjecting me to that. And when it came to suggesting something British, stuffy and frightfully dull girlfriends seemed to love to torture men with Merchant Ivory. They made Jane Austin seem racy. How many English upper-class repressed women are there in the damn world? Don't expect any sex afterwards. We men were neutered after the first two hours of these endless movies. They actually blew up a few things in the English Patient so guys would stay awake. Didn't work. Even the women though it was boring, even as my wife noted, she got to look at a young Ralph Fiennes, and thought he was boring and whiny.

But did I learn? Oh no. The wife says we are going to Paris, let's see M&I's Le Divorce.The whole movie is, for the most part, a love letter to handbags, expensive art, and having affairs. Too bad the wife fell asleep 20 minutes in. She missed all the great shopping shots. Everything comes together in the exciting climax for the one guy who stayed awake, when Matthew Modine shoots his wife, kills Naomi Watts's estranged husband, attacks everyone on the Eiffel Tower (sure, why not?) and then Kate Hudson his ex, throws her handbag over the side and it floats over Paris (W-T-F?). But Watts's dearth is deserved for speaking with the accent of an American speaking with a French accent. Why not just let her play an Aussie ex-pat? Or how about Kate Hudson's inability to render human emotion due to recent plastic surgery. But it is an M&I movie - so she should be dull. An insane combination of bad content, bad writing, good cast acting badly, really dumb costumes, lighting that shows Paris as the most dreary place on earth, in the most dreary, long movie. But it also is insanely stupid. Naomi Watts's character is a struggling poet without a job living in her beautiful apartment, all while having her billon (yes, one billion) dollar painting assessed by museums. But wait, there is more. There is a discussion on the subtle differences between French and Northern Californian dinner parties. Well, for one, the speak French in the French dinner parties. I would have never guessed.

Ivory & Merchant owe me 100 hours of my life back, ..... and therapy.

When you mentioned all Merchant and Ivory movies, earlier, I was almost going to respond, "Well you should try 'Le Divorce', because that is a good one."

Edit: So I went and looked at what others thought... 36% on Rotten Tomatoes ("a mixed bag of uneven tones that feels flat").

I tend to like any comparisons of American vs. French culture and this one was good at that in sort of a frothy, "pop" way.

Different strokes...
Big C
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socaltownie said:

My wife and I like a LOT of science fiction so we have seen some AWFUL movies. I guess if we had to chose one it would be


Which was laughably bad.

We had to walk out of slumbog millionaire - not because it was bad but because the unrelentingly horror of abject third world poverty of it was too upsetting.

I was going to mention "The Day After Tomorrow", which you linked.

Ironically, Mick LaSalle, who I respect as a film writer, had just given it a great review, so my wife and I went to see it at the Grand Lake (big old-timey movie palace in Oakland) shortly after it came out. It got off to a pretty good start, but then began to get, as you wrote, laughably bad...

At a certain point about 2/3 of the way through, the characters are freezing and one of them questions what they can use to keep their bonfire burning. A guy in the back of the theater yells out, "Throw in the script from this movie!". The audience howled and that pretty much summed everything up.

Mick LaSalle recently extolled this movie AGAIN (some 16 years later), so I'm thinking he is a better writer than critic.
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hanky1 said:

I'll give you 9 movies:

All 9 of the Star Wars movies.

Foocking awful.

There are 11 Star Wars movies, and you only found 9 to be awful?

Which 2 did you like?
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The porn version of You've Got Mail?
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okaydo said:

hanky1 said:

I'll give you 9 movies:

All 9 of the Star Wars movies.

Foocking awful.

There are 11 Star Wars movies, and you only found 9 to be awful?

Which 2 did you like?
Rogue One is the best of the Star Wars movies, and it isn't even close
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50 Shades of Grey

Eat Pray Love

Civil Bear
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parentswerebears said:

Saturday Night Fever. Just a dumb movie.
How dare you! I saw that movie in the 9th grade and it was THE greatest movie ever!

Now its sequel, Staying Alive, that's another matter.
Civil Bear
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Valleyblue said:

Up until recently, my absolute worst movie was a Sean Connery movie in the early 70s, "Zardoz." But that may have been knocked out of first place (or should that be last place) by the absolutely dreadful "Uncut Gems." Neither of those two had a single redeeming factor.

I would give an honorable mention (or should that be dishonorable mention) to "Dumb and Dumber."
Saw this in the theater when it first came out and nearly blacked out a couple of times trying to muffle my laughter. I guess I prove there is truly is no accounting for taste.

Now again, its sequel, Dumber and Dumberer, easily makes the list.
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Civil Bear said:

parentswerebears said:

Saturday Night Fever. Just a dumb movie.
How dare you! I saw that movie in the 9th grade and it was THE greatest movie ever!

Now its sequel, Staying Alive, that's another matter.

SNF was Gene Siskel's favorite movie.
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Dumber and Dumberer was an ugly sequel but The Griswold's Vegas Vacation was it's equal. And not a fan of The Two Jakes, the sequel to Chinatown
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Which Chainsaw....The original or the remake?
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BearsWiin said:

okaydo said:

hanky1 said:

I'll give you 9 movies:

All 9 of the Star Wars movies.

Foocking awful.

There are 11 Star Wars movies, and you only found 9 to be awful?

Which 2 did you like?
Rogue One is the best of the Star Wars movies, and it isn't even close
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OaktownBear said:

BearsWiin said:

okaydo said:

hanky1 said:

I'll give you 9 movies:

All 9 of the Star Wars movies.

Foocking awful.

There are 11 Star Wars movies, and you only found 9 to be awful?

Which 2 did you like?
Rogue One is the best of the Star Wars movies, and it isn't even close
Oh, you guys just like Rogue One because any movie where everybody dies in the end resonates with Cal fans.

Which is probably why I agree it is the best of the Star Wars movies.

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wifeisafurd said:

Calypso said:

Toss-up between Showgirls and The English Patient. Before Sunrise was also horrible.
if I had to pick two, this would be it. I I feel a sleep during both. With the English Patient, I asked my date what happened in the last half of this Merchant Ivory loser that lasted longer than any Keven Costner film, and she said she fell a sleep before I did. Watched with my wife, to try and find some redeeming value, and then ended-up telling my wife how tedious and meaningless it all was, because she fell asleep. Actually I put on Godfather 2 and didn't tell her. And TEP is supposed to be a chick flick. Worse directing job ........... ever.

Then there was showgirls that got 4 males to fall asleep in a movie full of scantly clad hot women. Maybe it is the worse.

Back in the days of dating, women hood was getting even for every slight made by males, making us endure Merchant & Ivory. The worst biopic ever made had to be Surviving Picasso. Dropped a girl friend for subjecting me to that. And when it came to suggesting something British, stuffy and frightfully dull girlfriends seemed to love to torture men with Merchant Ivory. They made Jane Austin seem racy. How many English upper-class repressed women are there in the damn world? Don't expect any sex afterwards. We men were neutered after the first two hours of these endless movies. They actually blew up a few things in the English Patient so guys would stay awake. Didn't work. Even the women though it was boring, even as my wife noted, she got to look at a young Ralph Fiennes, and thought he was boring and whiny.

But did I learn? Oh no. The wife says we are going to Paris, let's see M&I's Le Divorce.The whole movie is, for the most part, a love letter to handbags, expensive art, and having affairs. Too bad the wife fell asleep 20 minutes in. She missed all the great shopping shots. Everything comes together in the exciting climax for the one guy who stayed awake, when Matthew Modine shoots his wife, kills Naomi Watts's estranged husband, attacks everyone on the Eiffel Tower (sure, why not?) and then Kate Hudson his ex, throws her handbag over the side and it floats over Paris (W-T-F?). But Watts's dearth is deserved for speaking with the accent of an American speaking with a French accent. Why not just let her play an Aussie ex-pat? Or how about Kate Hudson's inability to render human emotion due to recent plastic surgery. But it is an M&I movie - so she should be dull. An insane combination of bad content, bad writing, good cast acting badly, really dumb costumes, lighting that shows Paris as the most dreary place on earth, in the most dreary, long movie. But it also is insanely stupid. Naomi Watts's character is a struggling poet without a job living in her beautiful apartment, all while having her billon (yes, one billion) dollar painting assessed by museums. But wait, there is more. There is a discussion on the subtle differences between French and Northern Californian dinner parties. Well, for one, the speak French in the French dinner parties. I would have never guessed.

Ivory & Merchant owe me 100 hours of my life back, ..... and therapy.
I agree with you about Merchant & Ivory movies. And I agree with you about The English Patient.

However, The English Patient isn't a Merchant & Ivory movie. Saul Zaentz is the one who wanted to do it, and wanted to do it in the fashion it was done in terms of how it was adapted from the book. Anthony Minghella wrote the screenplay and directed, but Zaentz provided the basic creative direction, he deserves blame more than anybody.

I understand those who view Showgirls as just bad, but it is a "cult" film because a lot of people either think it is so bad that it is kinda good, or it is a honest satire. Certainly it is intentionally campy, and sure, kinda bizarre (and really, just wrong) to have that rape scene in a campy movie, but viewed as camp, intentional or not, I think it has a lot of good moments (and hey, scantily clad hot women!).

Yeah, Joe Eszterhas said, "That rape scene was a god-awful mistake. In retrospect, a terrible mistake. And musically it was eminently forgettable. And in casting mistakes were made." Yes, Elizabeth Berkley is a really terrible actress, even taking into account it is supposed to be campy, and to compound things, she can't even spell Berkeley right. Definitely there was a lot of stuff that was unintentionally bad, and some boring parts but (again, the rape scene aside), enough funny stuff so that given a choice of getting paid $20 to sit through 2 hours and 40 minutes of The English Patient again or sit through 2 hours and 10 minutes of Showgirls for nothing, it wouldn't be a close call, I'd pick the Showgirls option. Not that I want to see it again, but compared to The English Patient?

The English Patient -- ugh.
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Valleyblue said:

Up until recently, my absolute worst movie was a Sean Connery movie in the early 70s, "Zardoz."
That ranks high in my list of hilariously awful movies. Two others are "Clash of the Titans." and "Megaforce." One critic said about "Clash of the Titans", "Wait long enough and even Laurence Olivier can make a fool of himself." At "Megaforce", my two brothers and I couldn't stop laughing. We also sat behind a man with his two teenage sons. For them it was male bonding gone wrong. After the movie one of the sons said, "Well, Dad, that's the last time we let you pick a movie."
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English Patient?

I think if I could get 100 movie fans to vote, 99 would vote worst.
I liked the movie
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I think I was stoned when I saw Zardoz during its theatrical run. I dug it. Sean was good in anything and Charlotte Rampling was hot in '74.

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The Lighthouse.
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okaydo said:

hanky1 said:

I'll give you 9 movies:

All 9 of the Star Wars movies.

Foocking awful.

There are 11 Star Wars movies, and you only found 9 to be awful?

Which 2 did you like?
My mistake. The top 11 worst movies I've ever seen. They're all awful.

It's like people collectively decided to like the worst movie series ever made and the nerds who like it try to form this nerd gang to make it cool and other nerds somehow got convinced to like it even though they know deep down it sucks.
Big C
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hanky1 said:

okaydo said:

hanky1 said:

I'll give you 9 movies:

All 9 of the Star Wars movies.

Foocking awful.

There are 11 Star Wars movies, and you only found 9 to be awful?

Which 2 did you like?
My mistake. The top 11 worst movies I've ever seen. They're all awful.

It's like people collectively decided to like the worst movie series ever made and the nerds who like it try to form this nerd gang to make it cool and other nerds somehow got convinced to like it even though they know deep down it sucks.

Star Wars: really good
Empire Strikes Back: awesome
All the rest: zzzzzzzzzzz
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*Joy Bang, best name for an actress, ever.
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Hurt locker. Won so many awards... best friend and I were excited as heck to see what the hype was about. Two hours later, we wanted our two hours back.
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Cal8285 said:

wifeisafurd said:

Calypso said:

Toss-up between Showgirls and The English Patient. Before Sunrise was also horrible.
if I had to pick two, this would be it. I I feel a sleep during both. With the English Patient, I asked my date what happened in the last half of this Merchant Ivory loser that lasted longer than any Keven Costner film, and she said she fell a sleep before I did. Watched with my wife, to try and find some redeeming value, and then ended-up telling my wife how tedious and meaningless it all was, because she fell asleep. Actually I put on Godfather 2 and didn't tell her. And TEP is supposed to be a chick flick. Worse directing job ........... ever.

Then there was showgirls that got 4 males to fall asleep in a movie full of scantly clad hot women. Maybe it is the worse.

Back in the days of dating, women hood was getting even for every slight made by males, making us endure Merchant & Ivory. The worst biopic ever made had to be Surviving Picasso. Dropped a girl friend for subjecting me to that. And when it came to suggesting something British, stuffy and frightfully dull girlfriends seemed to love to torture men with Merchant Ivory. They made Jane Austin seem racy. How many English upper-class repressed women are there in the damn world? Don't expect any sex afterwards. We men were neutered after the first two hours of these endless movies. They actually blew up a few things in the English Patient so guys would stay awake. Didn't work. Even the women though it was boring, even as my wife noted, she got to look at a young Ralph Fiennes, and thought he was boring and whiny.

But did I learn? Oh no. The wife says we are going to Paris, let's see M&I's Le Divorce.The whole movie is, for the most part, a love letter to handbags, expensive art, and having affairs. Too bad the wife fell asleep 20 minutes in. She missed all the great shopping shots. Everything comes together in the exciting climax for the one guy who stayed awake, when Matthew Modine shoots his wife, kills Naomi Watts's estranged husband, attacks everyone on the Eiffel Tower (sure, why not?) and then Kate Hudson his ex, throws her handbag over the side and it floats over Paris (W-T-F?). But Watts's dearth is deserved for speaking with the accent of an American speaking with a French accent. Why not just let her play an Aussie ex-pat? Or how about Kate Hudson's inability to render human emotion due to recent plastic surgery. But it is an M&I movie - so she should be dull. An insane combination of bad content, bad writing, good cast acting badly, really dumb costumes, lighting that shows Paris as the most dreary place on earth, in the most dreary, long movie. But it also is insanely stupid. Naomi Watts's character is a struggling poet without a job living in her beautiful apartment, all while having her billon (yes, one billion) dollar painting assessed by museums. But wait, there is more. There is a discussion on the subtle differences between French and Northern Californian dinner parties. Well, for one, the speak French in the French dinner parties. I would have never guessed.

Ivory & Merchant owe me 100 hours of my life back, ..... and therapy.
I agree with you about Merchant & Ivory movies. And I agree with you about The English Patient.

However, The English Patient isn't a Merchant & Ivory movie. Saul Zaentz is the one who wanted to do it, and wanted to do it in the fashion it was done in terms of how it was adapted from the book. Anthony Minghella wrote the screenplay and directed, but Zaentz provided the basic creative direction, he deserves blame more than anybody.

I understand those who view Showgirls as just bad, but it is a "cult" film because a lot of people either think it is so bad that it is kinda good, or it is a honest satire. Certainly it is intentionally campy, and sure, kinda bizarre (and really, just wrong) to have that rape scene in a campy movie, but viewed as camp, intentional or not, I think it has a lot of good moments (and hey, scantily clad hot women!).

Yeah, Joe Eszterhas said, "That rape scene was a god-awful mistake. In retrospect, a terrible mistake. And musically it was eminently forgettable. And in casting mistakes were made." Yes, Elizabeth Berkley is a really terrible actress, even taking into account it is supposed to be campy, and to compound things, she can't even spell Berkeley right. Definitely there was a lot of stuff that was unintentionally bad, and some boring parts but (again, the rape scene aside), enough funny stuff so that given a choice of getting paid $20 to sit through 2 hours and 40 minutes of The English Patient again or sit through 2 hours and 10 minutes of Showgirls for nothing, it wouldn't be a close call, I'd pick the Showgirls option. Not that I want to see it again, but compared to The English Patient?

The English Patient -- ugh.
yes, Minghella says his model was Merchant & Ivory in reading about it now. I just assumed was because it just looked like one of their long, boring, stylized movies of Masterpiece Theater gone wrong.
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