Studies have found that EVEN if men have their testes removed and undergo hormone treatment, replacement, etc, and take vALL the tests in the world, they STILL have a terrific advantage against females because of their muscle mass..That we even THINK of allowing this preposterous travesty speaks of a once normal, common-sense Country circling the drain at a faster and faster clip....
Quick question for the usual white liberal suspects who are down with this Frankenstein tinkering of the human body....You have a terrific pure female athlete who was favored in an Olympic event....Then, along comes Bruce...formerly known as cute Nancy who manages to convince the "right" folks that voila.....Bruce is now Nancy, and, as a result, will compete against your precious daughter, who has trained 24 hours a day ALL her life to compete against other females in her chosen event....Bruce ( Nancy) competes against your precious daughter and humiliates her so badly in front of millions that she bursts into tears.....Your response????outrage against this travesty or " there, there, Dear....You'll just have to try harder next time." .