Please be aware that information being posted on our forums by community members has not been fact checked. Even when an individual posts something with certainty or as a fact, you're best advised to take that as an opinion/guess or with a very big pinch of salt.
If it's on a topic that you feel is sensitive or of meaningful import to the community, please feel free to send a DM to myself or MoragaBear and we will respond.
And I will politely ask that when people share information here, especially if it's couched as inside information, that they share it as "I hear, or have been told by . . ., or its my best guess based on the research I've done" vs. being stated as a fact.
If it's on a topic that you feel is sensitive or of meaningful import to the community, please feel free to send a DM to myself or MoragaBear and we will respond.
And I will politely ask that when people share information here, especially if it's couched as inside information, that they share it as "I hear, or have been told by . . ., or its my best guess based on the research I've done" vs. being stated as a fact.