Electrical engineer does a deep data dive on Massachusetts death certificates. Very, very compelling analysis that obliterates the narrative that most of the deaths were due to Covid. Spend 5 minutes and see for yourself.
https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/unexploded-bomb-where-the-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-are-really-hiding-john-beaudoin-5579458?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantfIf you'd rather not have your vaccine sacred cow gored, watch the part (15:30) where he talks about acute renal failure from all the toxic treatments like remdesivir that were given to Covid patients. Take the data from Massachusetts and Minnesota which he has and extrapolate to the whole country and you get 100,000 extra deaths just from this one cause. These deaths were of people who were on average 25 years younger than the typical Covid death. Massive loss of life.
But everyone's tired of Covid so we need to just move on and pretend it never happened so that the corrupt and the willfully blind can allow it to happen again.