Stunning moment: At a town hall in Berlin, N.H., Nikki Haley was asked by a voter what was the cause of the Civil War. She said the war was about government interfering in people’s freedoms. The voter then called her out for not mentioning slavery.
The GOP has been trying for years to downplay the fact that people once owned slaves. They also claim slavery had benefits for black people but modern policies have been a total unmitigated calamity with no benefits for blacks.
Democrats owned slaves and the Americans fought a Civil War to free them.
Please keep up. I'm discussing the last 40 years, not what our great-great-great-great grandparents did.
Stunning moment: At a town hall in Berlin, N.H., Nikki Haley was asked by a voter what was the cause of the Civil War. She said the war was about government interfering in people’s freedoms. The voter then called her out for not mentioning slavery.
The GOP has been trying for years to downplay the fact that people once owned slaves. They also claim slavery had benefits for black people but modern policies have been a total unmitigated calamity with no benefits for blacks.
Democrats owned slaves and the Americans fought a Civil War to free them.
The US economy was built on the labor of enslaved Black people.
After emancipation, Black Americans uniquely were met by economic barrier after economic barrier to building generational wealth.
The US Government OWES the descendants of enslaved Black people REPARATIONS.
Stunning moment: At a town hall in Berlin, N.H., Nikki Haley was asked by a voter what was the cause of the Civil War. She said the war was about government interfering in people’s freedoms. The voter then called her out for not mentioning slavery.
The GOP has been trying for years to downplay the fact that people once owned slaves. They also claim slavery had benefits for black people but modern policies have been a total unmitigated calamity with no benefits for blacks.
Democrats owned slaves and the Americans fought a Civil War to free them.
The US economy was built on the labor of enslaved Black people.
After emancipation, Black Americans uniquely were met by economic barrier after economic barrier to building generational wealth.
The US Government OWES the descendants of enslaved Black people REPARATIONS.
Cash payments
I believe something should be done to try and make up for the past's wrongs. But cash payments? Come on now, this is an impossibility.
I'll query you on how you're going to implement such a plan and every time it's going to fall apart in a terrible crumble.
You going to judge who pays and who receives based on skin color? Despite a huge percentage of Americans having white and black ancestry?
How are you going to trace or track when someone came to the US?
How are you going to figure out the percentage of enslaved ancestry?
I do genealogy. My own white relatives can't track our ancestors back to 1850 even if I show them a chart of it. 5 seconds later it, "wait, WHO is this???"
Too much time has passed. Instead, we need social programs in areas that need help.
It is what it is. White people (MAGA) can't stand that we have immigrants arriving today. You think they are going to pay 160 year old debts by their ggg grandparents, which can't accurately be traced? Dream on. That's civil war 2.
You said the US Government OWES descendants of slaves. Can you name your slaves? Can you name your nonslaves? And who do you think funds the US Government?? You do! The US Government is $30T in debt. Where is this money goi g yo come from? We can't even fund Ukraine from Russian attacks.
Stunning moment: At a town hall in Berlin, N.H., Nikki Haley was asked by a voter what was the cause of the Civil War. She said the war was about government interfering in people’s freedoms. The voter then called her out for not mentioning slavery.
The GOP has been trying for years to downplay the fact that people once owned slaves. They also claim slavery had benefits for black people but modern policies have been a total unmitigated calamity with no benefits for blacks.
Democrats owned slaves and the Americans fought a Civil War to free them.
Too much time has passed for who ? You .. you don't see how disingenuous that is meanwhile racism runs rampant
Too much time has passed to connect the sinners of the past to today.
It's unjust to tax generations later for benefit generations later when you can't link the two. Answer my questions. Can you name all your 1865 ancestors? And tell me their social position??
I'm better you cannot name 50% of them, though as a genealogist I'm cheering if you can.
I agree with the general posit of harm and repercussions generations later. Absolutely! But how to repair? Cash payments is a joke proposal as I per rice it's implementation: White skinned people line up here: Pay. Black skinned people line up here: Receive.
What about Asians and Latinos or Europeans who migrated through Ellis Island in 1900. Translation: a massive swatch of Americans have NOTHING to do with slavery.
At least Haley has taken responsibility for yesterday's screw-up.
I'm totally kidding. Per the Republican playbook, she is trying to shift the blame to Democrats:
BREAKING: MAGA presidential candidate Nikki Haley cooks up a truly insane excuse for refusing to admit that the American Civil War was about slavery — and tries to somehow blame Democrats for her huge blunder.
Stunning moment: At a town hall in Berlin, N.H., Nikki Haley was asked by a voter what was the cause of the Civil War. She said the war was about government interfering in people’s freedoms. The voter then called her out for not mentioning slavery.
The GOP has been trying for years to downplay the fact that people once owned slaves. They also claim slavery had benefits for black people but modern policies have been a total unmitigated calamity with no benefits for blacks.
Yes but I've been assured many times that it's the Democrats who were the Confederates and still are.
To me the funniest thing about this story is that it's a softball for the GOP, if only their base wasn't so damn racist.
Here's the easiest answer ever to that question: The GOP has always fought for your freedoms. The very first Republican president believed so strongly in freedom that he fought a war over it because he knew that slavery was incompatible with a free nation.
Instead, Haley and the GOP have to pretend that the southern states were the ones fighting for freedom. In the mind of GOP deplorables, letting white people own slaves equals freedom. Letting GOPers prevent gay people from living their lives equals freedom. Letting them stop poor people from having health insurance or other basic human rights is freedom.
And yes, as you point out Syc, the RWNJs have trouble keeping their stories straight between taking credit for ending slavery and defending the confederacy as some freedom-loving utopia that won the war lol.
Too much time has passed for who ? You .. you don't see how disingenuous that is meanwhile racism runs rampant
Too much time has passed to connect the sinners of the past to today.
It's unjust to tax generations later for benefit generations later when you can't link the two. Answer my questions. Can you name all your 1865 ancestors? And tell me their social position??
I'm better you cannot name 50% of them, though as a genealogist I'm cheering if you can.
I agree with the general posit of harm and repercussions generations later. Absolutely! But how to repair? Cash payments is a joke proposal as I per rice it's implementation: White skinned people line up here: Pay. Black skinned people line up here: Receive.
What about Asians and Latinos or Europeans who migrated through Ellis Island in 1900. Translation: a massive swatch of Americans have NOTHING to do with slavery.
Flawed argument. Even those without kids must pay taxes that support public schools. Why? Because we have determined that it is the right thing to do for our society.
We would all pay reparations if we determine that it is the right thing to do.
Who would receive them is an interesting question: African blood? Or must be descendants of American slaves? And would the percentage of one's Black heritage determine how much they got?
Too much time has passed for who ? You .. you don't see how disingenuous that is meanwhile racism runs rampant
Too much time has passed to connect the sinners of the past to today.
It's unjust to tax generations later for benefit generations later when you can't link the two. Answer my questions. Can you name all your 1865 ancestors? And tell me their social position??
I'm better you cannot name 50% of them, though as a genealogist I'm cheering if you can.
I agree with the general posit of harm and repercussions generations later. Absolutely! But how to repair? Cash payments is a joke proposal as I per rice it's implementation: White skinned people line up here: Pay. Black skinned people line up here: Receive.
What about Asians and Latinos or Europeans who migrated through Ellis Island in 1900. Translation: a massive swatch of Americans have NOTHING to do with slavery.
Flawed argument. Even those without kids must pay taxes that support public schools. Why? Because we have determined that it is the right thing to do for our society.
We would all pay reparations if we determine that it is the right thing to do.
Who would receive them is an interesting question: African blood? Or must be descendants of American slaves? And would the percentage of one's Black heritage determine how much they got?
I think you misinterpreted my speech. Of course they would not have white people line up to pay. Of course they would just tax everyone and throw it into the giant federal debt slush fund.
But when only some class of people become recipients, then they are, net, not paying taxes. And the others are.
So, as I was saying, you'd have net payers and net receivers.
And do you want to know who the net payers are going to be?
Treasury Debt holders, and that includes retirees, foreign nations, everyone. Because the US is going to one day be insolvent.
And it won't be because we decided to fund slavery reparations. It will be because of this:
1. Reagan budget deficits
2. "Read my lips, no new taxes" - concept of a balanced budget voted out.
3. "It's the economy, stupid." No other is as important to voters.
4. Junior, then Obama, Trump and Biden, and ALL of every Congress since, will not repeated Bush Sr's folly - in times of crisis, they will run endless budget deficits, LEST THEY TOO GET VOTED OUT.
Give the people what they want, just like my 1st cousin 10x removed said.
But I digress. At issue is not whether we can afford it. That's a common excuse - not now. The question was whether it's even implementable!
I googled "who gets slavery reparations" and there are many articles. I have not read them. If you can present for me a rationale argument for how this would be implemented (along the lines I first objected to) I will certainly listen. For, as I said, I agree with the concept that harm was committed that is felt upon people generations later. (And, to be fair, affirmative action policies have admitted this and have attempted to tip the scales to right a wrong, or a whole bunch of wrongs. So cash reparations would not be the first repair attempt.)
I just don't think a precise target plaintiff can be identified in a nation this size, this many generations later, with immigration and intermarriage. 2. We can't afford it. 3. It's the wrong repair. Better to invest in community based solutions.
Face it. We're all ****ed in the end. Will it be sea levels that get us? Will The Bomb finally be unleashed? Or will sins of them past catch up to us?
So, I’m looking at the current standings. This is the ad running at the top of the page. How is this possible? Looks delicious.
"I think it should be a slam dunk in the supreme court," Alina Habba told Fox News on Thursday night. "I have faith in them.
The supreme court said Friday it will consider the Colorado matter. "You know, people like Kavanaugh, who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place, he'll step up. Those people will step up. Not because they're pro-Trump but because they're pro-law, because they're pro-fairness. And the law on this is very clear."
Kavanaugh was the second of three justices appointed by Trump, creating a 6-3 rightwing majority that has delivered major Republican victories including removing the federal right to abortion and loosening gun control laws.
Habba's reference to Trump "going through hell" was to a stormy confirmation during which Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault, which he angrily denied. Trump reportedly wavered on Kavanaugh, only for senior Republicans to persuade him to stay strong.
Observers were quick to notice Habba's apparent invitation to corruption.
Caroline Ciccone, the president of the watchdog Accountable.US, said: "Former President Trump's lawyers are saying the quiet part out loud.
"The Trump administration outsourced judicial selection efforts to [the rightwing activist] Leonard Leo and the Federalist Society, who hand-picked the current conservative majority, funded their confirmation battles, and have been rewarding them with off-the-books gifts and luxury travel ever since.
"The former president's lawyer asking judges the Trump administration appointed to 'step up' to shield him from consequences is disgraceful and raises significant questions about the independence of the court."
Michael Kagan, a law professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, sounded a "legal ethics alert", adding that if Kavanaugh "feels in any way that he owes Trump and will 'step up', then [Habba] should be sanctioned by the bar for saying this on TV and thus trying to prejudice a proceeding."
*MAGA has gone into the Purity Test business. What happened to tRump's sentiment?
Trying to get a handle on MAGA's doctrine of the day is like trying to grab a hold of a greased pig. I feel sorry for the poor MAGAS because the playbook is getting too complex for them to memorize.
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