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VIDEO: George Stephanopoulos Viral Interview With Nancy Mace


*I agree with her. Because she is a rape victim, she should be ashamed of her political beliefs. Her 180 degree rotation on January 6th is simply symptomatic of what the Republican Party has become under tRump: a bunch of doublethink duckspeakers.
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George Stephanopoulos' former boss, Bill Clinton, visited Jeffrey Epstein's Peedo Island to play with children.
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Trump endorses South Carolina Republican Nancy Mace - POLITICO


You may be an ambassador to England or France
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world
You might be a socialite with a long string of pearls
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the Devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody
-Bob Dylan
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bearister said:

VIDEO: George Stephanopoulos Viral Interview With Nancy Mace


*I agree with her. Because she is a rape victim, she should be ashamed of her political beliefs. Her 180 degree on January 6th is simply symptomatic of what the Republican Party has become under tRump: a bunch of doublethink duckspeakers.

That was something else.

Honestly, it's time to consider divesting from the US stock market - but not because of earnings or interest rates. These people are totally whacked crazy, they are numerous, and they just aren't going away.
Very sad developments.
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Honestly I see Mace's point. I wasn't aware that she was a rape victim, but knowing that makes the entire line of questioning too far for me.

Going into the interview it 3 things were clear: (i) Mace has been public about her own assault, (ii) Mace is aware Trump is a rapist, (iii) Mace supports Trump.

He was basically throwing her victim status in her face and demanding that she square that with her support for Trump. I'm not a psychologist, but I'd be interested in what they would have to say about how to approach victims of sexual assault and I'm going to guess that this wasn't the most humane way to do it.
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F@uck that. If you are a rape victim who has publicized that fact, and you are a politician, you have to f@ucking own supporting a "Sexual Abuser" (as stated in judgment).

She tried to evade by raising civil case vs criminal case but she never connected the dots (is OJ any less of a murderer because a criminal jury let him skate but a civil jury pasted him with wrongfully causing deaths?).

She wouldn't go so far as to claim tRump's accuser was lying, which would have been one way to answer the question.

Shaming a rape victim is asking her why she wore a Kayne body stocking the night of the assault. It is not shaming a rape victim to ask them why they support, and seek the endorsement of, a Sexual Abuser. The only shame involved is it proves she is a two faced POS.
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bearister said:

F@uck that. If you are a rape victim who has publicized that fact, and you are a politician, you have to f@ucking own supporting a "Sexual Abuser" (as stated in judgment).

She tried to evade by raising civil case vs criminal case but she never connected the dots (is OJ any less of a murderer because a criminal jury let him skate but a civil jury pasted him with wrongfully causing deaths?).

She wouldn't go so far as to claim tRump's accuser was lying, which would have been one way to answer the question.

Shaming a rape victim is asking her why she wore a Kayne body stocking the night of the assault. It is not shaming a rape victim to ask them why they support, and seek the endorsement of, a Sexual Abuser. The only shame involved is it proves she is a two faced POS.
I don't know dude, throwing her rape victimhood in her face in light of her support for an awful human being seems like it could reasonably be interpreted as shaming to me.

Basically you're saying her rape victim status probably isn't that big a deal if she's still willing to support another rapist. You don't see how that's messed up?
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You are now engaging in the tortured logic and reasoning we have come to know, expect and love from the Usual Suspects that post here, a few of whom have been banned for life because they are bat sh@it crazy.

It will be rich when the MAGA crew here chips in from the peanut gallery in support of women who have been sexually assaulted. Maybe they can start a local chapter of the Ellen Jamesians, from The World According to Garp.

*P.S. I think men that beat up or sexually assault women should all be sent to Pelican Bay for a sound beating and rogering. Domestic abusers are treated too leniently and their crime, which rarely gets punished sufficiently, is a gateway to eventual murder of women.
* Here is an analogy for you: What if a MAGA politician that lost a child at the Sandy Hook Massacre supported a candidate, and sought the support of a candidate, that was active in passing legislation to remove all restrictions on the sale and permitting of assault rifles. Would it be victim shaming to ask that person how they could support such a candidate?
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Big C
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Unit2Sucks said:

bearister said:

F@uck that. If you are a rape victim who has publicized that fact, and you are a politician, you have to f@ucking own supporting a "Sexual Abuser" (as stated in judgment).

She tried to evade by raising civil case vs criminal case but she never connected the dots (is OJ any less of a murderer because a criminal jury let him skate but a civil jury pasted him with wrongfully causing deaths?).

She wouldn't go so far as to claim tRump's accuser was lying, which would have been one way to answer the question.

Shaming a rape victim is asking her why she wore a Kayne body stocking the night of the assault. It is not shaming a rape victim to ask them why they support, and seek the endorsement of, a Sexual Abuser. The only shame involved is it proves she is a two faced POS.
I don't know dude, throwing her rape victimhood in her face in light of her support for an awful human being seems like it could reasonably be interpreted as shaming to me.

Basically you're saying her rape victim status probably isn't that big a deal if she's still willing to support another rapist. You don't see how that's messed up?

Unless I am missing something -- like a part of the interview -- Stephanopoulos doesn't bring up the fact that she was a rape victim, he just asks how she can endorse a candidate that has been found liable of rape and then later defaming that person. Couldn't that be asked of any woman (even any person) who is endorsing Trump?

Then she brings up the fact that she was a rape victim... over and over again. I don't see how she is being shamed. In fact, it seemed as if she had a well-rehearsed "jiu jitsu" response to the question (which is fine).
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The best point made yet. She weaponized her own rape in the hope of shielding herself from having to admit that she is the worst type of hypocrite you can find in the Encyclopedia of Hypocrites.
Her 180 degree rotation on her previously stated position on January 6th tells you all you need to know about Nancy Mace. The list of things she wouldn't do to garner tRump's endorsement is a short list, indeed. tRump demands your integrity, your humanness and your soul. She didn't even put up a fight.
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Big C said:

Unit2Sucks said:

bearister said:

F@uck that. If you are a rape victim who has publicized that fact, and you are a politician, you have to f@ucking own supporting a "Sexual Abuser" (as stated in judgment).

She tried to evade by raising civil case vs criminal case but she never connected the dots (is OJ any less of a murderer because a criminal jury let him skate but a civil jury pasted him with wrongfully causing deaths?).

She wouldn't go so far as to claim tRump's accuser was lying, which would have been one way to answer the question.

Shaming a rape victim is asking her why she wore a Kayne body stocking the night of the assault. It is not shaming a rape victim to ask them why they support, and seek the endorsement of, a Sexual Abuser. The only shame involved is it proves she is a two faced POS.
I don't know dude, throwing her rape victimhood in her face in light of her support for an awful human being seems like it could reasonably be interpreted as shaming to me.

Basically you're saying her rape victim status probably isn't that big a deal if she's still willing to support another rapist. You don't see how that's messed up?

Unless I am missing something -- like a part of the interview -- Stephanopoulos doesn't bring up the fact that she was a rape victim, he just asks how she can endorse a candidate that has been found liable of rape and then later defaming that person. Couldn't that be asked of any woman (even any person) who is endorsing Trump?

Then she brings up the fact that she was a rape victim... over and over again. I don't see how she is being shamed. In fact, it seemed as if she had a well-rehearsed "jiu jitsu" response to the question (which is fine).
Totally fair point if it were true, but it's not, so I suspect you did miss the very beginning of the interview.

Here's the transcript. He literally starts the interview by setting the context of her rape, shows a video of her testimony about being a survivor and then using that to ask her to justify her support for Trump.

I am going to go out on a limb here, but I bet that sexual assault victim advocacy groups have some words for ABC and we see an apology soon.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Our next guest is South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace, a Donald Trump supporter who gave candid and courageous testimony about her own experience as a rape victim weeks before launching her run for Congress in 2019.

REP. NANCY MACE (R-SC): From some of us who've been raped, it can take 25 years to get up the courage and talk about being a victim of rape. And the first thing that happens when a woman comes out in public and says she's been raped, what is the first thing out of someone's mouth? Is that it didn't happen. This is why women do not come forward. They are afraid.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Congresswoman, thanks for joining us this morning.
You endorsed Donald Trump for president. Judges in two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming a victim of that rape. How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with the testimony we just saw?

MACE: Well, I will tell you, I was raped at the age of 16, and any rape victim will tell you, I've lived for 30 years with an incredible amount of shame over being raped. I didn't come forward because of that judgment and shame that I felt.

And it's a shame that you will never feel, George, and I'm not going to sit here on your show and be asked a question meant to shame me about another potential rape victim. I'm not going to do that.
The only defense I would really buy is if it turns out that ABC told Mace that they were going to ask this question and she agreed and this was her staged defense. In that case, just ugh from her point of view. But if she was blindsided by this question, I am sympathetic. Even if she's an awful congresswoman with abhorrent views, that doesn't mean that she doesn't reasonably have a point on being shamed.

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"REP. NANCY MACE (R-SC): From some of us who've been raped, it can take 25 years to get up the courage and talk about being a victim of rape. And the first thing that happens when a woman comes out in public and says she's been raped, what is the first thing out of someone's mouth? Is that it didn't happen. This is why women do not come forward. They are afraid."

Ironic in light of the fact tRump and his lawyers have raised Carroll's time gap in publicizing her assault. If the time gap was a convincing argument, the Catholic Church in the U.S. would still have that $3B+ in its coffers.
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Toxic male bearister is right
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dajo9 said:

Toxic male bearister is right

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Big C
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Unit2Sucks said:

Big C said:

Unit2Sucks said:

bearister said:

F@uck that. If you are a rape victim who has publicized that fact, and you are a politician, you have to f@ucking own supporting a "Sexual Abuser" (as stated in judgment).

She tried to evade by raising civil case vs criminal case but she never connected the dots (is OJ any less of a murderer because a criminal jury let him skate but a civil jury pasted him with wrongfully causing deaths?).

She wouldn't go so far as to claim tRump's accuser was lying, which would have been one way to answer the question.

Shaming a rape victim is asking her why she wore a Kayne body stocking the night of the assault. It is not shaming a rape victim to ask them why they support, and seek the endorsement of, a Sexual Abuser. The only shame involved is it proves she is a two faced POS.
I don't know dude, throwing her rape victimhood in her face in light of her support for an awful human being seems like it could reasonably be interpreted as shaming to me.

Basically you're saying her rape victim status probably isn't that big a deal if she's still willing to support another rapist. You don't see how that's messed up?

Unless I am missing something -- like a part of the interview -- Stephanopoulos doesn't bring up the fact that she was a rape victim, he just asks how she can endorse a candidate that has been found liable of rape and then later defaming that person. Couldn't that be asked of any woman (even any person) who is endorsing Trump?

Then she brings up the fact that she was a rape victim... over and over again. I don't see how she is being shamed. In fact, it seemed as if she had a well-rehearsed "jiu jitsu" response to the question (which is fine).
Totally fair point if it were true, but it's not, so I suspect you did miss the very beginning of the interview.

Here's the transcript. He literally starts the interview by setting the context of her rape, shows a video of her testimony about being a survivor and then using that to ask her to justify her support for Trump.

I am going to go out on a limb here, but I bet that sexual assault victim advocacy groups have some words for ABC and we see an apology soon.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Our next guest is South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace, a Donald Trump supporter who gave candid and courageous testimony about her own experience as a rape victim weeks before launching her run for Congress in 2019.

REP. NANCY MACE (R-SC): From some of us who've been raped, it can take 25 years to get up the courage and talk about being a victim of rape. And the first thing that happens when a woman comes out in public and says she's been raped, what is the first thing out of someone's mouth? Is that it didn't happen. This is why women do not come forward. They are afraid.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Congresswoman, thanks for joining us this morning.
You endorsed Donald Trump for president. Judges in two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming a victim of that rape. How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with the testimony we just saw?

MACE: Well, I will tell you, I was raped at the age of 16, and any rape victim will tell you, I've lived for 30 years with an incredible amount of shame over being raped. I didn't come forward because of that judgment and shame that I felt.

And it's a shame that you will never feel, George, and I'm not going to sit here on your show and be asked a question meant to shame me about another potential rape victim. I'm not going to do that.
The only defense I would really buy is if it turns out that ABC told Mace that they were going to ask this question and she agreed and this was her staged defense. In that case, just ugh from her point of view. But if she was blindsided by this question, I am sympathetic. Even if she's an awful congresswoman with abhorrent views, that doesn't mean that she doesn't reasonably have a point on being shamed.

Okay, in the excerpt from the video posted here, it left out their first exchange in the transcript above.

Still, I'm not sure how she's being "shamed". Is it because he brought it up? She had already made it public. Is it supposed to be more shameful to have been raped than to have been a victim of some other horrible crime?

I can't see how she is being shamed here. In the interview she keeps mentioning the same thing over and over, but it isn't resonating with me how she is being shamed.

And then here's her in the video clip: "And the first thing that happens, when a woman comes out in public and says she's been raped, what is the first thing out of someone's mouth? Is that it didn't happen. This is why women do not come forward. They are afraid."

But it sounds like she is doing that very thing, implying that it didn't happen, when she says that Trump wasn't convicted in a criminal court of the crime!
Genocide Joe
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bearister said:

VIDEO: George Stephanopoulos Viral Interview With Nancy Mace


*I agree with her. Because she is a rape victim, she should be ashamed of her political beliefs. Her 180 degree rotation on January 6th is simply symptomatic of what the Republican Party has become under tRump: a bunch of doublethink duckspeakers.

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Big C said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Big C said:

Unit2Sucks said:

bearister said:

F@uck that. If you are a rape victim who has publicized that fact, and you are a politician, you have to f@ucking own supporting a "Sexual Abuser" (as stated in judgment).

She tried to evade by raising civil case vs criminal case but she never connected the dots (is OJ any less of a murderer because a criminal jury let him skate but a civil jury pasted him with wrongfully causing deaths?).

She wouldn't go so far as to claim tRump's accuser was lying, which would have been one way to answer the question.

Shaming a rape victim is asking her why she wore a Kayne body stocking the night of the assault. It is not shaming a rape victim to ask them why they support, and seek the endorsement of, a Sexual Abuser. The only shame involved is it proves she is a two faced POS.
I don't know dude, throwing her rape victimhood in her face in light of her support for an awful human being seems like it could reasonably be interpreted as shaming to me.

Basically you're saying her rape victim status probably isn't that big a deal if she's still willing to support another rapist. You don't see how that's messed up?

Unless I am missing something -- like a part of the interview -- Stephanopoulos doesn't bring up the fact that she was a rape victim, he just asks how she can endorse a candidate that has been found liable of rape and then later defaming that person. Couldn't that be asked of any woman (even any person) who is endorsing Trump?

Then she brings up the fact that she was a rape victim... over and over again. I don't see how she is being shamed. In fact, it seemed as if she had a well-rehearsed "jiu jitsu" response to the question (which is fine).
Totally fair point if it were true, but it's not, so I suspect you did miss the very beginning of the interview.

Here's the transcript. He literally starts the interview by setting the context of her rape, shows a video of her testimony about being a survivor and then using that to ask her to justify her support for Trump.

I am going to go out on a limb here, but I bet that sexual assault victim advocacy groups have some words for ABC and we see an apology soon.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Our next guest is South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace, a Donald Trump supporter who gave candid and courageous testimony about her own experience as a rape victim weeks before launching her run for Congress in 2019.

REP. NANCY MACE (R-SC): From some of us who've been raped, it can take 25 years to get up the courage and talk about being a victim of rape. And the first thing that happens when a woman comes out in public and says she's been raped, what is the first thing out of someone's mouth? Is that it didn't happen. This is why women do not come forward. They are afraid.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Congresswoman, thanks for joining us this morning.
You endorsed Donald Trump for president. Judges in two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming a victim of that rape. How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with the testimony we just saw?

MACE: Well, I will tell you, I was raped at the age of 16, and any rape victim will tell you, I've lived for 30 years with an incredible amount of shame over being raped. I didn't come forward because of that judgment and shame that I felt.

And it's a shame that you will never feel, George, and I'm not going to sit here on your show and be asked a question meant to shame me about another potential rape victim. I'm not going to do that.
The only defense I would really buy is if it turns out that ABC told Mace that they were going to ask this question and she agreed and this was her staged defense. In that case, just ugh from her point of view. But if she was blindsided by this question, I am sympathetic. Even if she's an awful congresswoman with abhorrent views, that doesn't mean that she doesn't reasonably have a point on being shamed.

Okay, in the excerpt from the video posted here, it left out their first exchange in the transcript above.

Still, I'm not sure how she's being "shamed". Is it because he brought it up? She had already made it public. Is it supposed to be more shameful to have been raped than to have been a victim of some other horrible crime?

I can't see how she is being shamed here. In the interview she keeps mentioning the same thing over and over, but it isn't resonating with me how she is being shamed.

And then here's her in the video clip: "And the first thing that happens, when a woman comes out in public and says she's been raped, what is the first thing out of someone's mouth? Is that it didn't happen. This is why women do not come forward. They are afraid."

But it sounds like she is doing that very thing, implying that it didn't happen, when she says that Trump wasn't convicted in a criminal court of the crime!
Wasn't he just asking a variation of the following: "if you really were raped, how could you support a rapist?" I can see how asking her to defend the fact that she is a rape survivor and supports a rapist could be felt as shaming.

I get that there are different POVs here but I don't think it's fair to ignore her subjective experience. I think it's possible that this entire thing was performative nonsense (we're talking about a politician here), but I can concede that she may have genuinely felt that the question was out of bounds and an attempt to shame her. This is a really bad hill to die on for progressives and something that I hope Democrats stay away from.
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I'm calling BS on Mace.

I don't care if you're a rape victim or not, it's not hard to say you're against rape, against rapists, and against Trump because he's a rapist. Or a near rapist, sexual assaultist.

Yet, she couldn't do it.
Further, she tried to hide behind her rape victim status to maintain her support of him.

Mace is a weirdo!

I'd like to add, my wife is a rape victim. And there are other rape victims in my family. It's unfathomable that Mace could take this stance. The rage that exists precludes it.

Mace is disqualified, as is Trump.
She's not the independent mind she pretends to be.
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Big C said:


But it sounds like she is doing that very thing, implying that it didn't happen, when she says that Trump wasn't convicted in a criminal court of the crime!

Oh yeah, that part - "doesn't count because it wasn't in a criminal court case."

And OJ didn't kill Nicole and Ron.
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She is on Bill Maher tonight. She will completely take over the discussion and control the narrative, evade and be non responsive and Maher will back off any follow up questions that could corner her.

He will get schlonged so hard he will need smelling salts. After the show he will take her to a club and hit on her.

*Turns out she is only on the panel not the opening interview (Eric Holder)

*Mace and Ro Khanna were co panelists. It is a show worth watching.
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Big C
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bearister said:

She is on Bill Maher tonight. She will completely take over the discussion and control the narrative, evade and be non responsive and Maher will back off any follow up questions that could corner her.

He will get schlonged so hard he will need smelling salts. After the show he will take her to a club and hit on her.

*Turns out she is only on the panel not the opening interview (Eric Holder)

*Mace and Ro Khanna were co panelists. It is a show worth watching.

My takeaway from watching the show (and this is not a new revelation): That Ro Khanna is one sharp cookie. He articulates really well the good goals of the progressive movement, while not getting caught up in some of its bs. Future star.

(I thought Maher and Mace battled to a draw. Whatever credibility she ever had with me, she's lost it, going over to the MAGA side. And since she does put herself out there as a rape victim, why does she discredit what's-her-name? Fair question.)
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She has two faces depending on the venue. We saw the quasi reasonable Nancy Mace face on Maher.

I told my wife that Mace would have a challenge controlling her facial reactions to Maher's anti/tRump bashing bits in his New Rules segment since laughter is so reflexive.

She guffawed when Maher did a bit about "tRump's 6th term," and at other times she bit her smiling lips and shook her head back and forth in disapproval.

tRump, who is obsessed with Maher, undoubtedly watched the show. I'm sure he sent Mace a spaced out of his head on Dr. Ronny Adderall (sniff, snort, sniff) f@uck you text at 2:00 am Saturday morning.
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Tell the good lady that George is a lying ***** and ABC is getting their aise sued.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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bear2034 said:

Tell the good lady that George is a lying ***** and ABC is getting their aise sued.
Hasn't Trump lost enough court cases already?
Lets Go Brandon 19
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Big C said:

bearister said:

She is on Bill Maher tonight. She will completely take over the discussion and control the narrative, evade and be non responsive and Maher will back off any follow up questions that could corner her.

He will get schlonged so hard he will need smelling salts. After the show he will take her to a club and hit on her.

*Turns out she is only on the panel not the opening interview (Eric Holder)

*Mace and Ro Khanna were co panelists. It is a show worth watching.

My takeaway from watching the show (and this is not a new revelation): That Ro Khanna is one sharp cookie. He articulates really well the good goals of the progressive movement, while not getting caught up in some of its bs. Future star.

(I thought Maher and Mace battled to a draw. Whatever credibility she ever had with me, she's lost it, going over to the MAGA side. And since she does put herself out there as a rape victim, why does she discredit what's-her-name? Fair question.)
Reminder that there is no such thing as a good Democrat and that the Democratic Party doesn't give two ****s about democracy.

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