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Justice Alito Had a 'Stop the Steal' Symbol on Display

"While the flag was up, the court was still contending with whether to hear a 2020 election case, with Justice Alito on the losing end of that decision. In coming weeks, the justices will rule on two climactic cases involving the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, including whether Mr. Trump has immunity for his actions."
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The entire point of the Fed-surrection was to create a distraction from the stolen 2020 election. Congressional hearings on the stolen election were slated to start that week and were effectively canceled after January 6.
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Just shameful. But not surprising at this point.
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chazzed said:

Just shameful. But not surprising at this point.

I know but Democrats dox.
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I don't think anyone knows or cares where Ketanji Brown Jackson lives.
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Second flag carried by Jan. 6 rioters displayed outside house owned by Justice Alito, report says | AP News

*So does Alito throw his wife under the bus a 2nd time or was Bombay Ginni Thomas a guest at the beach house?

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*So does Alito throw his wife under the bus a 2nd time or was Ginni Thomas a guest at the beach house?

They give double upward middle fingers to the USA and anyone who has an opinion about it.
They know that it takes 60 votes to impeach and that nobody can do Jack Snit about it.

Here is the second flag that was flown at Alito's beach house. The APPEAL TO HEAVEN flag, or the PINE TREE flag. (I have no idea who these people are, but I used it because you can tell that some politico types are using it as their unifying rally call.

"And where the Body of the People, or any single Man, is deprived of their Right, or is under the Exercise of a power without right, and have no Appeal on Earth, there they have a liberty to appeal to Heaven, whenever they judge the Cause of sufficient moment." - John Locke

In the rich tapestry of American history, few symbols carry the profound weight the "An Appeal to Heaven" flag. This iconic emblem, also known as the Pine Tree flag, holds a special place in the hearts of those who cherish American values and the relentless pursuit of liberty. Let's explore the story, symbolism, and enduring significance of this meaningful flag in our nation's history.

What is the Story Behind the Appeal to Heaven Flag?

The Appeal to Heaven flag was designed by Colonel Joseph Reed, who served as the personal secretary to George Washington. Originally commissioned for use on six military cruiser ships, the flag was adopted on October 21, 1775. It became the official Massachusetts navy flag in 1776.

Washington's secretary chose a simple yet impactful design featuring a singular pine tree, a symbol of strength and resiliency within the New England states. The words "An Appeal to Heaven" stretch atop a white field, boldly proclaiming an appeal to God to save the colonists from the King's oppressive ruling.

Long used on merchant ships, the flag featured an eastern white pine and soon signified colonial resistance to Britain. General Washington chose the tree as a further symbol of independence. He believed that although the colonists were going against a tremendous military force, an even greater power sustained them. They could directly appeal to heaven without an intercessor.

The Appeal to Heaven flag draws its meaning from the British philosopher John Locke's "Second Treatise on Civil Government." Written in 1690, the work was a collection of two treatises refuting the belief in the divine rights of monarchs.

While Locke's writing was popular and often quoted by the colonial leaders of the day, he wasn't the only one voicing these feelings.

Patrick Henry voiced similar sentiments in his iconic "Liberty or Death" speech, and the Second Continental Congress again invoked an appeal to heaven in their "Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms."

An Appeal to Heaven Meaning and Flag History

The Appeal to Heaven flag represents the growing anger of the colonists prior to the American Revolution. No longer were they willing to surrender their freedom to an oppressive English monarch. Instead, they relied on God's power for justice.

What Did John Locke Mean by an Appeal to Heaven?

To fully comprehend what John Locke meant by an Appeal to Heaven, it's important to understand the beliefs of the time. There were no international courts, and as a philosopher, Locke theorized that all sovereign nations must have a superior judge to rule over the law of the land.

Since it was a generally accepted fact that sovereign nations were relative to each other, no human could judge over all of them. The logical conclusion became that only a heavenly judge could decide right from wrong, grant victory, and deliver justice.

Locke backed his beliefs with excerpts from the Bible, namely Judges 11:27, which states, "May the LORD, the Judge, render judgment this day between the children of Israel and the people of Ammon."

For the British philosopher, the concept of an appeal to heaven meant that when people face injustice and have no one on Earth to defend them, they must rely on a higher power and even take up arms in the fight for justice. Locke saw this as the only way to protect people's rights when laws and governments fail.

When a nation lacks clear authority, it enters a "state of nature" and must fight for justice itself. This sentiment would later make itself into the Constitution, ensuring Americans' right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

A pine tree
What Does the Pine Tree Represent?

A pine tree may seem like a peculiar choice for the Appeal to Heaven flag, but it was a powerful symbol of the day.

In the 1700s, an influx of immigrants fleeing England and Europe meant the Northeastern colonies were growing at an impressive rate. New Hampshire quickly became a major trading hub. Its most abundant resource was trees, vital for crafting England's navy and merchant ships. Not any lumber would do; the ship's masts required strong, tall, and straight wood, and none compared to the Eastern White Pine.

To ensure England had ample supplies for its ships, King George III and the British Parliament prohibited colonists from chopping down white pine 12" in diameter or larger. That meant settlers could not touch trees even on their own land, as they were the King's property.

Although this law was in place, the British did not start enforcing it until the winter of 1771, when a crackdown on the use of lumber came into effect. Law enforcement acting on behalf of the British arrested Ebenezer Mudgett, the leader of the Weare mill owners, who then hatched a plan for revenge. This act was the catalyst for the infamous Pine Tree Riot that would pave the way for further acts of rebellion.

These types of acts would eventually lead to the Revolutionary War and, eventually, the Declaration of Independence.

What Does an Appeal to Heaven Mean Today?

Today, the Appeal to Heaven flag transcends its historical origins, resonating as a symbol of resilience, justice, and the unyielding pursuit of liberty. It reminds us of the fundamental values upon which America was built and the ongoing need to safeguard these principles.

For many, it represents a moral compass, guiding the nation through challenges and inspiring a commitment to a higher cause. Popular among Republicans and Christians, it is seen as a symbol of Christian nationalism, often flying on the National Day of Prayer. In a world where battles for rights and freedoms persist, the legacy of this flag serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring American people and their journey towards a more perfect union.

(the above was provided on a website of a company that sells flags.)

Wikipedia says the following below:

Modern usage

In the 2010s, the flag became used as a religious and political symbol by some conservative, nationalist, and Christian nationalist activists within the United States.

In 2013, the flag was seen at a Million Vet March where it flew behind Sarah Palin in photographs. At the time, commentator Andrew Sullivan discussed the relevance of the flag's appearance, focusing on the connections between the historical message of the flag and its modern usage by political conservatives.

In 2015, the Freedom From Religion Foundation demanded the flag's removal from a county courthouse in Arkansas.

Also in 2015, the Appeal to Heaven flag and slogan were adopted by a conservative religious movement using the same name.

In 2019, Illinois State Representative Chris Miller made a public appearance with the flag to "help focus attention" on a National Day of Prayer.

In 2021, some Trump supporters carried the flag during the January 6 United States Capitol attack.

In 2023, Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito flew the flag at his New Jersey vacation home.
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The far-right justices of SCOTUS become more disgraceful by the week. It's hard for a two-party country to hold a democratic republic together when the conservative party has zero interest in doing so.
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Justice Alito's Crusade Against a Secular America Isn't Over

He's had win after winincluding overturning Roe v. Wadeyet seems more and more aggrieved. What drives his anger?
By Margaret Talbot

August 28, 2022

He's an Italian-American Catholic from Trenton NJ.
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bear2034 said:


Why bother with appointing two more Justices and pretending that we have separation of powers? All adults know that the SCOTUS is merely a rubber stamp. Just cut to the chase, establish a totalitarian regime and eliminate all other branches of government.
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Supreme Court Justice Alito's Beach House Displayed 'Appeal to Heaven' Flag - The New York Times

"Justice Alito declined to respond to questions about the beach house flag, including what it was intended to convey and how it comported with his obligations as a justice. The court also declined to respond.

In commenting for the Times report last week about the upside-down American flag at his Virginia home in 2021, Justice Alito said that it had been raised by his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, during a clash with a neighbor."
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Clarence Thomas attacks Brown v. Board ruling in South Carolina voting map opinion

* If you filled the tray on one side of Lady Justice with Clarence Thomas' self loathing, and the tray on the other side with his corruption, is one tray heavier than the other or is it perfectly balanced?


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The underwear is perfect!
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bearister said:

Clarence Thomas attacks Brown v. Board ruling in South Carolina voting map opinion

* If you filled the tray on one side of Lady Justice with Clarence Thomas' self loathing, and the tray on the other side with his corruption, is one tray heavier than the other or is it perfectly balanced?

I dunno, good question.

What if you hung the combined weight of those two things held in Lady Justice's left arm and Thomas on Lady Justice's right, which arm would fatigue and give up first, dropping contents onto the floor?

See what I mean???
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What if Lady Justice lent Clarence Thomas her sword and when the next scandal breaks he…..

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Alito rejects Jan. 6 recusal request over flag controversy

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chazzed said:

How does Alito control other people's wives?
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By controlling their reproduction systems. You are not keeping up here.
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bearister said:

By controlling their reproduction systems. You are not keeping up here.

How does he do that?
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oski003 said:

bearister said:

By controlling their reproduction systems. You are not keeping up here.

How does he do that?

By denying them their rights, slowpoke
"They're eating the pets"
3 time Republican nominee for President
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dajo9 said:

oski003 said:

bearister said:

By controlling their reproduction systems. You are not keeping up here.

How does he do that?

By denying them their rights, slowpoke

How does he deny them their rights?
Eastern Oregon Bear
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oski003 said:

dajo9 said:

oski003 said:

bearister said:

By controlling their reproduction systems. You are not keeping up here.

How does he do that?

By denying them their rights, slowpoke

How does he deny them their rights?
He's a Supreme Court Justice. It's what they do.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

oski003 said:

dajo9 said:

oski003 said:

bearister said:

By controlling their reproduction systems. You are not keeping up here.

How does he do that?

By denying them their rights, slowpoke

How does he deny them their rights?
He's a Supreme Court Justice. It's what they do.

But how do they do it (at least in this case)?
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Instead of wasting everyone's time with your fake questions, ask yourself: what am I trying to prove by being an unreasonable ass?
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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AunBear89 said:

Instead of wasting everyone's time with your fake questions, ask yourself: what am I trying to prove by being an unreasonable ass?

Why would I do that? Frankly, I am sick and tired of Bidenistas making a claim as if it is fact without giving it any support whatsoever. Nobody here can actually explain in their own words how Alito did any of the things asserted. It is sad, frankly. Once again, you throw in insults with zero substance whatsoever in a feeble attempt to get your coveted cracker.
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Fu$& your feelings, Trumpkin.

Are you really so blindingly stupid that you don't understand how Supreme Court abortion decisions are telling women what they can do with their bodies? Controlling them, if you will.

Cue your equally moronic arguments about full term abortions and other RWNJ bull.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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AunBear89 said:

Fu$& your feelings, Trumpkin.

Once again, you throw in insults with zero substance whatsoever in a feeble attempt to get your coveted cracker.
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Wasn't an insult. It was instructions.

You really are a moron. That wasn't an insult either, just an observation.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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AunBear89 said:

Wasn't an insult. It was instructions.

You really are a moron. That wasn't an insult either, just an observation.

For the sake of your students, I really hope you spend your day actually teaching them facts and cohesive arguments, and that you are simply just too exhausted from doing that to actually contribute anything of substance whatsoever to this forum.
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Are Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas Insurrectionist Sympathizers?

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bearister said:

Are Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas Insurrectionist Sympathizers?

It seems to me that the Democrats and Deep State are absolutely terrified. Good.
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