concordtom said:
It's rare in the course of history that we get to see the revolution before the revolution.
The end is near.
I don't know that the end is near, but I do think that what has been best about America has been destroyed. Given MAGA here and rise of authoritarianism internationally and humanity still in some state of "future shock" where tech has advanced too fast and changed society too much for our values and identity to catch up, I do think the possibility of a horrible palette cleansing war is possible. That seems to be man's terrible cycle.
When either the conservative forces in a society feel that the need to destroy the forces of progress, or the forces of progress force the conservative to change too fast or too much, it leads to the splits we see worldwide and destruction from within that we are witnessing. In a functioning society conservative and progressives co-exist and each know their place, strengths, and weaknesses: the conservative elements celebrate and enjoy the status quo and appreciate the edges of the society were progressives work for advancement. Neither vilifying the other.
MAGA has given rise to conservatives believing that they are the educated ones, that they are the patriots, that God resides in their immoral actions, that they know best, and so much so that they are willing to attack and destroy the excellence in America (science, education, facts, press, artists) that they purport to exult in "making America great" when in fact all they want to do is label the less great as great. It's a movement of propaganda, words not meaning what they mean, and reality being something of their tribal agreement. It is the worst kneecapping the best in a societal wide Dunning Kruger.
The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!