dimitrig said:BearGoggles said:Are you kidding? The entire point of the Belt and Road initiative is to give China dominant leverage over other countries. And I think North Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan (not to mention China's other neighbors) would be surprised to learn that China was agnostic about other country's political systems.Cal88 said:tequila4kapp said:
Your 3rd paragraph is super spot on. I remember when we thought market factors would democratize China. Wrong. Instead of them moving toward us with their values they are using capitalism to try to win the world over toward their values. That's another value proposition in favor of targeted tariffs.
Unlike us, the Chinese make a point of not pushing their values on their trade partners or allies, they believe that their political system is tied to their own cultural values, norms and history and not necessarily transportable. This is a departure from Mao's time when communism was viewed as an internationalist/universal movement. This is also a big difference with the US and western countries, as we believe that our current value system is superior to all others and should be imposed on the rest of the world.
China's mixed system of industrial capitalism and socialism has delivered for them, having lifted them out of poverty and created an 800 million strong middle class.
If the US wanted to impose its values on the rest of the world, we could - by force. How many countries win wars (like the US did in WWII and just leave)?
And in terms of the second bolded statement, how would you assess that statement in relation to political Islam or for that matter Russia? You're a big defender of Putin's Russia and Hamas (political islamists). Do you think their respective policies seek to push their preferred values and political systems on his neighbors? If not, how do you explain the historical expansion of Islam by force/jihad?
I understand that you don't like the noecon approach. It failed, so that fair. But to suggest that the US is the only country that had those goals - or that the US is particularly worse than other countries - is just wrong.
Leave after WW2?
There are STILL American military bases in Japan and Germany.
Not to mention Panama Canal,
We have our own Belt and Road all over the world.
This is xenophobia we are reading.
Really crazy, uninformed MAGA type stuff.
Dude grew up on John Wayne heroism.
The myth of Americana. Our lore. Our self image.
Tequila, what kind of global travel have you done? And London/Rome/Bora Bora don't count.