Ask Yogi if he thinks I'm a Lib….and he is the BI arbiter of who passes the various litmus tests. Would a Lib start a The Town has Major Trouble thread.
Bottom line: Political affiliation aside, every honest, critically thinking adult acknowledges that Trump is a f@ucking @$$h@le.
Matt Taibbi on Trump:
"Trump has already staked a claim to a role in history usually reserved for hereditary monarchs at the end of a line of inbreeding. Historians will list him somewhere between Vlad the Impaler and France's Charles VI, who thought his buttocks were made of glass."
"Trump seemed to make a fatal miscalculation, revealing himself to be a meandering, incoherent racist on a political suicide mission."
"America has been trending stupid for a long time. Now the stupid wants out of its cage, and Trump is urging it on."
"Trump is just a bundle of disorganized urges. He's what a lot of Americans would be if they had a billion dollars: They'd build grotesque castles, bang models, and grow fat."
"But then he[Trump]ran into the total stupidity of America that embraced every dumb thing about him, and that chemically interacted with his narcissistic personality and it turned into this unstoppable force." Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.