Look, I get it, Dems.

You think nuking USAID is dumb.
You think handing government computers to Big Balls is dumb.
You think blaming the plane crash on DEI is dumb.
You think JD's speech in Europe is dumb.

Fine. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're wrong. Whatever.

But that's not the point.

Every administration in American history has done dumb things. What NONE of them have donewhat is truly, mind-melting, pants-on-head, clown-world-on-dope, 50 IQ Neanderthal smoking weed dumbwas paying NGOs to smuggle tens of millions people including criminals across the border, then handing them free five-star hotels, cell phones, and ATM cards.

A five-year-old can understand that was Bozo-the-Clown-on-crack levels of stupid.

That's the new threshold, Democrats.

That's the low water mark on idiotic policy.

Argue all you want. But until we propose something half as mind bendingly brain dead as that, I don't care

Never heard of this guy, maybe some of you had. His post makes sense.