are folks up this morning for a sketchy not funny-Funny, but funny-Sad joke attempt?

backstory --
i punched this out in 5 mins for sharing in the comment section of a web news article "Disneyland measles outbreak leaves many anti-vaccination parents unmoved."

article link is here:

eventually had the idea, for better or worse, why not post it on cybers also.

too soon, hated it, offensive!? i can relate, sorrrry, so sew me.

We must respect the deeply held beliefs of parents shunning vaccination. Thankfully i've figured out a wonderful brand new idea how to satisfy both their ideals and public safety as well.

See, there'll be special "holiday" camps where mom and dad and all their precious wunderkind are entertained however long it takes till they're no longer pariahs. To ensure their safety we'll considerately enclose the camps with single or double 12-foot tall barbed wire fences all the way around to repel vaccinated fools. Guard towers at suitable intervals keep 24 hour watch to be darned sure protesters can't sneak in.

Lastly, send in a couple dozen volunteers who've deliberated infected themselves with various scary bugs. Surely in this country we've got an abundance of patriots literally itching to selflessly put themselves at risk protecting fellow americans, riight?

In a few months, 6 max, surely the vaccination controversy would burn itself out.