Cal Football
Sponsor the Cal Legends Golf Scramble in Napa on August 26th
Showcase your company, family, or trust by supporting Cal Athletes as a sponsor of the Cal Legends NIL Golf Scramble with special guest Ron Rivera.
As a sponsor, your name or logo will be prominently displayed at the tournament with an eye-catching feather flag in the main areas of the event. Your name or logo will also appear on our website and all marketing materials.
We have Gold and Silver sponsorships, as well as opportunities to sponsor "Beat the Pro," Long Drive, Closest to the Pin, and bar and food sponsorships still available. Sponsor or register to play at calegendsgolf.com. For more information, call Brian Yauger at 512-585-9066 or email brian@itc-events.com.
This is the most fun way to support your Cal Bears NIL!
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