BearGoggles said:
philly1121 said:
BearGoggles said:
CalConor said:
BearGoggles said:
CalConor said:
BearGoggles said:
CalConor said:
BearGoggles said:
CalConor said:
BearGoggles said:
oski003 said:
CalConor said:
BearGoggles said:
NVBear78 said:
CalConor said:
bear2034 said:
CalConor said:
Forced injections? Hey Alex Jones, who was forcing you or anyone else to get injections?
The vax nazis were vax deniers in 2020 but politics eventually won them over.
So... that non sequitur is meant to convey that nobody actually forced you or anyone else to get a vaccine? Cool. Thanks.
Nobody but the Biden Administration
There is a poetic beauty in a person accusing others of parroting conspiracy theories and right wing propaganda and then asserting (with complete moral certitude) that no one was forced to get a vax.
Who was forced to get the vax?
People in the military. Doctors and other health professionals. Teachers. Anyone who wanted to get on a plane or engage in many other acts of commerce. Lots of other people.
I'm waiting for CalConor to tell us these people weren't "forced" because the consequence was not jail or a similar bad faith argument. What other good faith explanation is there for disputing this happened? Baffling.
Words mean things, genius. Take off your tinfoil hat, go to a bookstore and pick up a dictionary. Scroll to the F section and read the definition of forced. Nobody forced you or anyone else to take the vaccine. Sure, being an antivaxxer during a global pandemic requires you to make some tough choices, but are you guys all about personal responsibility?
You have interesting notions of liberty. In your world, if the government says do XXX or you'll lose your job or education (and by extension your home and entire life's work), with corresponding horrific impacts to your family, then its is not force. Vladamir Putin and Xi Jinping fully endorse your message!
With Donald Trump taking office, do you want him operating with that type of administrative power? For example in the context of deportations? What if he adopts an emergency order saying it is illegal to buy or sell food or housing or medical services to illegal immigrants with penalties on the seller? The penalty to violators would be a fine - not jail - as well as making them ineligible for banking, medical services, government benefits, travel, etc. Are you ok with that? After all, the people have a choice - they can let illegal immigrants die.
The power of our government to coerce (yes "force") is overwhelming and all of us should be very leery of that. it called being a civil libertarian - which used to be the liberal way to think.
And you really should look in the mirror and ask yourself why your accusing me of wearing a tinfoil hat and being an "antivaxxer". I've explained that I'm not anti-vax and that I have personally taken the vax, including recently. At your request, I've provided evidence as to why the vax is bad for teens and young adults - which evidence you ignored while accusing me of being a tinfoiler.
Couple of things up front: First, Research indicates that the risk of myocarditis following COVID-19 infection is higher than after vaccination. A study from Yale Medicine found that in males aged 12 to 17, the risk of myocarditis post-infection was 64.9 per 100,000, compared to 35.9 per 100,000 following vaccination. So, sorry, but not getting the vax would have put your son at higher risk.
Second, would you say the government forces you to get a drivers license? Because not having a license means you can't drive, which means you can't travel and will likely lose your job ( and by extension your home and entire life's work)?
Third, as I've said, I didn't love getting the vaccine. I wish there was more time to study it, but at the end of the day I, along with more than 5 billion other people, put our faith in the medical community. We were in a global pandemic that killed millions upon millions of people. At the time, the medical community and our leaders thought this was the best way to combat the pandemic. History will prove them right or wrong, but that's what we were working with at the time. If you felt so strongly that the vaccine was unsafe, you could have joined the 20 percent of the population who refused to take it. There were consequences for that choice, of course, but you're lying if you say you didn't have a choice.
The "research" you're referencing without citation appears to be from 2022 and I believe subsequent studies are not in full agreement. It also doesn't include people 18-25. But beyond that, your point might have value if there was evidence that taking the vax prevents a person from getting covid. But it doesn't (even though that is what we were originally falsely told with the same type of certainty you display in most of your thinking).
It is not an either or situation, and each vax is a marginal additional risk of myocarditis (and for that matter other complications). Forcing repeated vax shots - for people who have natural immunity from recent covid - is exposing those people to 100% unnecessary additional risks with LITERALLY zero benefit. Full stop. And that was the exact policy that was in place and you are defending.
And since you are so confident of the safety, can you please provide links to studies showing the long term effects of REPEATED covid vaccinations? Any such studies specific to teens/young adults? You can't - because they don't exist today. And they certainly didn't exist in 2020-22 when people were being told to shut up and get vaxxed.
Yes - our society has licensing requirements that are tied to the safety of the activity being licensed. But if I choose not to get a driver's license, the only thing I can't do is drive. I can take the subway/bus. I can walk. I can join the military. I can work from home. It may make certain things more difficult - but not having a driver's license doesn't LEGALLY prevent me doing anything (other than driving). So your attempted analogy fails in the context of vax mandate coercion.
Your final paragraph and conception of "choice" is just a fallacy that avoids grappling with the real issue. If a person comes to your house and says "give me your money or I'll break your leg", you would have a choice to make. So to you, no problem. After all, you have a choice. And, apparently, you'd be lying to claim otherwise (your words).
I'd be willing to bet you're pro-choice when it comes to abortion (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). You likely oppose laws that outlaw abortion (I do). By your logic, there should be no problem with those pro-life laws. After all, the women had a choice not to get pregnant and can give the baby up for adoption. She should just suck it up and make a choice. Right?
Through all of this back and forth, there are many points you have refused to address, hiding behind the semantics of "force" and false notions of choice.
So I'm going to ask you again - if the science on this is so clear and beyond dispute, why do the WHO and most of Europe not recommend vaxing for people under 25? Maybe the science and medical ethics are not as clear as you think.
This is all getting a little boring and off topic, so I'm going to check out. That said, I guess the question remains, if the government forced us to get vaccinated, then how do you explain the 20 percent of the population that didn't take a single dose?
It seems that when asked hard question you dodge and instead use buzz words like "tin foil" and "conspiracy" and "anti vaxxer".
Most notably, you have no explanation for the WHO and most of Europe support my position on vaxxing youth and/or why the US won't adjust its policy. You have no answer for what "choice" you'd make between giving up all your money or receiving a broken leg. Or abortion.
If 20% of the overall population can escape government coercion because of their particular life situation and strong convictions, that doesn't mean we just ignore the substantial percentage who unquestionably were coerced. You're making a strange - and morally bankrupt - argument that we should just ignore an injustice because it only affects "some" people. Approximately 14% of the US population is black - so should we just ignore violations of their civil rights? Or what about Jews - only 2.5% - we just ignore antisemitism?
I'm not addressing the WHO and European positions because it has no bearing to my argument, which is only that Americans weren't forced to get vaccinated. I'm not addressing your abortion questions because it's a faulty analogy. And I don't see asking people to take a safe vaccine during a global pandemic as a violation of civil rights. 7 million people died of COVID. I guess you think more should die because you and your Ayn Rand fanclub don't feel like you need to contribute to the greater good? What about their civil rights? Should we just ignore them?
The abortion analogy does not fail. "My body my choice" is the common mantra we hear from the people most in favor of vax mandates.
The WHO/Europe argument does have direct bearing because it shows the majority thinking is that repeated vaccination of people under 25 - the people you think should have been forced to get vaxxed multiple times - is not recommended. That is the "greater good" you claim, but it is not supported by most "scientists."
Your appeal to the "greater good" sounds great . . . but who gets to decide the greater good and on what basis? You reject any cost benefit analysis because . . . lots of people died from covid. And you fail to recognize that vaxxed people still get covid and therefore still spread it, so the benefits you claim are even more suspect.
Lots of people - particularly old people and those that are immunocompromised - die from influenza. Why isn't the flu shot mandated? People get cancer (and die) from HPV. Why isn't the HPV vax mandated?
The US and many other "Western" countries have declining birth rates. It would be for the greater good to reverse that as declining population creates a lot of socioeconomic problems. So should we go full Handmaids Tale and force women to become breeders? After all, the greater good and all.
You have provided no overriding principle for when an individual should be forced to comply for the "greater good." Or when they shouldn't. That is what makes your position both untenable and tyrannical.
Your WHO information is wrong. It isn't that they don't recommend adolescents to be vaccinated. What they are saying as of October 2024, is that countries must prioritize those individuals who are most at risk. They do not rule out covid vaccination. Just that prioritization must be considered.
The "rugged individualism" argument is an often cited one. And its probably the reason things are so dysfunctional in this country than in others. Its interesting that guys like 34 and 88 often decry Euro politics - but seem to emulate how the WHO handles public health. lol The greater good is quite reasonably to vaccinate enough people so that herd immunity is established. THIS is how you establish herd immunity. Not through the uncontrolled transmission of this virus.
The declining birthrate is NOT a Western phenomenon. This is happening globally. It is more noticeable in Western countries but declines in birthrate are also happening in developing countries.
"to comply for the greater good" this is so absurd. When libertarians and Ayn Rander's get a health code violation - they scream tyranny. But where is it? Even during the height of covid - I was free to go up and down Shaw Ave in Fresno. Heck, I even went to Vegas in December 2020. Had a great time. Tables were open. Drinks were consumed. My first time at Hells Kitchen. It was brilliant. But did I feel my liberties were being intruded upon? My rights? Did I feel tyranny? Nope. What i did get was an awesome suite at the Mirage and a half full casino that was super clean. What's the problem?
People like Goggles whine and complain that their rights are being violated when they really aren't. And if there is any new mandate from the government - oh, well - fascism! Perhaps they can look at mandates for car insurance. Drivers licenses. Business licenses. Age restrictions for cigarette purchases. Minimum age for alcohol. The right to vote. All that "governmental regulation" that we kinda take for granted. No one is trampling on your rights Goggles. Your liberties are intact. Even if you had to wear a mask. Your argument makes you look like a delicate swan.
And your argument makes you look like a simpleton. It amounts to "I didn't feel my rights were being violated - because I agreed with the policy in question - so I guess no one's rights were violated."
Look at your posts - you engage in an awful lot of name calling and demagoguing. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "tin foiler", "delicate swan" or the like. That is a sign of a person who is both close minded and unable to respond to actual arguments.
The fact that you seemingly make no distinction between an unnecessary forced vaccination/medical procedure and customary licensing requirements/regulations - all while refusing to engage with the abortion choice analogy - also reveals a lot.
And you're just wrong about the WHO recommendations which very clearly state revaccinations are not recommended children or adolecents or healthy adults (under 50). No reference to "prioritization".
Maybe you ought to read below the table you saw. Prioritization is the factor:
Healthy children and adolescents ages 6 months to 17 years belong to the low-priority group for COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccinating them post-pandemic has limited public health impact. However, countries can consider vaccinating this group based on disease burden, cost-effectiveness, programmatic factors and other public health priorities.
Children and adolescents at higher risk of severe COVID-19 (those who are immunocompromised, with severe obesity or with comorbidities) and never received COVID-19 vaccination should get one dose.Here's the link: Scroll down and hit the + button - Can children and asolescents get vaccinated against covid-19?
Tell me Goggles, how were your liberties infringed? Tell us. Tell us how you felt the weight of the beginnings of the Third Reich being pressed upon you. And no, it is not hyperbole to repeat something like that when another poster on here thinks pandemic regulations bordered on Nazi fascism.
As far as forced vaccinations - do we not live in a free market? If a hospital mandates that nurses must take the vaccine for the purposes of containment - that nurse has a choice. Let me repeat - a choice. They can take the jab or they can leave. Is that not as free market as it gets? But let's get real here, hospital workers already had vaccine mandates. Residential care workers have vaccine mandates.
further, there was no database or vaccine passport created which would have tracked who took the jab. So, how could taking the jab be compulsory? For private sector people? Had to be 100 or more employees OR undergo weekly testing. And in every instance both federal and private, there were medical and religious exemptions to any vax mandate.
I did not make the abortion argument so I don't feel like I have to respond to that analogy.
As far as my responses - its funny because one doesn't need to look beyond the Ukraine thread to see how truth and facts are ignored. Several times I have offered 34, 003, 88 to say, "job done. Yep. The Ukraine/Hunter Biden conspiracy was all a lie, but it worked and we got our guy elected". Nope. They can't bring themselves to do it.
And in terms of this thread, though Rodgers is beloved by many (including me) for his contributions to Cal and our football legacy, he is absurdly uninformed about the world. Does anyone really want this guy in front of a camera on ABC talking about 9/11? Sunscreen? Does anyone even want him on Newsmax? lol More to the point, it is also quite absurd when people talk about vaccine mandates like they were the second coming of fascism. Or that their liberties were violated.
One last bit of data. The US military required vaccination. The number of military personnel that refused numbered around 17,000. That's about .8% of the total military personnel. Did you know that only around 8,000 of those were actually discharged? And of those 8,000 - only 50 sought to rejoin. Republicans argued that vaccine mandates would hurt recruitment. Nope. Defense Department surpassed their recruitment and retention goals in the first 10 months of 2023.
I'm trying to find the harm to individual liberties here.