Econ141 said:
HKBear97! said:
falseintellect said:
Strykur said:
PTownYogi said:
Maybe going 6-7 finally won't cut it.
Go Bears!!
10 wins, no excuses, Wilcox on the hot seat
100%. With this move, there is no way this is not his last season (obviously he will do poorly this year, because he has proven time and again that he ****ing sucks). I can survive one more wasted year, I guess. Considering I expected many more. Maybe we can even get a midseason firing- hey we got a great interim coaching candidate in house!
So will Ron cover Wilcox's buyout then?
What happens if we do reach 10 wins? Rivera comes at a critical time to be able to know whether it is Wilcox that drove the 10 win season or one of the new assistant coaches? He is going to have to a .ake a major decision at the end of this coming season.
My initial reaction is "let's reach 10 wins and find out."
- If the question is would JW be offered a fat extension for 10 wins, I'd say "probably" but it's equally likely he'll declare victory and leave for a B1G job.
- Ron Rivera would have an easier (note: I'm not saying easy) time fundraising a JW buyout than Knowlton would. That said, JW gets us to a weak bowl every other year and has done great winning Big Game, so my guess is he'll be given the entirety of this season to sink or swim, given the costs involved.
- It is doubtful there would be a mid-season firing for simply having a bad record. There would have to be misfortune (a health issue) or scandal. But I agree that if he were to resign/be bought out/be fired for cause that Rivera would be the obvious choice to immediately step in.