On Being MicMan

15,652 Views | 92 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by okaydo
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Bear19, Good things in life happen when you let people with a natural skill and affinity for a particular activity do their thing.

Your comment was unnecessarily harsh, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and simply assume you are too young to have witnessed what many of us witnessed back in those halcyon days. Ken rocked that mic, and people got into it because he wasn't fronting. He was front and center, because passion and real heart always win out over cynicism and fake highbrow.

There's nothing pathetic about seeing passionate people rock everyone's world.
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So if you are an undergrad in your 50's who wants to do some things that undergrads get to do, you are automatically a pathetic, narcissistic exhibitionist with Peter Pan syndrome? And we know this how?

Fyght4Cal is correct that in the old days, undergrads appreciated old yell leaders coming back, whether it was Natalie, Bob Tuck, Ben Dixon, or Fyght4Cal. I don't know why it wouldn't be appreciated today. And whether person in his 50's is a graduate or has returned to be an undergrad, if he or she can fire up the crowd, we should welcome that.

And the right person at the right moment can actually help the team to victory. It may not be very common that it happens, but it happens. January 13, 1979, I have absolutely no doubt that the Cal basketball team got by far its best victory of the year (considering we were 2-16 in conference, it isn't hard to find the best victory of the year) because Tom Caselli, the late brother of former basketball player John Caselli, and at the time owner of a food and drink establishment on Durant, from his seat behind the south basket, got the crowd fired up. He spurred the crowd to be enthusiastic, and the crowd spurred the team to beat a pretty decent WSU team coached by George Raveling -- if it had been the days of 64 teams in the tourney, WSU would have made it that year. The students had really rebelled against the yell leaders during football games the previous fall, and the yell leaders didn't do much at basketball games that year, but Tom took matters into his own hands that night and MADE the crowd get into it. There have been a LOT of great basketball games at Harmon/Haas over the years, but that one might be my favorite over 40+ years of watching basketball, all because an alum took it on himself to fire up the crowd.

I'm all for people who love Cal. I'm opposed to age discrimination. Let undergrads be undergrads even if they are in their 50's. And let graduates who are able to get a crowd fired up get the crowd fired up.

And most importantly, GO BEARS!!
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Do the micmen have a coach or something along those lines? If they dont, maybe they should.
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Wow, you guys know how to make a guy feel good and really have a week go out in style. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the thoughtful comments. Ellen had been asking me for a couple of years to post something like this, but I've held off because, I don't know, I just haven't wanted it to seem like I'm bitter or begging for something. So it took a while to get my thoughts in order.

And don't be too hard on Bear19, heck i AM a bit of a narcissist... and you know, I live my life out in the open (Hey, you all know I am ken, no chatboard anonymity for me); all my social is open, and i like leading crowds... so can't really argue with being called an exhibionist. And to be honest, my favorite song is Sinatra's Young at Heart... so no, I don't want to "grow up." I might head global communciations for a 10,000 person technology company, but i fist bump say dude and laugh at farts... so it all seems to work.

OK, I take a little offense at pathetic and I literally don't have a family, so he missed the boat on me having anyone to embarrass, other than myself.

In any event, we'll see what happens. Just to respond to a few of the posts..

- no, nobody has asked me to do this. But then nobody asked me back in 1990 either.
- thanks to my fellow students, including players and former players, who have posted :-)
- 92gobears92 - that day was a seminal moment in my life. I really believe it had, easily, the greatest formative effect on my life.
- BearBoarBlarney, i have posted that video at teh bottom. For everyone, prior to the USC game we went around to all the Sororities on a Monday night and got them to do cheers, for a video we would then have for Big Game Week. I think it's a fun kind of video time capsule.
- KAB, we are LONG overdue for drinks under the Banyon Tree at the Moana Surfrider!
- SebastaBear, you honor me. I keep WAY better compay than I deserve.

ANyway, blah blah blah blah blah. Again, thanks for all the comments and keeping this a rare on topic and positive thread.

Let's go out there and BEAT USC!!!


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fiat ken!
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Ken, I've had the pleasure to watch football and basketball games with you. And it's always so enjoyable. You know a lot about the university. you know a lot about the team, the history, the sport even! It gets me pumped up talking to you about this. Hearing about the story of the Mic Man issue, I think it's a shame they put you through it. I'm not saying that these mic men are incompetent at their jobs. They've improved dramatically. But, why don't we have the ONE guy who established the mic man program to come back and lead some cheers for a few games to a season. The students will be THRILLED to have this.
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As a current student who came to Cal knowing little about Cal athletics or our traditions, I can now honestly say that Ken embodies all that is good about Cal athletics. He is so welcoming and friendly to every student he encounters. Ken has a contagious passion for Cal that excites all who interact with him- including the students who sit around him. During the Ole Miss game, he started a conversation with new freshman students sitting behind us, told them his story when they asked, and made them feel at home at Memorial Stadium. At the end of the Ole Miss game, Ken's genuine nervousness and excitement after each play made the game more enjoyable for me. I really hope he gets the chance to Micman again, and I know other students feel the same way. (In fact, a friend of mine said they will buy a ticket to a football game if Ken ever gets the chance just to see the legend in action)
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If the students reading this would yell, Ken Mont Gom Ry (clap, clap)(clap,clap,clap), maybe that would allow him on the boards to lead cheers.

He REALLY MUST lead cheers for this $C game.


Cal-i-for-nia. (Clap, Clap)(Clap, Clap, Clap)

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Having gone to the two biggest games at Memorial in 1991 (UW, USC), and having known fiatlux himself, Ken Montgomery, for almost two decades now, I can reiterate the obvious: Everyone from the old days would love to see him return to the Mic. But going to the Ole Miss game last weekend, I saw firsthand that the current generation that makes up most of the Cal student body has the same love for him. Walking up to the stadium, he twice called out to injured Bear players, each of whom looked up, saw him, and called back with a smile that was euphoric. Was that because of his regular interactions with the team? Or because they had looked up into the stands in Chapel Hill and saw his rather recognizable presence exulting that his 6,000 mile roundtrip sojourn had been rewarded? Probably both. Once in the stadium in the student section, a jocular "you're a student?!" was met with his story, which resulted in Ken's hearing back about how totally cool his story was.

Of course, none of this should be surprising: when you attract a very intelligent, diverse student body and instill the value in them that wonderful, talented people come in all packages, you would be horrified if they said, "well, yeah, but not someone older than us." Here's hoping Cal does what we all know it should do: return Ken to the mic!
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KickBallFar42 said:

As a current football player and a personal friend of Ken. I would love to see him up as the MicMan again. Hearing all the amazing stories and how awesome of a job he did, I would love to experience the legendary MicMan myself. I also have the general feel of the locker room and we would love to have Ken back! #MakeMicManGreatAgain
Dylan so cool you posted here!! We had a class together last fall. you seem like a cool guy. Man would be so cool if you guys on the team could get Ken on the mic. You should talk to Coach Wilcox. BEAT SC!!!!
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Unreal that Ken is being blackballed. His involvement would improve the game experience tremendously and it wouldn't cost Cal a dime. If not on the mic at least let the GOAT coach these kids up. So many cheers and traditions lost through the years and nobody gives a ***** Typical Cal bs. Would do anything to hear a little "That is the only song you know, it's boring and it's slow, we'd really wish you'd go, your sister can't say no, your mother is a ....."
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nycbear said:

Unreal that Ken is being blackballed. His involvement would improve the game experience tremendously and it wouldn't cost Cal a dime. If not on the mic at least let the GOAT coach these kids up. So many cheers and traditions lost through the years and nobody gives a ***** Typical Cal bs. Would do anything to hear a little "That is the only song you know, it's boring and it's slow, we'd really wish you'd go, your sister can't say no, your mother is a ....."

Are you presently at The Australian? If not, why?
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TheFiatLux said:

And don't be too hard on Bear19, heck i AM a bit of a narcissist... and you know, I live my life out in the open (Hey, you all know I am ken, no chatboard anonymity for me); all my social is open, and i like leading crowds... so can't really argue with being called an exhibionist. And to be honest, my favorite song is Sinatra's Young at Heart... so no, I don't want to "grow up." I might head global communciations for a 10,000 person technology company, but i fist bump say dude and laugh at farts... so it all seems to work.

All Class....Bear19, please take note. I love when people are diehard, non fairweather fans and will always root for them.
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I stand corrected. "Pathetic" was over the line. If Mrs. Ken is OK with all this and the students are as well, then so be it.
Bear 19
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Bear19 said:

Sorry Ken, narcissism combined with exhibitionism in a 50+ year old is, well, is pathetic. Did any of the current mic students invite you to lead cheers? Time to grow up Peter Pan. Stop embarrassing your family.

Yikes. Nasty life you've lived? If you are young, what a cynical place to start. If you are old, what a narrow place to end. Only one way to be in the world?
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I met Ken at a rugby game last fall. I had, however, previously "followed" him on Facebook because I always found his remarks to be positive to Cal, and insightful. When I met him at the rugby game, he was everything I expected.

There are a couple of things I'd like to share: First, I think the current mic-men are trying. The problem is two fold: One: I am not sure anyone has ever given them any instructions on how to lead yells. Small schools can do multiple syllable yells and they can sound OK. Cal has a huge student section and multiple syllable yells just come out like a giant slur. As an example, instead of the "Defense Bears, Defense clap clap", a simple "Defense Bears" would sound louder and more coordinated. Two and three syllable yells like "Go Bears", "Beat $.C or Beat stanford" (whatever happened to that simply yell?) sound strong and synchronized. When the defense comes off the field, a "Cal Defense Great" would be awesome and also give the defense (or offense if you change the yell) some nice recognition. Also, you have to have some sort of charisma to be able to motivate thousands of students. Just getting up and trying to lead a yell isn't going to work. And a sense of timing and knowing the game is an absolute necessity. Ken knows all these things. I'd like to see him able to at least participate in occasional leading of yells at the games, and some training. Man, I remember the Cal section doing the Haka which, even though is multiple syllables, was awesome in the day. Ken is a positive guy, knows the game, has the charisma, and could help pass the torch to the younger folks.

Another factor is the taking over of the game day experience by Cal marketing. There were a few times yesterday, and I recall a time or two during the Ole Miss game where I thought the student section wanted to do something (in particular the cross field "Go Bears!" where the piped in ________ (you can insert your own word/description) totally drowned them out, and took the wind out of their sails. Not to mention that Cal Band would love to play, but the AD has made Cal Band an afterthought. Without the overloud and obnoxious music and effects, the students would be just fine, and Cal Band could help get them pumped if the marketing department would just give the game back to them. We do not need 3 year olds doing Bear Growls, nor kiss cams, bear hugs or karaoke. Give the game day back to the student section and Cal Band. They'll do just fine if they get some direction and an opportunity.

Keep up the good fight, Ken ("Fight for California"). And if anyone has ideas of who to contact, I'm willing to do my part.
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TomBear said:

We do not need 3 year olds doing Bear Growls, nor kiss cams, bear hugs or karaoke. Give the game day back to the student section and Cal Band. They'll do just fine if they get some direction and an opportunity.

Keep up the good fight, Ken ("Fight for California"). And if anyone has ideas of who to contact, I'm willing to do my part.
I've known Ken for close to 30 years. All of the things mentioned here are pretty much spot on. In some ways I'd love for him to lead the cheers again, but what I really would like is for him to "coach" the current Mic Men. To some extent I see the Cal Athletics Marketing Department issues.....a more involved Ken probably means less to sell and less revenue. Frankly, if that is the case, it's stupid.

I've highlighted the above because I actually think it would be awesome as all heck for him to lead the 3 year olds doing the the Bear Growls. He'd fire them up and to some extent fire up the crowd.
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gobears725 said:

Do the micmen have a coach or something along those lines? If they dont, maybe they should.

Doesn't matter. People hate to hear this but being a mic man comes down to natural ability. Many cannot handle that hard work cannot make up for one's lack of ability. Please do not misunderstand hard work is its own skill, but hard work without ability is simply hard work.
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A couple suggestions

I remember a guy who would climb the pole and lead a cheer each game
When he came down security would promptly take him away
It got the crowd going every time
I'm not suggesting Ken climb the pole
Just that one thing to keep the crowd going, especially in the second half or when things are looking bad is something different or someone different ... Ken could be the new "unofficial' micman standing up on the platform and leading one cheer every game. I would thing the current micmen/women would welcome his guest appearance in the second half.

Another idea is he can be the mic man for the west side. The cheerleaders go to the east side so maybe he could accompany them is he didn't want to be the full time west side mic man
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I just can't wrap my head around those who are against Ken being a part of the mic mean of Cal?! Why not give him a half? Or even a quarter to see how the crowd responds?

The Cal tradition of having a mic man is one of the best I have seen, and when I met Ken for the first time at the Stanford bonfire when he announced the football team, I realized how special a person he really is! Cal is such a unique school and for outsiders who only knew of the SEC experience (me), I couldn't believe everything Cal had to offer on game days. Ken needs to be one of those things that people get to experience. Ken is a loud and proud Cal fan.... and now he's a student!!! How awesome of a story it could be!

Cal represents diversity. Why would they not embrace something different? Something that no other school has done? Someone that every other school would be lucky to claim!! Seriously. Realize how lucky you are to have this guy in your corner. He makes the world a better place... every single day. You don't have to like him or you may think he's a narcissist, but there is no denying his love for everything Cal and his love for people. You bring those aspects together at Cal football games and it would be an unforgettable experience for the fans.
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Ken, if it would be of any help, I'd be happy to write you a letter of recommendation.

We've never spent any time together in person, partly due to missed connections, but I recognize you as a kindred spirit, in terms of unbridled allegiance to your alma mater, as misguided as that may be.
May you stay forever young.

Congrats on your progress toward your degree. You have a bright future.
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GaryT said:

Ken, if it would be of any help, I'd be happy to write you a letter of recommendation.

We've never spent any time together in person, partly due to missed connections, but I recognize you as a kindred spirit, in terms of unbridled allegiance to your alma mater, as misguided as that may be.
May you stay forever young.

Congrats on your progress toward your degree. You have a bright future.
For better or worse, I predict this is about to become a news story.
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Ken, as a full-time student at Cal, you are just as entitled to try out for this position as any other student. What we have here is a basic case of age discrimination, this shouldn't stand.

Just stating the obvious here, which hasn't been done two pages into this thread.
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Ken, you're going about this all wrong. Instead of saying you're a MicMan legend with an excellent record and ample fan/player support who is willing to volunteer your time and energy out of deep love for the school, just tell the department you're a consultant and charge them. Boom. Done. Problem solved.
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Bear19 said:

I stand corrected. "Pathetic" was over the line. If Mrs. Ken is OK with all this and the students are as well, then so be it.

You're an ignorant fool in so many ways. If you're relatively new around here, best to keep your mouth shut for awhile so you don't embarrass yourself.
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GaryT said:

Ken, if it would be of any help, I'd be happy to write you a letter of recommendation.

We've never spent any time together in person, partly due to missed connections, but I recognize you as a kindred spirit, in terms of unbridled allegiance to your alma mater, as misguided as that may be.
May you stay forever young.

Congrats on your progress toward your degree. You have a bright future.
This right here is what i love about life!!

Gary, I seem to remember, and I could be wrong, that we met at one of Tom and Lauren's bi-annual Big Game tailgates?!??

This is just awesome, thank you! And of course, GO BEARS!!!
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Bear19 said:

I stand corrected. "Pathetic" was over the line. If Mrs. Ken is OK with all this and the students are as well, then so be it.

Well done. Takes being a big bear to do that.
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gobears725 said:

Do the micmen have a coach or something along those lines? If they dont, maybe they should.

Good idea. Our micman on Saturday....I hate to criticize young people but he didnt seem like he had to qualify/compete for his job is the best way I can put it.
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I have a meeting with some folks next week. We'll see how that goes and I'll be sure (of course) to keep folks posted.

I really appreciate all of the thoughts!

Oh, a Campanile shot from today.

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Really love your Campanile photos! You could publish a book
Cal-i-for-nia. (Clap, Clap)(Clap, Clap, Clap)

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GMP said:

KickBallFar42 said:

As a current football player and a personal friend of Ken. I would love to see him up as the MicMan again. Hearing all the amazing stories and how awesome of a job he did, I would love to experience the legendary MicMan myself. I also have the general feel of the locker room and we would love to have Ken back! #MakeMicManGreatAgain
Yeah, but, you're just a punter.

Go Bears!
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Chapman_is_Gone said:

Bear19 said:

I stand corrected. "Pathetic" was over the line. If Mrs. Ken is OK with all this and the students are as well, then so be it.

You're an ignorant fool in so many ways. If you're relatively new around here, best to keep your mouth shut for awhile so you don't embarrass yourself.

Hey, now that is over the line.

I've apologized for saying this whole thing was pathetic, and I'm clearly in a minority of one regarding the original post.

If the current mic/men reaffirm that Ken is better off in the stands, then I support them 100%. I would venture that each "generation" of Cal mic/men generally thinks the way they did things is best.

Time as a Cal student is limited, and Ken WAS a mic/man while at Cal. 50+ year olds did not try to decrease Ken's time on the mic then, so Ken should be a better man by extending the current mic/men the same courtesy. I think that is the appropriate outcome here.

If Ken or you think Ken should lead cheers because the current mic/men are ignorant of the "right" way to cheer, then I posit that you've fallen victim to the "back in the old days we did it RIGHT" syndrome. There is no "right" way to cheer, just ways that each of us prefer. Since Ken offered his cheering expertise, and it was not accepted, the courteous thing to do is say "thank you" and be on his way. Continuing to impose himself on the mic/men is wrong.

Btw, I advocate "mic/people" and including women. The mic/men tradition harkens back to a time when women were clearly second class citizens. Discrimination against women who love Cal & want to lead cheers is also wrong.
Bear 19
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Bear19 said:

If Ken or you think Ken should lead cheers because the current mic/men are ignorant of the "right" way to cheer, then I posit that you've fallen victim to the "back in the old days we did it RIGHT" syndrome. There is no "right" way to cheer, just ways that each of us prefer. Since Ken offered his cheering expertise, and it was not accepted, the courteous thing to do is say "thank you" and be on his way. Continuing to impose himself on the mic/men is wrong.
There's certainly a wrong way to cheer, such as leading the WRONG CHEER.

Case in point, it's 3rd down, and we come up a yard short. It's close, but the refs signal 4th down, the chains stay put, and the scoreboard says 4th and 1, but what do I hear? "First and ten, do it again".

Nobody wants to be lead by people who they perceive to be less knowledgable than themselves.
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Bear19 said:

Chapman_is_Gone said:

Bear19 said:

I stand corrected. "Pathetic" was over the line. If Mrs. Ken is OK with all this and the students are as well, then so be it.

You're an ignorant fool in so many ways. If you're relatively new around here, best to keep your mouth shut for awhile so you don't embarrass yourself.

Hey, now that is over the line.

I've apologized for saying this whole thing was pathetic, and I'm clearly in a minority of one regarding the original post.

If the current mic/men reaffirm that Ken is better off in the stands, then I support them 100%. I would venture that each "generation" of Cal mic/men generally thinks the way they did things is best.

Time as a Cal student is limited, and Ken WAS a mic/man while at Cal. 50+ year olds did not try to decrease Ken's time on the mic then, so Ken should be a better man by extending the current mic/men the same courtesy. I think that is the appropriate outcome here.

If Ken or you think Ken should lead cheers because the current mic/men are ignorant of the "right" way to cheer, then I posit that you've fallen victim to the "back in the old days we did it RIGHT" syndrome. There is no "right" way to cheer, just ways that each of us prefer. Since Ken offered his cheering expertise, and it was not accepted, the courteous thing to do is say "thank you" and be on his way. Continuing to impose himself on the mic/men is wrong.

Btw, I advocate "mic/people" and including women. The mic/men tradition harkens back to a time when women were clearly second class citizens. Discrimination against women who love Cal & want to lead cheers is also wrong.

Bear19 I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't just trolling us, but there are several errors in what you wrote. To wit:

1. I can't tell what you are saying in your final paragraph - are you objecting to women not being eligible to lead cheers or the use of the term "micman". If your point is the former, there are micwomen and there have been for years. One of the most famous Cal "micmen" of all time was a woman. If the latter, I'm not sure why you yourself would use "mic/men" throughout your post. The term micmen doesn't mean only men any more than "mankind" only covers those with a Y chromosone or women can't be a "mailman."

2. No one, including Ken, is advocating he be the only micman. This job is mostly done by committee, particularly during the early "try out" part of the season. He should just be one of the group. If he's involved he isn't "taking someone else's job". He's just adding to the mix and probably leading a few cheers when there would otherwise be dead silence,

3. The reason Ken is even eligible to fill this role is because he didn't get his degree back in the 90s. So he didn't really have his day, as you imply. To use a term we all know, "he still has a year of eligibility."

4. This isn't a question of the "old way" or the "new way". This really is a question of the "right way". There are traditional cheers. If you don't know them, know the cadence and know the timing you can't lead them. This is wholly separate from the idea of who has the charisma to pull this off. Ken luckily has both.

5. The idea that the students/ micmen made this call is false. You seem to believe that the current kids are unhappy with some grumpy old man infringing on their gig. That's just wrong. The ones opposing this seem to exclusively be grumpy old people in the administration. They don't even pretend to be speaking for the students because they aren't.

Anyway, I realize it's hard to have this debate with a bunch on this board who have spent decades obsessing on every detail of Cal football, but what you wrote makes it clear that you have not. You probably are a healthier person for it, but I would have hoped reading this thread, if nothing else, would have given you some context.
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