calumnus said:
socaliganbear said:
IMO Cal should reduce capacity of Haas, and reconfigure the arena for better fan experience and wider concourse. SMU's Moody coliseum is a good example of a practical remodel, capacity reduction, practice facility addition and modernization.
We should not reduce capacity but we should reconfigure to increase the size and position of the student section.
Many, many great historic college programs play in what amount to "oversized high school gyms" that have been expanded and modernized like Haas. Rather than spend $100 million on a new gym, throw $5 million a year at Mark Few. People will then rave about our "atmosphere."
A dedicated practice facility that players can access anytime is a legit need. One of the courts at RSF, Clark Kerr or Hearst or even just Haas itself should have been designated a long time ago. With the tearing down of Edwards Stadium, I hope we make plans for one.
After the remodel and the new scoreboard, I think Haas is fine as a basketball structure
However there are things we should do to improve the player and fan experience that don't cost $10M
Some examples:
A player lounge - if we have a player lounge, I haven't seen it. A lounge with all the modern amenities is a fraction of the cost of a Haas renovation or practice facility. A lead donor alum could attach their name to it. How about the "Jason Kidd Cal Basketball Lounge"
Moving the retired jersey's inside the arena - the wood panels are nice, and could be used to recognize star former players, but it's not fit for retired jerseys. I like the photos of the cal athletes now on the walls, but if we reorganize them we could clear up space for some new former player graphics.
Close the front lounge and repurpose the space - this was the worst change ever! It eliminated the Cal store which was a focal point before and after games, and people buying cal basketball gear and walking around campus and town is free marketing/branding. If they don't want to restore the store, they could convert the space to a permanent sales popup and restore the trophy case display. Right now, you walk into Haas and are welcomed by a wall
Restoring the student baseline benches - Removing the front lounge also means we can close off the two doors that lead to the lounge, and restore an uninterrupted student bench. It really killed the fun and energy for our students when they broke up the student seats for those doors.
Player promotions - - they've added some new branding and prior player graphics around the halls of Haas. That was a good start. More please! How nice would it be to have Bradley and Kelly's banner hanging outside of Haas?
Upgraded locker room - I think the current locker room is pretty good, but a few new flourishes and amenities could go a long way at a small cost. Could just be refurbishing some older cabinets or replacing some fixtures.
Throw in some fun - add a selfie station. Add a kids basketball game in one of the unused spaces for halftime, with some free cal trinkets for prizes, etc.
Plenty of other ideas also ...