Updated to include Fresno State stats:
1. Kelly .270 - clear he is our best player, and has proven he can play against size
2. Lars .161 - I guess this is offensive rating, which I've seen only a little improvement upon. Probably too small a sample size given his limited minutes, BUT, I've seen improvement in his defense and rebounding
3. Kuany .104 - shows flashes since his freshmen year. will this be the season he puts it together, or will it be next year?
4. Celestine.077 - hopefully this reflects his injury, but to my eyes he is one of our best players against top competition
5. Anticevich .073 - this has GOT TO improve for this team to have any kinda success
6. Alajiki .059 - clearly a work in progress, but hopefully can provide a spark depending on matchups
7. Shepard .040 - our go to play at the end of a clock, but inefficient. that translates to a big problem
8. Brown .036 - if he finishes more of those drives, this rating will go up dramatically. He does the tough stuff to get to the rack, but does not finish well still (but improving)
9. Foreman -.008
10. Hyder -.064