wifeisafurd said:
Not gonna happened. Primary reason is Cal doesn't have a medical school for his wife, the family breadwinner. And no, UCSF is not gong to accommodate Cal to provide a new head of their ER.
If you took out "the family breadwinner," people would have a lot easier time buying this. His wife wants a job she likes and they want jobs in the same general vicinity, and this means he won't come to Cal. I can buy that.
Make his wife being "the family breadwinner" an issue, and people starting asking, "*** are you talking about, wiaf?" Hire a guy for something close to middle of the PAC salary, and there is no way that his wife is THE family breadwinner. "I only make $1.8M, my wife is the breadwinner of the family, I just have a hobby that makes loose change." Um, right. No. He definitely is A family breadwinner if he takes that job.
It also seems likely that he would become the leading breadwinner if he takes a P6 HC job. I have trouble believing that the head of any ER makes as much as a middle of the PAC MBB HC. The head of an ER SHOULD make more than any college men's basketball coach, should make at double what any college MBB HC makes, but the world doesn't work that way. Not because the head of ER makes too little, but because the MBB HC makes way too much. I don't think anyone around here can believe that family income will drop if Turner moves from UCI to a P6 school paying a competitive P6 salarly and his wife has to take a different job than what she has now. A paycut, maybe, not not enough to offset the pay raise Turner gets. A job she doesn't like nearly as much, so family happiness is reduced? THAT I could believe.
"Sorry, I can't take a raise from $650K to $1.8M because my ER head wife is the family breadwinner and we can't afford to have her quit her job to take a different one." I call BS. Tell me that he says, "Sorry, I won't leave my $650K job to take a $1.8M job because my wife loves her job and I'm not going to ask her to leave it, and I love my job too, having both of us be happy is more important than me getting more money and only one of us be happy," THAT I'd believe.