Cal has moved up to 7th and Stanford is 13th.
Cal's average is 196.920 while Stanford average is 196.513.
Cal's high score is 197.275 while Stanford's high score is 197.250
Stanford's scores have been 195.600, 197.025, 196.175 and 197.250 (high this season). I would toss out the first week (and eventually it does get tossed out when rankings switch to NQS) and Stanford is at 196.816.
Stanford is ranked
Vault 20
Bars 14
Beam 13
Floor 8
Cal's scores have been 196.275, 197.275, 196.950, 196.925 and 197.175
Cal is ranked
Vault 10
Bars 5
Beam 9
Floor 5
So, it could/should be a close meet. But, Bears get some advantage as it is at Haas. Bears got a lift by having several debuts at NCState, and hopefully Cal's scores will be on the upswing.
Cal's average is 196.920 while Stanford average is 196.513.
Cal's high score is 197.275 while Stanford's high score is 197.250
Stanford's scores have been 195.600, 197.025, 196.175 and 197.250 (high this season). I would toss out the first week (and eventually it does get tossed out when rankings switch to NQS) and Stanford is at 196.816.
Stanford is ranked
Vault 20
Bars 14
Beam 13
Floor 8
Cal's scores have been 196.275, 197.275, 196.950, 196.925 and 197.175
Cal is ranked
Vault 10
Bars 5
Beam 9
Floor 5
So, it could/should be a close meet. But, Bears get some advantage as it is at Haas. Bears got a lift by having several debuts at NCState, and hopefully Cal's scores will be on the upswing.