Dajo and Tom Vindicated!

15,178 Views | 143 Replies | Last: 1 yr ago by wifeisafurd
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sycasey said:

If I had to guess, I'd say most Antifa people don't vote at all.

Exactly. Meanwhile the guy below votes for the same people as BG and fits just fine in today's Republican Party. But let's pretend like the real reason people like this are emboldened is because violence erupted when people protested against police brutality last summer.

Bear With Me
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sycasey said:

If I had to guess, I'd say most Antifa people don't vote at all.
I'm sure a lot of Dems would like to believe that.
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Bear With Me said:

sycasey said:

If I had to guess, I'd say most Antifa people don't vote at all.
I'm sure a lot of Dems would like to believe that.
Well, I'm sure plenty of Dem politicians would love to have the extra votes. But I don't think these people vote.
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going4roses said:

Put the meth pipe down

Meth would explain his behavior, wouldn't it?
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Random guess

Plus maybe being Schizophrenic
Tell someone you love them and try to have a good day
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Tedhead94 said:

Not replying to anyone directly, but to the coversation in general.

Some things seem to be lost through political and media lens' here. Reading some of the filings and following the cases a bit would be helpful in understanding the whats and whys.

Of the +500 people charged, 40 are charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States. Legally that means 40 people are alleged to have planned to commit an offense against the United States in concert with one or more other individuals in an effort to obstruct lawful government function.

These are very serious charges with a high likelihood of successful prosecution. The Proud Boys and Oath Keeper cases are both filled with very solid evidence of this. Off the top of my head, the Proud Boys alleged conspiracy already has evidence submitted that is very much publicly available showing planning and coordination of recruiting other members to come along, encouraging the stockpiling of weapons, splitting into several smaller groups upon entry and then susequently wrapping up the "normies" of the mob to faciltate the end goal. Most of these are slam dunk cases.

The decision to not charge anyone with "seditious conspiracy" or even racketeering is a declination all prosecutors would have to consider and might logically conclude is too high a bar to reach. It is also unnecessary in a lot of instances because domestic terrorism issues can be dealt with as an enhancement recommendation during sentencing.

The most glaring ommission in these recent articles is that they completely ignore the word "obstruction." Obstructing the transfer of power process is precisely what they were there to do. The current charges are accurate and carry up to 20yrs.

If you do not think conspiracy to obstruct the transfer of power is a federal charge that does not point to a coordinated action to attack the Capitol Building while it is in session certifying the electoral vote, your political/media goggles have fogged up to the point you cannot even see the tip of your nose.

Media legal heavy articles are typically scant on legal understanding as they are directed at a non-legal audience are headlined for click bait.

Keep your heads BI peeps. The article is mincing legally loaded words to make it more salacious, sellable, and digestible.

Did somebody say "seditious conspiracy"? I wonder if the guy who runs FBI twitter ran this past the anonymous leakers who talked to Reuters.

wiaf to move the goalposts in 3, 2, 1. . .
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dajo9 said:

Tedhead94 said:

Not replying to anyone directly, but to the coversation in general.

Some things seem to be lost through political and media lens' here. Reading some of the filings and following the cases a bit would be helpful in understanding the whats and whys.

Of the +500 people charged, 40 are charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States. Legally that means 40 people are alleged to have planned to commit an offense against the United States in concert with one or more other individuals in an effort to obstruct lawful government function.

These are very serious charges with a high likelihood of successful prosecution. The Proud Boys and Oath Keeper cases are both filled with very solid evidence of this. Off the top of my head, the Proud Boys alleged conspiracy already has evidence submitted that is very much publicly available showing planning and coordination of recruiting other members to come along, encouraging the stockpiling of weapons, splitting into several smaller groups upon entry and then susequently wrapping up the "normies" of the mob to faciltate the end goal. Most of these are slam dunk cases.

The decision to not charge anyone with "seditious conspiracy" or even racketeering is a declination all prosecutors would have to consider and might logically conclude is too high a bar to reach. It is also unnecessary in a lot of instances because domestic terrorism issues can be dealt with as an enhancement recommendation during sentencing.

The most glaring ommission in these recent articles is that they completely ignore the word "obstruction." Obstructing the transfer of power process is precisely what they were there to do. The current charges are accurate and carry up to 20yrs.

If you do not think conspiracy to obstruct the transfer of power is a federal charge that does not point to a coordinated action to attack the Capitol Building while it is in session certifying the electoral vote, your political/media goggles have fogged up to the point you cannot even see the tip of your nose.

Media legal heavy articles are typically scant on legal understanding as they are directed at a non-legal audience are headlined for click bait.

Keep your heads BI peeps. The article is mincing legally loaded words to make it more salacious, sellable, and digestible.

Did somebody say "seditious conspiracy"? I wonder if the guy who runs FBI twitter ran this past the anonymous leakers who talked to Reuters.

wiaf to move the goalposts in 3, 2, 1. . .
Goal posts already moved from coup to take over the government. It is pretty clear from the charges that a couple thousand protestors got inside the building without any plan whatsoever. But finally we have indictments against 11 nut jobs, which does not make a coup or even sedition, but does make a conspiracy change. They are accused about communications about disrupting the government and generally about a civil war and other inflammatory wording, they stockpiled weapons somewhat nearby, and there was evidence of scooping the capital building out. The statute makes it a crime for two or more people to conspire to use force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States. So the question is can all these broad allegations be tied to actually intending to stop Congress from a transition of power or a bunch of bad actors who attended a demonstration that got out of hand. The weapons never made it to the capital and as of now there is not direct allegation they were to be used, the communications need to be specific enough to show an explicit enough attempt to stop Congress and the Vice President from acting, and on and on. That can all be avoided if the Feds get someone to flip and say there was in fact a plan to stop the process through violence. This indictment does not rely on the Oath Keepers' plans to enter the Capitol per se or start a civil war or continue one, but rather to act so as to disrupt the certification of the electoral college vote, so the evidence has to tie with specificity. The conspiracy statute's breadth is "to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States" (emphasis added) makes it otherwise easy to abuse even today. For example, in September 2020, the Trump Department of Justice advised prosecutors to consider seditious conspiracy charges against protesters who committed violence against federal buildings and property in connection with the wide-scale protests against police violence in the wake of George Floyd's murder. Do we really want the government to be able to brand racial-justice protests, even violent ones, that might otherwise be criminal to be "sedition"? Apparently none of the local attorney generals were willing to go that far. Hence the need for specificity. We will see if the Feds can prove up their case.

When voted out, Trump decided that his personal interests were more important than the constitutional process. His interaction with the Vice President to try to stop the Vice President from going to the Capital is unprecedented and if he was successful, would have been unconstitutional. When Gore was told by SCOTUS that he lost a close election to Bush, there was griping, but at some point, there was a realization that Bush was the President. The court system has repeatedly told Trump he lost, and even today he still berates the electoral process. Gore
conceded and went home peacefully. Regardless of one's political perspective or whatever you want to label what happed on that day in January, Trump always will be remembered for his intrusion on the orderly transfer of power.

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Goalposts moved
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dajo9 said:

Goalposts moved
You still have the same problem of demonstrating 11 unarmed guys trying to create a coup. That is what happens when you exaggerate.

Tump's legacy has noting to do with these 11 guys (absent new info), but his actions with respect to his narrative the election is a fraud, and his attempt to "order" his VP to stop the transition process. Even if the DOJ strikes out in court, Trump's legacy will not be altered.
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wifeisafurd said:

WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters); The FBI announced today they have found no evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials. Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations. "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme to storm the Capitol and take hostages."

FBI finds scant evidence Jan. 6 attack was coordinated: Reuters | TheHill.1 day ago

In response, a man labeling himself as Dajo indicted at a press conference: "that the demonstrates of course were an armed insurrection to take over the government. There were 2.500 armed officers facing dozens of protestor with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and American flags on poles that were wielded as clubs. I expect more investigations by somebody - maybe Nancy Pelosi herself - to show that our government hung by a thread as flag-waving protesters smashed windows and put their feet on the desk inside the nation's most iconic symbol of democracy - Nancy Pelosi's office. This report clearly show there was a civil war organized on far-right social media, at the direction of the three Poor Boys rampaging through the Capitol while taking selfies. There it is in a nutshell, those selfies are the smoking gun."

Someone named Tom at the hastily called press conference continued: "It is a vast right wing conspiracy! They climbed the grand marble staircase and breached police gates and smashed windows and shoved police officers and broke through doorways and forced their way in. Oh wait that was ANTIFA in Berkeley. Let me check my notes. Oh who cares, I can just make it up. What about this? The insurrection was hardly spontaneous. It was carefully, methodically planned, spelled out on far-right social media, where die-hard Trump supporters openly traded advice on how to attack D.C. police officers, how to pry open the doors of the Capitol and how to get illegal pepper spray in. Men in black regalia shoved police, called them "traitors," cursed at them. At some doors to the building, no officers were visible. Oh wait a minute, that was ANTFA and Berkeley again. What about armed restraint man? Maybe I can post more pictures of him. Clearly he came prepared to take over the federal government, including the armed forces, national guard, and all the armed officers. He came looking for hostages! What you mean he took the restraints from a capital officer? What would Dajo do? Yes, deflect, that's it.

I would like hear from the anonymous FBI agents who caused wifeisafurd to embarrass himself in this thread
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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dajo9 said:

I would like hear from the anonymous FBI agents who caused wifeisafurd to embarrass himself in this thread

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wifeisafurd said:

WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters); The FBI announced today they have found no evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials. Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations. "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme to storm the Capitol and take hostages."

FBI finds scant evidence Jan. 6 attack was coordinated: Reuters | TheHill.1 day ago

In response, a man labeling himself as Dajo indicted at a press conference: "that the demonstrates of course were an armed insurrection to take over the government. There were 2.500 armed officers facing dozens of protestor with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and American flags on poles that were wielded as clubs. I expect more investigations by somebody - maybe Nancy Pelosi herself - to show that our government hung by a thread as flag-waving protesters smashed windows and put their feet on the desk inside the nation's most iconic symbol of democracy - Nancy Pelosi's office. This report clearly show there was a civil war organized on far-right social media, at the direction of the three Poor Boys rampaging through the Capitol while taking selfies. There it is in a nutshell, those selfies are the smoking gun."

Someone named Tom at the hastily called press conference continued: "It is a vast right wing conspiracy! They climbed the grand marble staircase and breached police gates and smashed windows and shoved police officers and broke through doorways and forced their way in. Oh wait that was ANTIFA in Berkeley. Let me check my notes. Oh who cares, I can just make it up. What about this? The insurrection was hardly spontaneous. It was carefully, methodically planned, spelled out on far-right social media, where die-hard Trump supporters openly traded advice on how to attack D.C. police officers, how to pry open the doors of the Capitol and how to get illegal pepper spray in. Men in black regalia shoved police, called them "traitors," cursed at them. At some doors to the building, no officers were visible. Oh wait a minute, that was ANTFA and Berkeley again. What about armed restraint man? Maybe I can post more pictures of him. Clearly he came prepared to take over the federal government, including the armed forces, national guard, and all the armed officers. He came looking for hostages! What you mean he took the restraints from a capital officer? What would Dajo do? Yes, deflect, that's it.

Rich thread.

I couldn't decide, should I Boost this thread after he's convicted, after he's indicted, or now to give you a chance to recant?

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wifeisafurd said:

Regardless of one's political perspective or whatever you want to label what happed on that day in January, Trump always will be remembered for his intrusion on the orderly transfer of power.

So tepid.
You wrote that in January.
Since that time, we've been shown much more about what was happening on the inside to try and overthrow an election (coup). Have you been paying attention?

Do you still wish to remain a fence sitter who can't make up his mind?

Vindicated? Hahahaha.
I should think so!
Dajo, first drink is on me, buddy!
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concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

Regardless of one's political perspective or whatever you want to label what happed on that day in January, Trump always will be remembered for his intrusion on the orderly transfer of power.

So tepid.
You wrote that in January.
Since that time, we've been shown much more about what was happening on the inside to try and overthrow an election (coup). Have you been paying attention?

Do you still wish to remain a fence sitter who can't make up his mind?

Vindicated? Hahahaha.
I should think so!
Dajo, first drink is on me, buddy!

We're so vindicated I'm starting to feel like Hillary Clinton
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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dajo9 said:

concordtom said:

wifeisafurd said:

Regardless of one's political perspective or whatever you want to label what happed on that day in January, Trump always will be remembered for his intrusion on the orderly transfer of power.

So tepid.
You wrote that in January.
Since that time, we've been shown much more about what was happening on the inside to try and overthrow an election (coup). Have you been paying attention?

Do you still wish to remain a fence sitter who can't make up his mind?

Vindicated? Hahahaha.
I should think so!
Dajo, first drink is on me, buddy!

We're so vindicated I'm starting to feel like Hillary Clinton

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The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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wifeisafurd said:

It is pretty clear from the charges that a couple thousand protestors got inside the building without any plan whatsoever. But finally we have indictments against 11 nut jobs, which does not make a coup or even sedition, but does make a conspiracy change.
You're typically both a smart and a stand up guy. What's with this parsing of words and excuse making? You were completely wrong and this was obvious from the start. This was an organized plan (no matter how crazy or ineffective) pulled together in a panic by Trump and his inner circle and the nut jobs at the capital were one arm of a multi-prong attempt to overturn an election and stay in power. That's a coup. It doesn't matter that it didn't work or that the foot soldiers were dumb, manipulated, or didn't know the entire scheme (neither do the tank drivers in a military coup), but the desired outcome and violation of office and Constitution are crystal clear.

Sometimes you just admit you were wrong.
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blungld said:

wifeisafurd said:

It is pretty clear from the charges that a couple thousand protestors got inside the building without any plan whatsoever. But finally we have indictments against 11 nut jobs, which does not make a coup or even sedition, but does make a conspiracy change.
You're typically both a smart and a stand up guy. What's with this parsing of words and excuse making? You were completely wrong and this was obvious from the start. This was an organized plan (no matter how crazy or ineffective) pulled together in a panic by Trump and his inner circle and the nut jobs at the capital were one arm of a multi-prong attempt to overturn an election and stay in power. That's a coup. It doesn't matter that it didn't work or that the foot soldiers were dumb, manipulated, or didn't know the entire scheme (neither do the tank drivers in a military coup), but the desired outcome and violation of office and Constitution are crystal clear.

Sometimes you just admit you were wrong.


A couple analogies. We're probably all Joe Montana fans, right? We aligned ourselves with him, his team. They were our heroes, and their success meant our success. (I'd use a Cal sports squad but we haven't achieved that level of success yet. …Anyway, if Montana and the Niners don't fit for you, just insert your own sports hero.)

But what if I told you that Joe Montana had been secretly beating his wife and kids, also cheating on her, 100 times? And what if he was taking mass PED's, enough to put Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire to shame? And, not only that, but his tech buddies had wired opposing locker rooms and sidelines with eaves dropping technology. In fact, the entire 49ers team was full of horrible people, complete cheaters, and management was in on it, too! They had bribed officials to call excessive holding calls, or say that a clear fumble was not a fumble but a legal "tuck" by the quarterback.
If all that happened just before the Super Bowl, would your emotional allegiance to the team flip?

Well, it should!

But instead, we'd probably experience something like the 5 stages of grief or mourning.

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

I suspect many lifelong 49ers fans, er uh, Republicans, have been existing somewhere on this spectrum for years now.

Some remain at Denial.
Many are engaged in Bargaining. The coup didn't happen (wasn't a coup) because they didn't shoot anyone (anarchybear).
Some have progressed to Depression. But not yet acceptance - they remain "Republicans", even if doing so means they will vote for Trump and/or his election denying liars.

Perhaps a lifelong Republican who has ceased to return to the scene of shame is avoiding doing so because it depresses him.


Sometimes you just admit you were wrong.

Some never get there.

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Anyone who supports any aspect of the GOP is supporting the apparatus of the coup and destruction of what dignifies and distinguishes America. Every Republican should be shrill and demanding of their party and not donate, vote, or support it any way until they cop to the crimes, lies, and clean up their act. We need two (if not three) legitimate parties interested in the Constitution our principles and actual policy/governance.

We need exchanges of ideas and progress not propaganda, misinformation, fraud, and the "real" fake news of FOX. I welcome a conservative voice and the tug of war that keeps ideological agendas in check. But Trumpism and this GOP and media bubble is NOT conservative, it is anti-demicratic. We need Republicans to fix their own house.
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I said years ago that the GOP needed to implode so they could rebuild on solid foundational values again.

I thought the implosion has happened a thousand times. Today was another. FBI raid.

Yet, on certain outlets, they are carrying on as normal.
It's absolute madness!

Then again, we've seen such absolute madness before!

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"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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wifeisafurd said:

WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters); The FBI announced today they have found no evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials. Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations. "Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme to storm the Capitol and take hostages."

FBI finds scant evidence Jan. 6 attack was coordinated: Reuters | TheHill.1 day ago

In response, a man labeling himself as Dajo indicted at a press conference: "that the demonstrates of course were an armed insurrection to take over the government. There were 2.500 armed officers facing dozens of protestor with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and American flags on poles that were wielded as clubs. I expect more investigations by somebody - maybe Nancy Pelosi herself - to show that our government hung by a thread as flag-waving protesters smashed windows and put their feet on the desk inside the nation's most iconic symbol of democracy - Nancy Pelosi's office. This report clearly show there was a civil war organized on far-right social media, at the direction of the three Poor Boys rampaging through the Capitol while taking selfies. There it is in a nutshell, those selfies are the smoking gun."

Someone named Tom at the hastily called press conference continued: "It is a vast right wing conspiracy! They climbed the grand marble staircase and breached police gates and smashed windows and shoved police officers and broke through doorways and forced their way in. Oh wait that was ANTIFA in Berkeley. Let me check my notes. Oh who cares, I can just make it up. What about this? The insurrection was hardly spontaneous. It was carefully, methodically planned, spelled out on far-right social media, where die-hard Trump supporters openly traded advice on how to attack D.C. police officers, how to pry open the doors of the Capitol and how to get illegal pepper spray in. Men in black regalia shoved police, called them "traitors," cursed at them. At some doors to the building, no officers were visible. Oh wait a minute, that was ANTFA and Berkeley again. What about armed restraint man? Maybe I can post more pictures of him. Clearly he came prepared to take over the federal government, including the armed forces, national guard, and all the armed officers. He came looking for hostages! What you mean he took the restraints from a capital officer? What would Dajo do? Yes, deflect, that's it.

You still want to make light of Jan 6?
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Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage. Just like the 13 men and women in the US military were collateral damage during Joe Biden's surrender and withdrawal from Afghanistan. Democrats have a history of this.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage. Just like the 13 men and women in the US military were collateral damage during Joe Biden's surrender and withdrawal from Afghanistan. Democrats have a history of this.
Trump was the one who surrendered in Afghanistan. He set the withdrawal date after the next election. Biden just chose to go along with that already announced withdrawal.
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BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage.

Apparently, 12 jurors disagree with you.

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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage. Just like the 13 men and women in the US military were collateral damage during Joe Biden's surrender and withdrawal from Afghanistan. Democrats have a history of this.
Trump was the one who surrendered in Afghanistan. He set the withdrawal date after the next election. Biden just chose to go along with that already announced withdrawal.
The chaotic withdrawal took place during the Biden administration putting the lives of service members in danger. The end result was 13 lives lost.
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concordtom said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage.
Apparently, 12 jurors disagree with you.

1. Ray Epps
2. DNC/RNC Pipe Bomber
3. Tens of thousands of hours of unreleased video footage
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You make no sense.
It's not hard to guess which other accounts you post from since there is similar posting style and idiocy.

I'm sorry for you that you have nothing better to do AND make no sense.
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BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage.
Apparently, 12 jurors disagree with you.

1. Ray Epps
2. DNC/RNC Pipe Bomber
3. Tens of thousands of hours of unreleased video footage

Why is Gym Jordan helping the Russia hoax coverup and allowing the Durham session to be secret?
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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dajo9 said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage.
Apparently, 12 jurors disagree with you.

1. Ray Epps
2. DNC/RNC Pipe Bomber
3. Tens of thousands of hours of unreleased video footage

Why is Gym Jordan helping the Russia hoax coverup and allowing the Durham session to be secret?

It's a redo of the Hillary-Benghazi chapter in his biography.
It worked to give video clips for outlets to shape narratives, doubt in voter's minds.
Propaganda is not too hard.
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concordtom said:

dajo9 said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage.
Apparently, 12 jurors disagree with you.

1. Ray Epps
2. DNC/RNC Pipe Bomber
3. Tens of thousands of hours of unreleased video footage

Why is Gym Jordan helping the Russia hoax coverup and allowing the Durham session to be secret?

It's a redo of the Hillary-Benghazi chapter in his biography.
It worked to give video clips for outlets to shape narratives, doubt in voter's minds.
Propaganda is not too hard.

No, Tom. According to beafarce and movielover, the Durham report blew the cover off the Russia hoax and fully exposed the Deep State. I want to hear from them why Gym Jordan is allowing this coverup.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
Eastern Oregon Bear
How long do you want to ignore this user?
dajo9 said:

concordtom said:

dajo9 said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

BearHunter said:

concordtom said:

Rhodes was found guilty criminally of seditious conspiracy UNANIMOUSLY by 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

In Communist regimes, everyone is guilty of seditious conspiracy against the government.

Stewart Rhodes NEVER went inside the US Capitol. He never instructed anyone to go inside the US Capitol. And he was unarmed as were all of his associates that day. He didn't commit any violence. The Oath Keepers were in DC to offer security for the several rallies planned on January 5th and 6th that were approved. Conservatives are forced to obtain permits when they hold their protests and rallies. Democrats can riot whenever they want.

Stewart and the Oath Keepers are just collateral damage.
Apparently, 12 jurors disagree with you.

1. Ray Epps
2. DNC/RNC Pipe Bomber
3. Tens of thousands of hours of unreleased video footage

Why is Gym Jordan helping the Russia hoax coverup and allowing the Durham session to be secret?

It's a redo of the Hillary-Benghazi chapter in his biography.
It worked to give video clips for outlets to shape narratives, doubt in voter's minds.
Propaganda is not too hard.

No, Tom. According to beafarce and movielover, the Durham report blew the cover off the Russia hoax and fully exposed the Deep State. I want to hear from them why Gym Jordan is allowing this coverup.
It makes sense if you use their pretzel illogic.
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