blungld said:Um, I understand your faith, the Bible, and the Constitution very well. I also know the holier than thou tone you always strike and the assumed expertise you feel you wield over others (consistently confusing not understanding or agreeing with others with your own smug self belief in your intellectual superiority). I also am aware of the facts of what you wrote versus the subjective opinions you interjected and the present status of multiple court cases threatening the boundaries of church state separation as part of a multi decade endeavor by Christian nationalists and the risks it poses to all Americans (including Christians).calbear93 said:The scripture is sufficient.blungld said:It's really weird when the least Christian people tell us what God wants? Please illuminate me. How do you know what God wants? Does he speak to you? Tell me exactly what he said? Or are you a Biblical scholar? Can you tell me the clear non-subjective text upon which you base your understanding of God's want? Is that text indisputable and consistently applied both in the Bible and in your application of faith and politics? Do you follow everything in the Bible if that is your basis for policy? Most importantly, why in a land defined by the most monumental and transformative advancement of nations to be a country by and for the people and by the people, and has a central pillar the separation of church and state, do you evoke God and have YOUR interpretation of God, ignoring all other faiths and "the people," as a basis for OUR laws?chazzed said:OK State Sen. Deevers (R): God says it's OK to violate federal law.
— The Intellectualist (@highbrow_nobrow) March 13, 2024
"When [the federal government ] commands what God forbids...we are not to obey them." @HeartlandSignal
Conduct yourself in private life by your tenants in faith, conduct yourself in government as a REPRESENTATIVE of the Constitution and the people checking your God belief at the door. You are a conduit of others not a conduit of ego and the voice in your head that you call God.
If the scripture is an opus composition written by Beethoven, ignorant non-Christians who are not truly familiar with the gospel think they understand Beethoven by listening to a second-grade orchestra playing one of his composition. Just because someone is playing the composition poorly does not degrade the worth of the composition.
Also, even though you seek to lecture about the Constitution, I don't think you yourself understand the Constitution. The establishment clause does not prohibit legislators bringing their faith or their experiences as legislators. Every single person, including an atheist, will inevitably bring the totality of their faith, experiences, etc. in everything they do. What the constitution prohibits is the establishment of a religion by the state or the state itself favoring one religion over another (including non-religion). It does not prevent legislators from bringing their faith as they assess and vote on laws. Atheists may bring their faith as they vote with their secular views. All you need to do is look at the SF supervisors to see how much atheism defines what laws they push. That does not mean that SF itself is violating the establishment clause.
Sorry, but people who do not understand the constitution lecturing others about constitution is just a pet peeve of mine.
There is huge difference between having your education and life experience informing your decision making, versus subjugating your reason and decision making to pre-existing doctrine and ancient texts and your INTERPRETATION of those in service of a god you think exists and know. And even more difference when making performative gestures of faith in acts of legislation that are insincere, irrational, not actually faith based, but satisfy appearances to a faith based constituency that you control with bigotry, fear, and telling them what their faith means.
You informed me of nothing in your post that I have not known for decades. And it is patently absurd to suggest that if you are an atheist it is defining what laws you push and also a violation of establishment clause. Atheism is not a religion. It is a non-acceptance of other's god claim. That's it. Silent on everything else. It is not a religion and it holds no set of beliefs to define "what laws you push." The ignorance here is yours. You don't actually know what atheism is, and you think non-belief is a belief.
Let me help you out: What is atheism?
You write you understand but then you make a point of atheism not being a religion with respect to the establishment clause. Clearly you don't understand because the court cases around establishment clause prohibits not only the state favoring any religion, it prohibits favoring the absence of religion.
Maybe you think you can compartmentalize your faith or experience from your actions. I doubt it. Everything you write reeks of your opinion on religion. I suspect your life choices and decisions are impacted by that as well. Our mind is not like bunch of switches you turn on or off.
You think I am condescending but I suspect you write that without shame because you have never read your own posts.
And nothing you have ever written demonstrates to me that you are some constitutional scholar. You don't have to believe it, and you won't because you have an overinflated and unjustified view of yourself. But it's your life. Your delusions do not impact me much at all. As such, I m neither obligated nor invested in aligning your views with reality.