Whatever happens today we will either need to:
A) Not gloat in Harris victory and to the serious work of restoring the national dialogue. The craziness that results from extreme media bubbles and the ability of money to disseminate misinformation and radicalize otherwise decent people, needs to be addressed. Limits to election contributions, press accreditation, and accountability for lies. We have to solve this problem. And Republicans need to reform themselves. We can't do it for them. They need to return normalcy and honest political debate seeking good policy rather than gamesmanship and win at all cost for power and money. Each politician needs to be country over party and held to that standard.
or B) not allow Trump to exercise his worst instincts. He must not take victory as a mandate to NOT govern for all. And especially not govern for only the minority. Democrats hold the majority position on all the major issues of the day and that can't be ignored. Compromise must be reached. And citizens and organizations need to find the courage to stand for justice and to stand against the bullying and oppression that is sure to come. Support the president, but support the Constitution, the American principles, and the majority sanity over one insane man.
Either way, we as a country have more work to do.
A) Not gloat in Harris victory and to the serious work of restoring the national dialogue. The craziness that results from extreme media bubbles and the ability of money to disseminate misinformation and radicalize otherwise decent people, needs to be addressed. Limits to election contributions, press accreditation, and accountability for lies. We have to solve this problem. And Republicans need to reform themselves. We can't do it for them. They need to return normalcy and honest political debate seeking good policy rather than gamesmanship and win at all cost for power and money. Each politician needs to be country over party and held to that standard.
or B) not allow Trump to exercise his worst instincts. He must not take victory as a mandate to NOT govern for all. And especially not govern for only the minority. Democrats hold the majority position on all the major issues of the day and that can't be ignored. Compromise must be reached. And citizens and organizations need to find the courage to stand for justice and to stand against the bullying and oppression that is sure to come. Support the president, but support the Constitution, the American principles, and the majority sanity over one insane man.
Either way, we as a country have more work to do.
The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!