People have to understand that United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson is an enemy combatant. That doesn't mean he deserves to die. You can be against killing enemies, which is a position that makes sense, especially if you are anti all the wars the US supports.
But if you didn't have a problem with the assassination of Bin Laden, you can't be surprised that I don't have a problem with the assassination of Thompson.
Thompson is responsible for more American deaths than Bin Laden. And Thompson wasn't conscripted to doing the work. He had job options. He volunteered to be a mercenary in order to get fabulously wealthy. He chose to make a career out of exploiting a ridiculous feature of American politics that allows him to profit from denying Americans healthcare claims.
He is an enemy, and some people, not me, but some people do believe in killing enemies. I just believe in calling enemies enemies, and he is an enemy.
If you think you are on the same side of as the person who profits from denying your health insurance claim, we are going to disagree about how a lot of this works.
"Capitalism cannot reform itself; it is doomed to self-destruction"