"Sidestepping Carlson's opening question, Putin launched into a rambling half-hour lecture covering more than a thousand years of Russian and Ukrainian history that placed the roots of today's war firmly in the distant past. His core message was chillingly simple: Ukraine has no right to exist and he is fully justified in waging a war of aggression to reclaim historically Russian lands.
…. At the same time, the real takeaway from the interview was Putin's apparently genuine belief that his antiquated historical arguments could serve as plausible justification for a major war in twenty-first century Europe. This is perhaps the clearest indication yet of the dangerous delusions and imperial ambitions that led Putin to invade Ukraine.
….. How far could Putin go? Throughout his reign, he has consistently lamented the fall of the USSR, which he has referred to as the demise of "historical Russia." After the events of the past two years, it should be painfully apparent that anywhere Putin regards as "historical Russia" is potentially at risk.In theory, at least, the same bogus historical arguments that have been used to justify the invasion of Ukraine could easily be applied to other parts of the former Soviet Union, or to the Russian Empire of the Czarist era. This would create an array of possible targets for Russian aggression including Finland, Poland, the Baltic states, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Alaska, and the whole of Central Asia. A maximalist interpretation could even see all of Central Europe's former Soviet satellite states besides Poland added to the list."
Putin's history lecture reveals his dreams of a new Russian Empire - Atlantic Council
https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/putins-history-lecture-reveals-his-dreams-of-a-new-russian-empire/Putin's new Ukraine essay reveals imperial ambitions - Atlantic Council
https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/putins-new-ukraine-essay-reflects-imperial-ambitions/Article by Vladimir Putin "On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians" President of Russia
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