Yup, nothing happened except Dotard legitimizeed Kim Jung Un and gave him a free platform.
Correction:dajo9 said:
Worst President ever. A complete moron.
B.A. Bearacus said:
Beardevil, you think our country's so innocent? There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers. Reminder: no American president has been tougher on Russia than the current one.
Didn't you hear from the fearless leader? What you are seeing are not real.BearNIt said:
IMultiple ntelligence angencies report that N. Korea is now working on liquid fuel rockets and still producing nuclear material. Somebody tell the fearless leader that he is an idiot and N Korea is jerking him around.
concordtom said:
What a sham.
What a disgrace.
What a joke.
Such sadness.
bearister said:concordtom said:
What a sham.
What a disgrace.
What a joke.
Such sadness.
Donald J. tRump: "I did not collude. There was no collusion. I was not colluding. They lie when they say I colluded. They erroneously claim tRump colludes. There was never any colludetivity. There was no colludeness or colludeocity. Furthermore, I did not obstruct. They falsely claim I obstructed. There was never any obstruction or obstructing. They lie when they say tRump obstructs. At no time was there any obstructiveness or obstructivity. And finally, categorically no obstructosity!
This is pure and simple a witch hunt. Nothing less than a fishing expedition. It's a Spanish Inquisition. A persecution. A wild goose chase. It's a treasure hunt and an Easter egg hunt combined!"