AG Barr's 4 page letter

3,128 Views | 34 Replies | Last: 5 yr ago by B.A. Bearacus
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We have not yet posted it.
I have not read it.
Here it is:

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It's clear this is a cover-up. They don't want the public to see all the evidence of collusion and obstruction of justice in the Mueller Report.
"They're eating the pets"
3 time Republican nominee for President
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dajo9 said:

It's clear this is a cover-up. They don't want the public to see all the evidence of collusion and obstruction of justice in the Mueller Report.

If you are being sarcastic, please say so.
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The media has gone full bore that this political letter is the report and let Trump push his spin while avoiding the findings of the report itself. The letter was a step in the process, not the release of the report itself. The entire country has clamored for the report for two years to come to some closure and sense of the rule of law and transparency. Instead, we have a last minute appointee giving us his take and 151 words of the report.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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We shall see when the full report is shown.
My guess is the AG/Trump will redact super large portions of it to hide bad stuff.
There will be bad stuff.

Trump is a bad person. We don't need the Mueller report to know that.
He shows himself to us every day.
We can do so much better.

Alas, humanity is full of foolishness, and we must endure trial and tribulation in this life. It is the way of the world.
golden sloth
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dajo9 said:

It's clear this is a cover-up. They don't want the public to see all the evidence of collusion and obstruction of justice in the Mueller Report.
I don't know about all that, but it is clear on the obstruction charge that the President's actions were questionable with evidence both for and against Obstruction. I also believe the public has a right to know what those questionable actions were.
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As if his presidency, his leadership, his effectiveness were summed up in a 4-page letter or a 300-page Report.

The man is a beast, we've known for a very long time.
Let's keep the focus on who he shows us to be every day. We don't need no stinkin' report to know we need to vote someone new into office. We only need that report to kick him out early.
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The President and his supporters are trying to change the definition of the word "evidence". There is lots of evidence of collusion. Adam Schiff lays it out very nicely in the video below. Mueller has determined there isn't enough evidence to press charges in the belief he could prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. That's a different standard than "no evidence".

So, the evidence both for and against collusion is being suppressed and covered up by a Trump appointee. The only logical conclusion of that is the evidence against Trump is pretty bad. That's without even getting into the question of obstruction of justice.

The full Mueller report needs to be released to Congress and a redacted version for intelligence reasons must be released to the public. Until then, we don't really know anything about Russian interference in our election and the actions the President may or may not have taken to cooperate with the Russians and / or hinder the investigation.
"They're eating the pets"
3 time Republican nominee for President
Another Bear
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Rachel Maddow yesterday did a segment explaining the Starr Report (*cough*blow*job*cough) was delivered to congress and the public 48 hours after the final report was filed. It was even put up on that thingie called the interwebz....blew it up!

BTW, the Starr report took 4 years (FOUR YEARS) to complete. It started with White Water led to nothing so you know (*cough*blow*job*cough*).

I think Adam Schiff is correct, Robert Mueller needs to publically testify.

This is massive cover up.
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Trump is going for the OJ defense.
Obviously guilty.
But hoping to convince people that they should look beyond that, turn the issue into something else.

Any of you guys see that movie, "How To Murder Your Wife"?

One of the best endings ever.
I bet Johnie Cochran had seen it!

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Still calling this treason, Dajo?
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Anarchistbear said:

Still calling this treason, Dajo?
You'll have to refresh my memory on my use of the word treason.
"They're eating the pets"
3 time Republican nominee for President
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Yes, Trump commits treason against the truth every day.
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I hear Barr says he will release a redacted Mueller report by mid April.
But I obtained a hacked copy already for you all now. This is what it looks like.

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Anarchistbear said:
I want to see the Mueller report
"They're eating the pets"
3 time Republican nominee for President
golden sloth
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concordtom said:

I hear Barr says he will release a redacted Mueller report by mid April.
But I obtained a hacked copy already for you all now. This is what it looks like.

Odd, I thought it would make the shape of a giant middle finger.
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Good one.
Another Bear
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Here's one for you language, linguistics and composition nerds. A very good breakdown of the Barr Letter:

The Barr Memo is Being Misinterpreted Exactly as Intended

In fact, what is hinted at in the linguistic contortions could be pretty damning.

By now I'm sure you've read a ton of diaries about how the Barr memo doesn't really say much. What I want to do with this diary is tease out, clause by clause, exactly HOW absurd the Barr memo really is. Then I'll provide my synthesis of what I think the Barr memo may be hiding based on those contortions. I'll also include some pointed questions that I'd love to see Barr asked in front of a congressional committee.

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The Barr letter is like the letter you get from the manager of your 401(k) stock portfolio that has been wordsmithed by an English Major and settles your nerves....two weeks before the market crashes and your account drops $800K in value.
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OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller: Part 2, The Nerds Fight Back
Another Bear
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Anarchistbear said:

OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller: Part 2, The Nerds Fight Back
Just curious, as you one of the black clad anarchists who break windows and crap during protests, or just the average slacker anarchist?
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Anti-fa? No, I'm on the sidelines. They are too indiscriminate. I'm fine with beating up Nazis but attacking the Milos and Shapiros of the world is a waste of violence.
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Anarchistbear said:

OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller: Part 2, The Nerds Fight Back

I love the fact that the tRump alleged men fancy themselves bullies. They are all wider in the beam than the shoulders which is bad optics for a bully. I'm pretty sure tRump was under his dad's nuclear umbrella as a kid and people who could fight knew there would be trouble if they knocked his teeth out or split his pouty lips. They are all stereotypical rich boy wimps.
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I'd only say that there are some evil white supremacists out there that aren't that wimpy.
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Anarchistbear said:

I'd only say that there are some evil white supremacists out there that aren't that wimpy.

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And Nazi Richard Spencer being served
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Anarchistbear said:

And Nazi Richard Spencer being served

Even though Spencer is a tool, a sucker punch is pretty much at the top of the list of chickensh@t moves, side by side with hitting a woman.
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Nah, it was the opening gambit in a conversation with a Nazi.
Another Bear
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bearister said:

Anarchistbear said:

And Nazi Richard Spencer being served

Even though Spencer is a tool, a sucker punch is pretty much at the top of the list of chickensh@t moves, side by side with hitting a woman.
I agree a sucker punch is a chickensh(t move...but then Nazism is a chickkensh*t ideology that executed 6 million people, started a world war. Anyone in the modern world aligning with that level of f'tardism, stupidity and hate doesn't really have a moral ground except it's a cheap shot. So I say punch away but maybe get better. The punch to the face is dramatic but a groin strike and elbow to neck hurts way more. YMMV.
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I forgot the exception that if you are an innocent about to be thrashed by hostiles the first rule is there are no rules.
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Hard to take a self-proclaimed expert linguist seriously with as many grammatical mistakes and typos as there are in that link. If you can't get "there" and "their" correct, it's hard for me to believe this person's linguistic chops are really that strong. Doesn't mean that there aren't holes in the Barr memo or that the there is no there there, but this is hardly the vicious takedown it was attempting to be.

We will certainly know a lot more when the more or less full report is released, but my starting assumption is that there is no really new and interesting information that hasn't been in the public domain and that being the case there is no juice to the Mueller report. Based on what is publicly known, Trump's campaign was receptive to assistance from Russia, didn't really receive much of value and apparently that all together isn't enough to indict these clowns.

Trump is an incompetent executive who should be voted out of office and forever be remembered as a self-promoting charlatan and a stain on our democracy.

Another Bear said:

Here's one for you language, linguistics and composition nerds. A very good breakdown of the Barr Letter:

The Barr Memo is Being Misinterpreted Exactly as Intended

In fact, what is hinted at in the linguistic contortions could be pretty damning.

By now I'm sure you've read a ton of diaries about how the Barr memo doesn't really say much. What I want to do with this diary is tease out, clause by clause, exactly HOW absurd the Barr memo really is. Then I'll provide my synthesis of what I think the Barr memo may be hiding based on those contortions. I'll also include some pointed questions that I'd love to see Barr asked in front of a congressional committee.

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Unit2Sucks said:

Trump is an incompetent executive who should be voted out of office and forever be remembered as a self-promoting charlatan and a stain on our democracy.

That sums it up excellently.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Hard to take a self-proclaimed expert linguist seriously with as many grammatical mistakes and typos as there are in that link. If you can't get "there" and "their" correct, it's hard for me to believe this person's linguistic chops are really that strong. Doesn't mean that there aren't holes in the Barr memo or that the there is no there there, but this is hardly the vicious takedown it was attempting to be.

We will certainly know a lot more when the more or less full report is released, but my starting assumption is that there is no really new and interesting information that hasn't been in the public domain and that being the case there is no juice to the Mueller report. Based on what is publicly known, Trump's campaign was receptive to assistance from Russia, didn't really receive much of value and apparently that all together isn't enough to indict these clowns.

Trump is an incompetent executive who should be voted out of office and forever be remembered as a self-promoting charlatan and a stain on our democracy.

Another Bear said:

Here's one for you language, linguistics and composition nerds. A very good breakdown of the Barr Letter:

The Barr Memo is Being Misinterpreted Exactly as Intended

In fact, what is hinted at in the linguistic contortions could be pretty damning.

By now I'm sure you've read a ton of diaries about how the Barr memo doesn't really say much. What I want to do with this diary is tease out, clause by clause, exactly HOW absurd the Barr memo really is. Then I'll provide my synthesis of what I think the Barr memo may be hiding based on those contortions. I'll also include some pointed questions that I'd love to see Barr asked in front of a congressional committee.

Yeah, I'm not going to take a "Community" post on Daily Kos as anything authoritative. That said, a close reading of this article also basically says what Mueller said: The Trump Campaign did not directly collude with the Russians on influencing the election, but the report makes no judgment about obstruction or other financial crimes (the latter being, I think, largely out of his scope).
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigators have told associates that the findings of their probe are more damaging for President Donald Trump than Attorney General William Barr indicated in his four-page summary, the New York Times reported on Wednesday. Citing government officials and others familiar with the situation, the Times said some members of Mueller's team believe Barr should have included more of their material in the summary he released on March 24 of the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. The Times said the officials and other sources declined to flesh out why some of the special counsel's investigators viewed their findings as potentially more damaging for the president than Barr explained. It was also not clear how widespread among Mueller's team, which included dozens of lawyers and investigators, are concerns about differences between Barr's summary and Mueller's report, the Times said. Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller, declined to comment. The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Barr, a Trump appointee, said in the summary that Mueller did not establish that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia during the election. Barr also said the special counsel did not exonerate Trump on obstruction of justice. Barr himself subsequently concluded that Mueller's inquiry had not found sufficient evidence to warrant criminal obstruction charges against Trump. Trump and the White House have hailed the conclusions as a victory for the president, who has denied conspiring with Russians or obstructing justice. The attorney general has pledged to release the nearly 400-page report by mid-April with certain portions blacked out for reasons such as protecting secret grand jury information and intelligence-gathering sources and methods. The Democratic-led House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted on Wednesday to enable its chairman, Jerrold Nadler, to subpoena the Justice Department to obtain Mueller's unredacted report and all underlying evidence as well as documents and testimony from five former Trump aides, including political strategist Steve Bannon. (Reporting by Eric Beech; additional reporting by Karen Freifeld and Mohammad Zargham; Editing by Leslie Adler)
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