during labor day weekend of 2010 tony woods beat the crap out of his girlfriend in front of their 8 month old child...woods was arrested and charged with three counts of assault for kicking and pushing courney lorel barbout who suffered a fracture of her spine in the attack
against the 6'11" 250 lbs woods, courney had no chance to protect herself
wake forest did the right thing and suspended woods
so oregon's sleazeball mbb hc dana altman recruited woods to shore up the ducks interior defense

steve alford & dana altman are enablers of players that commit crimes of violence against women if it means they might win a few more games

dana altman is once again relying upon 6 transfers for the ducks 2013 season...2 of these transfers are srs: mike moser & jason calliste
the 2 sr transfers are not student athletes in any sense of the word...moser & calliste will arrive in the fall & then depart that spring with zero academic progress and/or achievement...they are like transients
beyond devaluing the already shaky oregon degree (which is considered a jc caliber education with its 90+% acceptance rate), those players that have worked within the bb program for several yrs are recruited over & benched in favor of guys who don't even know where the library is in eugene
so who else did altman recruit for the 2013 ducks?
*elgin cook, declared ineligible during hs in milwaukee for having a gpa under 2.0
http://themilwaukeedrum.com/2011/02/13/the-tragedy-of-elgin-cook-other-mps-black-student-athletes/*jordan bell from lbp was declared ineligible before the school yr & will not join the roster until next season
*christiano felicio from brazil was declared ineligible by the ncaa after attending a roseville "prep school" handpicked by altman that is facing allegations of academic fraud & child abuse
http://fox40.com/2013/01/10/roseville-prep-academy-coach-arrested-for-physical-abuse/bottom line
*****a cal degree helps you move forward in life & marry the girl of your dreams
*an oregon degree helps you get hired as the night shift supervisor at the truck stop in medford & probably marrying a lot lizard

latest update from eugene:
*jaquan lyle, 2.5 gpa & suspended for fighting in high school is no longer listed on the oregon basketball roster because of admissions/eligibility issues
*ray kosongo has been denied admission by the university's special admission board
*mike moser, jason caliste, johnathan lloyd, richard amardi & waverly austin used up their eligiblity...not clear if any of them will ever earn an oregon diploma
*ben carter, suspended along with dominic artis for selling team issued shoes/gear, transfered to unlv
*a.j. lapray transferred to pepperdine
*brandon austin, 2.6 gpa in philly, was suspended from the providence basketball team after being charged with a sexual assault of a female student...he immediately was recruited & transferred to oregon...when confronted by the media, altman claimed he checked austin's background but did not know he raped a girl while at providence...recently named in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed
*damyean dotson, suspended during the season for trying to use a fake id at a bar, considering transferring & currently not participating in team activities...recently named in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed
*dominic artis will be transferring from oregon...dominic attended cal's last pac 12 home game at haas vs usc...i was speaking with his former hs ad at salesian chad nightingale (played wr for the bears) when da came over & said hello, it was clear to me that he wanted to speak privately with chad...recently named in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed & currently attending contra costa cc as a student while practicing (but not playing) for the bb team
*elgin cook & jalil abdul bassit were arrested by the eugene pd for shoplifting at market of choice across the street from matthew knight arena on sept 12th...criminal dana altman has stated "we expect our student athletes to conduct themselves as solid members of this community and team...both are being internally disciplined (which means nothing as usual)"
http://www.oregonlive.com/ducks/index.ssf/2014/10/two_oregon_ducks_basketball_pl.html this is oregon basketball#
just do it#