petalumabear;842790327 said:
Mike... Go to the Insider Board. He's missing it so much there (going head to head with MB and beardog26 - two of the most plugged in posters when it comes to football) that if he was trying to "throw it in the ocean while standing in the middle of the Pacific " he'd hit land. One of the most hilarious exchanges I've read on these boards in the past (almost ) 15 years...
mikecohen;842790342 said:
Really, my point was about language: Ursa said, plainly, that repetition of bad habits/form/etc. just reinforces the bad; and Shocky (who I do not think does this) simply didn't respond to that (to me seemingly very meaningful) point, and either decided to ignore that point or just missed it completely, which is why I was astounded - because, however Shocky decides to respond (and whatever various people think of it - and I am generally charmed by it, whether I agree or not), I don't think I've ever seen him (as they said in "All the President's Men") give "a non-denial denial".
Rxrg09b;842790391 said:
Interesting post (if not a bit distracting).
Shocky1;842776608 said:
after signing a 4 year nba contract for a guaranteed $74,832,500 with the portland trailblazers this offseason, alan crabbe has had games of 16 (4 of 6 on 3 pointers) points vs the miami heat, 17 points vs the chicago bulls & 14 points (4 of 6 on 3 pointers) vs the milwaukee bucks during the past week...crabbe put in the grueling behind the scenes hard work of 1000+ practice shots every single day (no days off) & got minted
shay above doing the hang with alan behind the cal bench during our oregon/oregon state roadtrip last season to the trendy nines hotel in downtown portland, the iconic voodoo donuts & the fabulous powell bookstore
part of the magic of cal basketball is that you can share the fun gameday experiences with your kids & their friends...tonite my son kyle (working towards his masters in accounting at asu) & his girlfriend ashley (studying to be a physical therapist) are gonna join me at the barricade...and yeah taylor (not on this trip) kinda likes the guys on the team too
cal family (what's your traditions?)#:bravo
puget sound cal fan;842791160 said:
Nice shoes.
Shocky1;842791070 said:
despite a 30+ lead vs the oregon state beavers coach romar left 6'9" 220 lbs senior malik dime from senegal in the game, he's an effective rim protector & shot blocker
and then dime (4.9 rebounds per game & a team high 2.6 blocks per game) broke the pinky finger on his right hand & he's gonna be out at least 4-5 weeks
the bears are gonna have a signficant post interior advantage with young ivee, kam & the king...the huskies got no answer for that but are the the bears gonna fiercely feed the bigs tomorrow nite at the 7:00 pm battle at the barricade?
but make no mistake about it, malik got great ******* hair
seattle kinko's 40% off sale on resumes this week#
Shocky1;842791139 said:
ex usc's vanilla azz ice katin reinhardt made a couple of clutch free throws as the marquette warriors looted 89-86 in overtime the seton hall pirates (12-4)
alcron state braves (5-10) got rezed up 63-50 by the jackson state tigers
wyoming cowboys (12-5) got 19 points from the greatest white player in the nation that nobody's ever heard of hayden dalton (the next larry bird, yeah he's that ugly) as they broke back mountained 95-87 the utah state aggies
Shocky1;842755177 said:
what's gonna be arguably the most treasured memorabilia item in the history of cal athletics?
yeah that would be the marshawn bobblehead remembering his ghostriding the whip after the washington game, are you gonna be in memorial stadium this saturday nite to get your beast mode collector item?
or are you stoopid?:headbang
the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including seattle)
Shocky1;842791139 said:
ex usc's vanilla azz ice katin reinhardt made a couple of clutch free throws as the marquette warriors looted 89-86 in overtime the seton hall pirates (12-4)
alcron state braves (5-10) rezed up 63-50 the jackson state tigers
wyoming cowboys (12-5) got 19 points from the greatest white player in the nation that nobody's ever heard of hayden dalton (the next larry bird, yeah he's that ugly) as they broke back mountained 95-87 the utah state aggies
bearmanpg;842791488 said:
Alcorn St....#spelling matters....gotcha back...
Shocky1;842791506 said:
alcorn state is not alcorn state, gotta love the magic of prague
got it, fixed now bearman...something things are on hold
89Bear;842791532 said:
Shocky, who is the next football coach? Announcement any time soon?