cal's monster class deux

1,576,787 Views | 6499 Replies | Last: 7 yr ago by Admin
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bearmanpg;842848688 said:

This article explains another approach to the NCAA monopoly on college is an interesting idea that would definitely upset the apple cart...

That is a really interesting article. Extremely disruptive to the point just getting it started would be amazing but almost impossible. If it did though, college sports would be changed forever.
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bearmanpg;842848692 said:


WHEW!!! I'm relieved to find out someone else is behind me on your list...

your son's gpa places his among the top 1% on planet, on the other hand, are among the tallest 1%, after I hosted you on the floor i gotta lotta questions asking me who's your son among current & former players
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Fascinating article, although I can't see it working without a lot more capital than they envision. The NCAA has tremendous clout right now, and I can see them freezing the HBCU out of the TV market which is where the money is. I'm also not sure I get their figures. They say 10-15 million for salaries. If they're talking about $100k/year, that's over a million/school/year, so salaries are more in the 20 million range. Similarly with facilities. You can renovate a small gym and make it nice, but it's going to cost 8 figures to get it up to a size that can work for high level athletics. Then the pressure to perform will be so great that you'll probably have kids not go to school at all. Still, the idea is an interesting one.
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Shocky1;842848697 said:

your son's gpa places his among the top 1% on planet, on the other hand, are among the tallest 1%, after I hosted you on the floor i gotta lotta questions asking me who's your son among current & former players

Surprise....My son is the dumb azz Cal mechanical engineering grad (great maternal genes) boys never shared my love of hoops but I love them just as much as if they youngest is 6' 7" and HS, the football coach was after him for all 4 deal coach..don't like football...
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UrsaMajor;842848701 said:

Fascinating article, although I can't see it working without a lot more capital than they envision. The NCAA has tremendous clout right now, and I can see them freezing the HBCU out of the TV market which is where the money is. I'm also not sure I get their figures. They say 10-15 million for salaries. If they're talking about $100k/year, that's over a million/school/year, so salaries are more in the 20 million range. Similarly with facilities. You can renovate a small gym and make it nice, but it's going to cost 8 figures to get it up to a size that can work for high level athletics. Then the pressure to perform will be so great that you'll probably have kids not go to school at all. Still, the idea is an interesting one.

As far as the salaries go, it said they would range in the 50k to 100k level, not all at 100k, but you're right that the start-up funding will be a formidable hurdle to clear...I don't know that you could freeze them out of TV with all outlets now...the netflix suggestion is very would have the capital....internet streaming opens up a lot of possibilities....
joe amos yaks
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bearmanpg;842848706 said:

Surprise....My son is the dumb azz Cal mechanical engineering grad (great maternal genes) boys never shared my love of hoops but I love them just as much as if they youngest is 6' 7" and HS, the football coach was after him for all 4 deal coach..don't like football..., mechanically inclined, and tall with a heavy wide body~~~?

He could have an excellent future as a test pilot at Great America, Busch Gardens, Six Flags, or Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH.

Is he LDS?
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My eldest son is the mechanical engineer...his little bro is the tall, big guy.....and no, they are not LDS...?????
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latest update: dana altman knew kavell bigby-williams was under investigation for sexual assault yet continued to play him all season on the ducks road to the final four...when asked about the investigation the university president michael schill responded to the daily emerald school reporter with "i don't have any awareness of any event i can't comment on an individual student...what if i was asked by another reporter about you being obnoxious?...would you want me to tell them that?"
read this link:

dancing with the devil (dana altman is a criminal):
____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________

what you need to know about altman: during labor day weekend of 2010 tony woods beat the crap out of his girlfriend in front of their 8 month old child...woods was arrested and charged with three counts of assault for kicking and pushing courney lorel barbout who suffered a fracture of her spine in the attack

against the 6'11" 250 lbs woods, courney had no chance to protect herself

wake forest did the right thing & suspended woods

so oregon's sleazeball head coach dana altman recruited woods to shore up the ducks interior defense, just do it

dana altman & steve alford are enablers of sexual predators (just like joe paterno) that commit crimes of violence against women if it means they might win a few more games

who else has altman recruited to eugene?

*elgin cook, declared ineligible during high in milwaukee for having a gpa under 2.0 & also left school for florida due to his involvement with gang activity

*jordan bell from long beach poly was academically ineligible out of high school

*christiano felicio from brazil was declared ineligible by the ncaa after attending a roseville "prep school" handpicked by altman that is facing allegations of academic fraud & child abuse

*jaquan lyle, 2.5 gpa in high school & suspended for fighting in high school was ineligible to enroll at oregon

*ray kosongo was denied admission by the university's special admission board which was created by concerned faculty re: altman's disinterest in recruiting high character student athletes

*ben carter, suspended along with dominic artis for selling team issued shoes/gear, transfered to unlv

*a.j. lapray transferred to pepperdine

*brandon austin, 2.6 gpa in philly, was suspended from the providence basketball team after being charged with a sexual assault of a female student...he immediately was recruited & transferred to oregon...when confronted by the media, altman claimed he checked austin's background but did not know he raped a girl while at providence...charged in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed

*damyean dotson, suspended during the season for trying to use a fake id at a bar...charged in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed

*dominic artis, named in the rape of an oregon female student...dismissed with a court restraining order does not allow him to set foot on the university of oregon campus

*elgin cook & jalil abdul bassit were arrested by the eugene police department for shoplifting at market across the street from matthew knight arena on sept 12th of last season...dana altman has stated "we expect our student athletes to conduct themselves as solid members of this community and team...both were "internally disciplined" (which means nothing as usual)"

*dana altman knews that elgin cook had been cited for assault & battery, disorderly conduct and vandalism four years ago in wisconsin before he recruited him to oregon...criminal dana altman has stated "i was aware of elgin's background prior to his arrival at the university of oregon...the two years before he arrived here, elgin did very well at prep school and junior college, especially in the classroom...we would not have recruited elgin if we didn't believe he was capable of receiving a college education that he would appreciate and value"

*jordan bell cited for harassing an oregon parking officer attempting to place a ticket on his car...altman suspended bell for 1 game, a home game vs pac 12 cellar opponent washington state

*dana altman has been named in the lawsuit against the university of oregon filed by the female student victim of the brutal player sexual assault for his role in allegedly lying to authorities that he did not know that brandon austin was dismissed by providence for raping a female student...settled out of court with a confidentiality clause

*idrissa diallo was forced to decommit from cal when altman via his corporate sponsor threatened diallo's aau coach william middlebrooks with cutting their funding, idy then made an official visit to eugene

*ahmaad rorie transferred to montana after the promised playing opportunities never materialized

*dana altman has been named in a lawsuit seeking $7.5m in damages filed by rapist brandon austin

*trevor manuel is transferring from oregon after a couple of months in eugene

*kendall smith is transferring from oregon, altman's promises never came true

*dana altman has been named in a lawsuit seeking $10m in damages each filed by rapists dominic artis & daymean dotson

*5 star troy brown jr selected oregon over cal after nike promised to significantly upgrade/further enrish it's financial support of brown's aau team the las vegas prospect which is coached by his dad...on his annoucement day troy declared his commitment to the "oregon baskeball organization"

*when mike montgomery had his cancer scare dana altman & his henchman tony stubblefield negatively recruited against the bears basketball program using this medical situation as a reason not to attend cal

make no mistake about it, altman & stubblefield are pieces of worthless ****, they are dancing with the devil


the heart of darkness (the utterly corrupt oregon basketball organization)#
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jordan, do you think dana altman is a good person that you can trust?
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Jeff82;842848686 said:

I think the NBA should basically require 18-year-olds to make a choice: go to college and go for four years, or don't go to college and get your training through the D-League or by playing professionally oversees. The NCAA should then make the penalties for colleges that don't keep kids academically eligible much more severe. Would college ball lose some fans. Probably, in the form of the casual fans who follow it when they're not following the NBA. But college basketball would still be popular in places that don't have NBA teams and with alumni that want to root for teams whose players we can relate to as actual student-athletes, not rent-a-players.

There's no need to put these kids under that kind of cruel pressure on their life choices. Just do away with one and done.

Then the kids who are now forced into the choice of going to college or going overseas can just make the most meaningful choices for their particularities in life. And, for those for whom following through with education is meaningful (even though I might think it should be for everyone) can do so to the degree it remains so subject only to the same pressures (good and bad) as is everyone else - except with the advantage of athletic talent which they can use in the most appropriate ways for them, like everyone else uses (or should be able to use) their own talents as most appropriate for them.
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[SIZE=4]dreams do come true ... to those who grind every day[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]Oakland's own[/SIZE]


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[SIZE=5]jaylen brown vs josh jackson

battle of the [COLOR="#2F4F4F"]MONSTERS[/COLOR][/SIZE]


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graguna;842848648 said:

I need to call bull **** on this. Shocky may be and do a lot of things but he certainly doesn't HIDE BEHIND HIS KEY BOARD. Unlike most other posters, Shocky posts pics of himself and his exact seat position court side at CAL games. That would hardly be considered hiding. He has strong opinions which he likes to share. I have no problem with that. If you do, simply don't read his posts. I highly doubt he's spray painting them on the side of your house.

I'm a fan of the Ducks as well as Cal. My sister went to Oregon, so did a cousin. As for corruption, cal has been dinged by the NCAA far more then the ducks ever have-remember bozeman?

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HoopDreams;842848748 said:

This makes me happy. What a great guy.
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I think, however, that there's one big flaw in the model that hasn't been articulated yet: college basketball isn't popular because of the level of play; it's popular because of the tradition of people rooting for their alma mater, or for schools nearby and the "color and pageantry," and all of the hoopla (pun intended) surrounding March Madness. If you want to watch top-level basketball, you watch the NBA. It's hard for me to imagine large audiences for schools like North Carolina A&M, or Alcorn State even if they do get 5* talent. Remember, these kids are not going to be household names except to recruiting junkies. Meanwhile, Duke will still be Duke and UCLA will still be UCLA. Not sure the audience will be there.

If, on the other hand, the goal is to re-segregate college sports so that black players go to HBC's and white players go to traditional schools...
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mikecohen;842848739 said:

There's no need to put these kids under that kind of cruel pressure on their life choices. Just do away with one and done.

Then the kids who are now forced into the choice of going to college or going overseas can just make the most meaningful choices for their particularities in life. And, for those for whom following through with education is meaningful (even though I might think it should be for everyone) can do so to the degree it remains so subject only to the same pressures (good and bad) as is everyone else - except with the advantage of athletic talent which they can use in the most appropriate ways for them, like everyone else uses (or should be able to use) their own talents as most appropriate for them.

Agreed. There should be no restrictions on a person's opportunity and ability to pursue one's life work. Techies, artists, and mechanics are free to start their careers whenever. Should be the same for those with athletic talent.
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I think the way MLB and NCAA handles their baseball draft eligibility is much better suited than the way the NCAA and NBA handles baseball, a kid can be drafted out of high school and then make up his mind whether he wants to go pro or stay amateur....if he decides to go to JC, he can be drafted again the next year...if he goes to 4 year school, he has to wait until after his junior year to be draft eligible again....seems a bit fairer than asking an 18 yr old to make a life altering choice with really, no options after that choice is made....I just hate that a kid can be convinced that he should declare for the draft and then, even if he isn't drafted, therefore, never having been paid to play a game, cannot go to college and play as an amateur...there has to be a better way....
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Absolutely correct. It gives the colleges a reasonably predictable roster without limiting the kids' choices terribly. Also the fact that the decision comes AFTER the draft, not before is a definite benefit.
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UrsaMajor;842848877 said:

Absolutely correct. It gives the colleges a reasonably predictable roster without limiting the kids' choices terribly. Also the fact that the decision comes AFTER the draft, not before is a definite benefit.

A problem I can foresee with the decision coming AFTER the draft is that, as compared with baseball, which has zillions of rounds, the NBA has only two rounds, so that the cost of a wasted draft pick to the NBA drafting team is, I would say, unacceptably unfair and unacceptably high.
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ccajon;842848779 said:

I'm a fan of the Ducks as well as Cal. My sister went to Oregon, so did a cousin. As for corruption, cal has been dinged by the NCAA far more then the ducks ever have-remember bozeman?


ccajon, if you told me your also a fan of ratko mladic i would believe you
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j'rann brooks got cal, stanford, usc, virginia & oklahoma in his final 5 but it really don't mean **** because he's a stanford lock to join friend/teammate daejon davis in palo alto unless he don't get accepted by stanford admissions (which is a possibility)

then cal & maybe usc will be in play

and i got no problem with that, stanford & harvard (congrats to spencer freedman on his commitment to the crimson) like cal are elite academic universities that get their grads minted for the next 50 years, not like oregon whose worthless degree sets you up to be the night shift supervisor at the medford truck stop which eventually results in you marrying a beatdown lot lizard & eventually dying a slow painful death from rampant stds

on the other hand, andre kelly gotta realize his actionable offer is subject to the staff only having 2 available schollys for 2018 right now (**** can change, life is not linear) with one reserved at the vip table at nobu malibu for jordan brown...andre, what's really the point of taking a bunch of road trips to a couple of academically mediocre schools that aren't within driving distance for your parents on gamedays?...actionable offers aren't actionable forever, andre

don't be a ******* dumb azz#:nono:

Shocky1;842829826 said:

congrats to 6'8" 215 lbs hybrid 4/3 j'raan brooks from powerhouse garfield high school in rainy azz seattle, j'rann is coach wyking's 1st offer (if your not counting me as the director of recruiting/player development)

cal joins usc & stanford as j'raan's first 3 offers, he's not a dumb azz, he got a 3.6 gpa

check out his explosive mixtape, he plays above the rim & runs the court like a wing...also like how he talks a little **** after he blocks a shot, j'raan is a +1 athlete


the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including the drizzly northwest):chainsaw
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update: grant anticevich is showing up/making plays in open scrimmages, he's got length & a very strong handle for a player of his size, a better dribbler/passer than david kravish at the same point in his career

but let's be real here grant don't got good hair:headbang


welcome 6'8" 210 lbs grant anticevich from the newington college in new south wales australia:cheer

grant officially visited georgia tech & davidson along with a secret (non authorized personnel not told ****) stop in berkeley as part of his family's whirlwind tour of the united states

anticevich's commitment is part of my accelerated international recruiting which is quietly whispered in the shadowy hallways of haas pavilion as part of the lisbon plan, some of my lisbon plan is so complicated that even coach martin don't understand it unless i speak real slow & then he just blankly nods

yeah grant can't wait to arrive in cali this summer & check out them curvy brunette yoga females with flat stomachs, what a time to be alive:cheer:cheer:cheer

shocky is down under#

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including sydney):tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree:tree

Shocky1;842811808 said:

another cal's monster class exclusive recruiting update: this past week's offical visit with mr australia & his family went very well & he got a very short list, my cute cousin sidney (who lives in san francisco) loves our international guys roger & the king

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world (including new south wales)
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it should also be mentioned that a 12 year girl could bench more than grant

jordan jackson gonna fix that ****
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update: darius, your gonna enjoy your official visit to berkeley with moms & your trainer next tues/wed & then go back home to houston & pack up for your move to cali & get enrolled in summer school, gotta do something with all your hoarding stuff mr sneakerhead


welcome to berkeley transformative cal's go all the way up class (2017) & yeah there's still room for one more dude pending a sat score & no were not talking about fat joe

it all starts with cal's summer bridge & jordan jackson wondering how the **** a skinny azz broken down ***** like you ever got a d1 scholly

50 year friendships#:buttkick:

Shocky1;842840855 said:

if you ask them high character true student athletes of cal's go all the way up class (2017) where they live, they gonna point at the berkeley hills & tell you to go all the way up in their fueled up uber helicopter...just ask french montana, nothing can stop them


juhwan harris dyson, 3.0 gpa

justice sueing jr, 3.8 gpa

grant anticevnich, 3.75 gpa (australian equivalent)

deschon winston, 3.9 gpa

paris austin, 3.35 gpa (boise state)

austin mccullough, 3.97 gpa

darius mcneil, 3.3 gpa

curvy brunette yoga female with a flat stomach that wants to date & marry a cal, stanford or ivy league grad, gpa unknown

cal's go all the way up class (2017)#

the university of california, berkeley=#1 ranked public (#3 overall) university in the world:bravo
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shoes matter (clothes are for losers, 1st day out)#
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ccajon;842848779 said:

I'm a fan of the Ducks as well as Cal. My sister went to Oregon, so did a cousin. As for corruption, cal has been dinged by the NCAA far more then the ducks ever have-remember bozeman?


ccajon, if you told me your sister & cousin work out of the medford truck stop i would believe you
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But I'm sure they don't embarrass their Alma Mater's basketball program on the internet by posting the type drivel you do.
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Alkiadt;842849067 said:

But I'm sure they don't embarrass their Alma Mater's basketball program on the internet by posting the type drivel you do.

This board is dying for a like button.
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[SIZE=4]repping USA in the 20th World Maccabiah Games[/SIZE]

take off that red shirt ...

south bender
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Go, Sam!

Maybe he will yet mature and realize he needs to present a scoring threat, to realize his potential as a distributor. A bit frustrating at Cal that he did not do this, but he is still a youngster, so let's hope...
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[SIZE=4]summertime is for traveling ...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]hanging ...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]... and grinding ...[/SIZE]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=5][COLOR="#000080"][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Alkiadt;842849067 said:

But I'm sure they don't embarrass their Alma Mater's basketball program on the internet by posting the type drivel you do.

then why are you an avid reader of the monster?
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jacob, that's a great idea on how to not lose keys & **** like that, do you think i should carry around cash, my credit & golf magazine ranking panelist cards, flip phone, yoga studio pass & willie mays baseball cards that way too?

spy (50 year friendships)#:bluecarrot::bluecarrot::bluecarrot::bluecarrot:
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