Bear Insider Video: Cal QB Jaron Keawe Sagapolutele & CB Jae'on Young
KAHUKU, HAWAII - The 2025 Polynesian Bowl participants ventured out today to practice on the North Shore of Oahu for day two of bowl prep practice at Kahuku High School, home of incoming Cal safety Aiden Manutai and LB Lebron Williams - two of the four Cal signees participating in this year’s bowl game.
We had the chance for a quick catch-up after practice with fellow bowl participants Jaron Keawe Sagapolutele and Jae’on Young after practice was over.
6-3/220 Campbell (Ewa Beach, Hawaii) QB Sagapolutele has found himself in a whirlwind of activity this last few weeks, originally signing with Oregon on a signing day surprise flip from Cal, enrolling and practicing with the Ducks in Rose Bowl prep week, taking the trip to Pasadena then entering the transfer portal and flipping back to Cal, where he found himself in Berkeley with his family not long after.
Now the new 5 star Cal QB finds himself back home on Hawaii for one last hurrah as he spends the week practicing with three of his future teammates as well as many he’s played against on the prep level in Hawaii.
"Man, it was a good practice, just getting that connection down with the boys, really just getting used to the play," Sagapolutele said. "But overall, it's just been fun."
5-10.5/170 Sierra Canyon (Chatsworth, CA) ATH Young was a late addition to the Poly Bowl. The 4 star two-way prep star was equally adept as a receiver and DB but his future at Cal is at cornerback - the position he’s playing this week in the bowl game.
"I'm out here playing DB," Young said. "Yeah, it's been great. I mean, those guys, I'm playing in Cali with some of the best competition, so the pace is not too different. But those guys also you gotta honor the way they do things, as well. They catch the ball really good. They run their routes really good. So I'm just gonna stay sharp."
Sagopolutele, Young and Manutai are all on the same squad, with linebacker Lebron Williams on his own on the other squad this week, though the future Cal QB noted that he’s not yet thrown against Williams in practice.
Overall, both future Bears are more than happy for the experience this week.
"It's just a great experience, like overall, again, but just too so thankful that Jesus put us in a situation like this, ywhere we get to experience this."
"So like Jaron said, praise and honor Jesus my savior, first and foremost," Young said. "These guys are amazing guys. It's amazing how we're all here together. We're all on the same path, so it's been amazing just sharing and space with these guys."