BearGoggles said:
OaktownBear said:
BearGoggles said:
Big C said:
Sickening. Here in the Bay Area, we live in a bubble. Down there, they live in their own bubble. However, all bubbles are not created equal: Ours is progressive; theirs is regressive.
While some things are more important than college football, I can't help wondering if, while we're down there this fall, maybe we could spread the word that there's a wonderful university in Northern California, where the attitude is better (and so is the weather).
This is an unfortunate combination of arrogance, condescension, naivete, and delusion. I am not defending the photo or action. However, to assume that the Bay Area (really California) and its "progressive values" is somehow unequivocally superior to other "bubbles" is simply wrong. All bubbles are bad, because they promote intolerance, division, and a lack of empathy - your post is a great example.
The Bay Area, in particular, is one of the most intolerant and least liberal (in a traditional sense) places I've encountered. And it has gotten "progressively" worse in the last 3 decades.
The group think and intolerance of peaceful dissent or alternate viewpoints is off the charts. Dissenting views that are very much in the nationwide mainstream are de-platformed, boycotted, and attacked on an an hominem basis - rarely the on the merits. Antifa and its violent intimidation tactics have been tolerated (and implicitly endorsed) for years. People with conservative views are literally denied employment, not to mention social stature.
The totalitarian (really fascist) urges of the so called CA progressives is off the charts. The bay area outlaws straws, plastic bags, e-sigs, etc. On the streets of SFO, a person can use a heroin needle (paid for and distributed by the government), dine naked, or take a dump in the street, but that same person can't use a plastic straw or puff an e-cig.
The Bay Area is one of the least affordable places to live in the world - in no small part because of progressive anti-development attitudes. Poverty in California averages 13+%, with much higher rates in urban/progressive areas like SFO and LA. When factoring in housing costs, California has the highest poverty rates in the Country per the census bureau.
Despite its high tax rates, California has the highest debt of any state in real dollar terms and on a per capita basis, with massive unfunded liabilities (pensions) on top of that.
Our bubble/state is far from perfect. Keep that in mind when your judging other people's.
First of all, I assumed his intent by talking about "bubbles" is that we both live in worlds where we are not exposed to those opinions of the other. I wouldn't say all bubbles are bad. Bubbles just exist. Americans don't know what it is like to live an Bangladesh. They never will. Understanding your bubbles is good.
I absolutely support freedom of expression. I absolutely think that people should be able to have their political views without fear of reprisal. I think people of all political persuasions can go too far in drawing lines against other political views. I think some in the Bay Area certainly do that. Would love to have that conversation. Unfortunately, you just posted a bunch of bullshyte.
Antifa is not endorsed implicitly or otherwise by any large number of the liberal population. Try getting off conservative media outlets once in a while. Are there liberal nutjobs who like them? Yes. Are their conservative nutjobs who like White Supremacists? yes. There are good people on both sides right? I would say that liberals certainly question the right's concerns about Antifa when the right doesn't seem to be nearly as concerned with White Supremacy and racist violence on their side, but very few are supporting Antifa in any way.
As for "most intolerant places you've encountered" I'd just say to you that maybe your judgment of intolerance is impacted by how close you feel to the traits that are "not tolerated". How many people like you have been murdered here for who you compared to members of the LGBTQ community? How many people like you have been murdered because of their race. Or because they talked a certain way to a member of another ethnicity. How many people like you have been murdered for their religious views or their political view? How many of your churches have been shot up? How many times have you been pulled over by a cop for no reason? How many times have you been not waited on or had a member of another race taken first when you were next in line. Or hassled for ID. Or followed by store security. Please. Let's add up the score on intolerance. I'm sorry you don't get to use a plastic bag. Some of your complaints are justified. Comparing your the pittance of intolerance you may have to face to intolerance of others elsewhere is utterly ridiculous. Straight up, I would much rather be a straight, staunchly conservative, white male in the Bay Area than a liberal black man in the Bay Area when it comes to dealing with crap on a regular basis. (I'd rather be a liberal, white male, truth be told). Your crying about the horrible intolerance you suffer in the Bay Area is so beyond the pale ridiculous compared to what other people face. To be clear, you say their is intolerance here and we should get our house in order, I'm with you. You say this is one of the most intolerant places you have encountered, you need to be called on it.
Let's be clear on a couple of things, shooting up heroin is illegal and people get cited for it even if in some locations the police don't try very hard. Taking a dump in the street is not legal. No idea on dining naked, but I've never encountered the practice. You are allowed to use a plastic straw if you bring your own. Stores can't give you one. And there are perfectly reasonable alternatives. As for either plastic straws or plastic bags, that is no different than not allowing a hog rendering plant in the city. The people of these communities have decided that plastic straws and bags are harmful to the environment and they have banned them while giving people perfectly reasonable alternatives. You don't think it's important. Hard cheese. That is not a tolerance issue any more than I am intolerant of my neighbor playing loud music at 2 in the morning.
I might be sympathetic to people being refused jobs for political views, but 99% of the time I see conservatives make this claim, the "political view" leading to the refused or lost job was something on the order of LGBTQ or minorities or women they would work with being inferior or getting jobs they aren't qualified for. When I see a lot of people losing jobs over issues that don't involve respecting the people they work with, I'll be a lot more concerned.
And I'll tell you what, the next time a 14 year old white kid is murdered for talking to a black woman in the Bay Area and a memorial is put up for the kid and people shoot it up and a bunch of black Cal kids go to the memorial and pose laughing with guns in front of it, make your point. Fact is there are several steps in that process that you can't even envision happening here.
But really, I'm truly sorry you have to use a paper straw. Bummer. #strawlivesmatter.
Antifa (and other anarchist) groups have been tolerated (and therefore implicitly endorsed) in Berkeley since at least the 1980s. Until they recently were sued, UC and the Berkeley police stood by and did nothing while these types of groups rioted, destroyed property, and most importantly de-platformed people. Those same people would not have stood by had conservatives been acting in that fashion and attacking liberals. Other people on the left have similarly endorsed violence (punch them in the face) and other tactics involving physical intimidation - Maxine Waters, etc. And for the record, no less than Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon on CNN defended/rationalized (partly) Antifa and its tactics. Are Antifa defenders widespread - no, I never said that. But they do exist disproportionately in the Bay area and other left bubbles.
Your ass-umptions about my judgment of intolerance are misplaced. I'm Jewish - plenty of "people like me" (your words) have in fact been murdered. My temples have been shot up. I'm sensitive to intolerance and don't deny the existence of racism/etc. But I don't pretend that my California bubble is more perfect than others. And to that point, the left "bubbles" (aka college campuses, Bay Area and New York) have a lot more problems with antisemitism than most other places (including the South). The common denominator among the bubbles is intolerance (which was my original point).
Your attempt to justify the straw/plastic laws, refusal to enforce heroin laws and basic hygiene in SFO - because of course none of those things are as bad as racism or violence - intentionally obscures the point (you have constructed a strawman with the straw issue). I never claimed those things were equal to racism. What I did claim is that the mindset in the Bay Area bubble is fundamentally intolerant and disrespectful of individual rights with incredible instincts to true fascists tactics (i.e., using the power of law and violence to stamp out dissent).
Your lack of sympathy for conservatives seeking/keeping jobs in the bay area is emblematic of the problem. You see no problem with enforcing conformity of thought through economic coercion. Brendan Eich literally lost his job because he donated in support of Prop 8 and held a personal view that was at the time identical to President Obama's (and the vast majority of other Americans at the time). He didn't do anything in the work place to impose his view or discriminate - yet he couldn't work in the bay area. And you alluded to the problems at google, where the company promotes and provides internal bulletin boards (with truly bat crap crazy stuff on them) and then purges conservatives who hold opinions that offend the far left.
You posted: " When I see a lot of people losing jobs over issues that don't involve respecting the people they work with, I'll be a lot more concerned." The problem with that approach is that progressives take the position that they are "disrespected" or "harmed" by the mere existence/expression of opinions they disagree with (they even consider that a form of "violence"). Is that a common viewpoint? Probably not in many parts of the country (and not among old time liberals). But it is a prevalent view in the Bay Area bubble and on college campuses - and VERY prevalent at tech places like Google, FB, twitter, etc. Basically you're saying you don't object to the de-facto existence of thought police as long as the police are on your side.
What is the effect of all this? Many non-liberals are afraid to participate in Bay Area politics OUTSIDE of work or even make political donations. Of course, that is what the left wants - complete de-platforming and the elimination of dissent.
My discussion of plastic straws and bags is not a straw man. You are the one that made them a focal point of your argument that the Bay Area is one of the most intolerant places. I say again, if that even makes your list of evidence that the Bay Area is intolerant, you don't have much to complain about. Having to use a paper straw might be like number 10,000 on the list of any minority.
Your position is massively hypocritical. You are really concerned about conservatives not being able to speak their minds in the Bay Area. Do you think we liberals feel comfortable walking around red states and much of rural America espousing our views on things? Conservatives are very concerned about how conservative speakers are treated at Cal, but ignore the dozens of conservative universities that don't have liberal speakers on campus to be treated any kind of way. Are you concerned when polls show over 60% of Alabamans say they would not vote for any candidate for any office that doesn't believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible? Is that not elimination of dissent to you?
You take the position progressives feel they are "disrespected" or harmed by the mere existence/expression of opinions they disagree with. Except that conservatives frequently take the position that intolerance is a political view or a religious view. It's just my religious view that gays don't get the same rights as others. It's just my political view that women I work with are unqualified diversity hires.
I find your characterization of Brendan Eich a perfect example of this. He wasn't fired. (and, unlike what you said, he can and does work in the Bay Area) If he wasn't CEO, he never would have had a problem. He resigned from leadership of the company because his position on gay marriage was losing his company money. Because members of the LGBTQ community and their friends were not using his company's service. So what is your issue? That these people should have ignored the fact that he helped fund a campaign that sought to deprive them of a basic right that is given to straight people (and when asked doubled down on that view) and use his company's services anyway? Why should they? Because it's his political opinion? Well, their political opinion was otherwise. And let me guess. While it's not okay to boycott his product, if they went to a baker to buy a wedding cake, it would be okay for the baker to refuse services to them because it is their religious views. And then if they need a birthday cake the next day, they should not boycott the baker who refused them service because that would be punishing the baker for a mere disagreement. Goose. Gander.
Are you complaining about Colin Kaepernick not getting a job because fans threatened to boycott. Or fans boycotting the NFL over the whole anthem thing. Or conservatives boycotting Yeti coolers because they dropped the NRA and going on YouTube with videos of them blowing up or shooting their coolers. Or boycotting Starbucks over a host of issues. Or AARP. Or Budweiser for an allegedly pro-immigration commercial? Or Nike? Or Adidas? There are a long list of conservative boycotts of mere political opinions.
I don't care about you being conservative. I care about your selective, hypocritical outrage. What you are concerned about is not level of intolerance. Hey, at least no one is arguing to "send you back" where you came from. You are concerned about intolerance of your opinions and frankly I don't think it is even that. You are concerned about losing. You need to face facts. The California Republican Party is a disaster. They took a hardline position against immigration and minority issues right when the state was becoming a majority minority. Bought them an election or two and lost them a state. They turned hard right on social issues in a state that elected moderate, pro-business Republicans as its governors for 24 out of 28 years ending in 2011. Now they can't even dream of statewide office. It isn't because conservatives are afraid to express their views. Are they fearfully casting their anonymous ballots for Democrats? You are just outnumbered. Your neighbors don't agree with you on policies. So you need to use a paper straw. I've heard plenty about bans on plastic straws and bags being stupid. I hear plenty of conservative arguments. Sorry. You just lost. Hey, I've been around long enough to see the liberals play the victim card in a massive way. Now I guess the pendulum has swung and it is conservative's turn to play the victim card. The word snowflake comes to mind