This is why we need voter ID

6,762 Views | 71 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by BearForce2
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going4roses said:

BearForce2 said:

BearNIt said:

BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

BearForce2 said:

going4roses said:

More voter suppression by race

If ID is required to receive reparations, people who don't have an ID will magically get one.

People will do all kinds of things for money. You aren't exactly advancing your argument regarding a citizens right to vote.

It's not that difficult to get an ID in the U.S. What are the obstacles?

Everything is time and money. And timeliness. Why are you putting up obstacles for a problem that doesn't exist?

Why do you think blacks can't get ID's?

You didn't answer my question

Poll Shows Overwhelming Majority Support Voter ID Laws

Obstacles? No, security.
More Likely to be struck by lightning than to find an incident of voter impersonation.

Voter Fraud is a lie being pushed by Republicans.

Voter Fraud has been the Republican boogie man for years. It's time to stop the lie a .0003 to 00025 percent incident rate is a poor attempt at raising an issue that was not a problem in 2020.

A comprehensive 2014 study published in The Washington Post found 31 credible instances of impersonation fraud from 2000 to 2014, out of more than 1 billion ballots cast. Even this tiny number is likely inflated, as the study's author counted not just prosecutions or convictions, but any and all credible claims.

Voter fraud has been going on since voting began. Why are you afraid, are you an illegal?

Why are you afraid are you illegal?
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Also, 69% of black people support voter ID, a higher percentage than Democrats.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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BearForce2 said:

Several (racist) gun shops refuse to sell guns and ammo to black law abiding citizens
So ....
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The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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BearForce2 said:
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BearForce2 said:

BearNIt said:

BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

BearForce2 said:

going4roses said:

More voter suppression by race

If ID is required to receive reparations, people who don't have an ID will magically get one.

People will do all kinds of things for money. You aren't exactly advancing your argument regarding a citizens right to vote.

It's not that difficult to get an ID in the U.S. What are the obstacles?

Everything is time and money. And timeliness. Why are you putting up obstacles for a problem that doesn't exist?

Why do you think blacks can't get ID's?

You didn't answer my question

Poll Shows Overwhelming Majority Support Voter ID Laws

Obstacles? No, security.
More Likely to be struck by lightning than to find an incident of voter impersonation.

Voter Fraud is a lie being pushed by Republicans.

Voter Fraud has been the Republican boogie man for years. It's time to stop the lie a .0003 to 00025 percent incident rate is a poor attempt at raising an issue that was not a problem in 2020.

A comprehensive 2014 study published in The Washington Post found 31 credible instances of impersonation fraud from 2000 to 2014, out of more than 1 billion ballots cast. Even this tiny number is likely inflated, as the study's author counted not just prosecutions or convictions, but any and all credible claims.

Voter fraud has been going on since voting began. Why are you afraid, are you an illegal?
Your statement says a lot about how you think. Am I an illegal? Not that I know of, I guess the FBI would let me know if I hadn't passed the multiple federal background checks I have undergone. Just so you know there is very little that I am afraid of having survived cancer, been threatened by gang members repeatedly, and working in healthcare during the COVID pandemic.

Voter Fraud is not a problem in this country but blatant lies and disinformation are.
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Here's your drink:

How Do I Get a Georgia State ID Card?

The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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I don't think we need a specific "voter id." The standard forms of id work just fine in all other walks of life.

However, we can't even convince eligible voters to vote. Do we really need to worry about ineligible voters? The data says we don't.

That said, I don't oppose a voter id. What I oppose is the inevitable interference of the GOP to make it even more difficult to obtain. It is pretty clear what the GOP agenda is here and it is NOT to have fair elections.

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dimitrig said:

I don't think we need a specific "voter id." The standard forms of id work just fine in all other walks of life.

However, we can't even convince eligible voters to vote. Do we really need to worry about ineligible voters? The data says we don't.

That said, I don't oppose a voter id. What I oppose is the inevitable interference of the GOP to make it even more difficult to obtain. It is pretty clear what the GOP agenda is here and it is NOT to have fair elections.

What data surrounding ineligible voters are you referring to? A lot of people voted this past election even with the pandemic.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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BearForce2 said:

dimitrig said:

I don't think we need a specific "voter id." The standard forms of id work just fine in all other walks of life.

However, we can't even convince eligible voters to vote. Do we really need to worry about ineligible voters? The data says we don't.

That said, I don't oppose a voter id. What I oppose is the inevitable interference of the GOP to make it even more difficult to obtain. It is pretty clear what the GOP agenda is here and it is NOT to have fair elections.

What data surrounding ineligible voters are you referring to? A lot of people voted this past election even with the pandemic.

Data that shows ineligible voters actually voted.

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The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Big C said:

Most of this is just an attempt at voter suppression. That said, who the hell can't present an ID? I guess I don't NEED to, but I always have my ID when I go vote. The first few times I voted, I was kind of surprised I didn't need to show it. I'm pretty sure just about any voter who is poor or disadvantaged and/or a person of color is able to present an ID as easily as I can.
A lot of poor people don't have acceptable IDs. Also, students. In Texas you can use your handgun license but not your student ID. If you are over 70 in Texas you can use an ID that expired more than 4 years prior but not if you are under 70. They didn't randomly arrive at these restrictions - I'm surprised they don't allow you to present a membership to the Kenny Chesney fan club when you vote.

There is exactly one motivation for voter ID laws as written, and it has nothing to do with voter fraud.

Do we really have a pandemic of poor people without acceptable ID's in this country? Are these poor mostly Republican voters living in rural areas?
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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Looks like the MLB can't play in London next year.
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Why do you guys keep talking about voter id? Please explain that to me.
American Vermin
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MinotStateBeav said:

Looks like the MLB can't play in London next year.

Donald J. Trump
5:58pm May 11, 2021

The Government of the United Kingdom is proposing that anyone who wants to vote in a British election should show photo ID to eliminate any corruption and fraud and "ensure the integrity of elections." This is exactly what we should do in the United States, unlike the Democrats who want to abolish Voter ID laws with passing their horrible HR 1 Bill.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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We need voter ID to do everything. And, rightly so. And, yet, we are told by the Demo party every day for the last 400 years, that, somehow, voter ID hurts African-americans and other under-privileged minorities such that , somehow, these groups are so terrified at not producing their ID, that many stay home on election day.
good God. The fact that Demo operatives and their mouthpieces in the MSM repeat this shibboleth on every Election Day is a testament to their cynicism and their belief that enough folks will actually believe this preposterous nonsense . Sadly, this big lie still has resonance for far too many folks . So, the well-deserved stake-through-the-heart is always postponed .
There are literally 10 million ways to steal an election. Demos are well acquainted with all 10 million ways. Stuffing the ballot box and having dead folks vote are two well-known tried -and-true ways. That still leaves 9 million, 999 thousand and 998. ways to cheat. God bless the Demos. Willie Sutton only robbed banks. Demos rob elections.
Who are thge culprits????
Social Media
Wash Post
News York Times
late-night 'comics"

No wonder Repubs get intimidated when they miraculously arrive e in Washington...If Spartacus faced these odds, he would have said, " forget it mates....let's call off the outbreak.' It's no wonder that thge Repubs usually practice a political version of the Washington Generals all the time....does intimidation work???Is the pope Catholic????

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MinotStateBeav said:

Looks like the MLB can't play in London next year.
She didn't want to get voted out of office.
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dajo9 said:

Why do you guys keep talking about voter id? Please explain that to me.

Why aren't you talking about voter id? Please explain.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

Why do you guys keep talking about voter id? Please explain that to me.

Why aren't you talking about voter id? Please explain.

Voter id isn't the main of the problem with the voter laws. It is the only part RWNJ's talk about because they want to create a false narrative.

It is true we live in a country that has systematically attacked minorities through the criminal justice system. That's a good reason why minorities wouldn't want to show voter id. A black woman in Texas is sitting in prison right now serving a five year sentence for voting illegally. Felons are not allowed to vote in Texas until after their term is up. She had served part of her felony conviction and was on supervised release when she voted. For that she got a five year sentence. That is voter suppression and using the criminal justice system to attack blacks all rolled into one.

In years past many minorities did not have id. I think this is a small issue today, but was once definitely valid.

Republicans are using many means to make voting more difficult. RWNJ only want to talk about voter id and pretend the rest does not exist.

I talked about voter id. Now will you talk about other aspects of the laws?
American Vermin
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dajo9 said:

This was said by Dr. Miranda Yaver and I thought it was very on point.

"It's hard to debate Republicans right now because they don't care about facts and they don't care about decency"
Requiring voter ID's is not decent? Please explain?
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BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

Why do you guys keep talking about voter id? Please explain that to me.

Why aren't you talking about voter id? Please explain.

Is Europe racist? Is Europe classist?

You bet!

Funny how the GOP hates those Freedom Fry munching Europeans except when they do something they agree with.

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dimitrig said:

BearForce2 said:

dajo9 said:

Why do you guys keep talking about voter id? Please explain that to me.

Why aren't you talking about voter id? Please explain.

Is Europe racist? Is Europe classist?

You bet!

Funny how the GOP hates those Freedom Fry munching Europeans except when they do something they agree with.

It's funny these days how people from places where there's less freedom and more racism end up leaving for Europe and the flow of people isn't the other way around.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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"As it is, registered Republicans make up only about 25% of the American electorate, and that percentage appears to be shrinking in the wake of Trump's malodorous exit.

But because rural Republican states like Wyoming (with 574,000 inhabitants) get two senators just as do urban ones like California (with nearly 40 million), and because Republican states have gerrymandered districts that elect House members to give them an estimated 19 extra seats over what they would have without gerrymandering, the scales were already tipped.

Then came the post-Trump deluge of state laws making it harder for likely Democrats to vote, and easier for Republican state legislatures to manipulate voting tallies."
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My liberal comrades, please assist comrade Aunbear with obtaining his ID before the next election.
The difference between a right wing conspiracy and the truth is about 20 months.
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For what this is worth here:

I think Stacey Abrahams has conceded on voter ID in exchange for other measures she wants to get better elections.
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If I recall debate on ID's from my youth in the 70's....

There was at one point discussion over whether everyone should be given National ID cards. I'm not sure why the issue came up. Maybe it was in response to (illegal) border crossings, immigration. Probably more like an early 80's discussion I'm recalling.

Anyways, I recall the anti crowd saying "we don't want to be like 1940's Europe where Nazi soldiers could stop anyone in the street demanding papiere, papers! to anyone who happens to be going for a walk."

I recall the person saying they want to live "free" as an anonymous being on earth as God created us to be, and not be harassed and controlled by others.

That always has stuck with me in regards to having to carry ID with us.
That said, I have no problem with carrying an ID when you drive or vote. Those are civil structures, not anonymous ones.
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concordtom said:

For what this is worth here:

I think Stacey Abrahams has conceded on voter ID in exchange for other measures she wants to get better elections.
Which is a tradeoff I'd make as well. I'm okay with Voter ID if it's also made easier to vote, to get an ID, etc.
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sycasey said:

concordtom said:

For what this is worth here:

I think Stacey Abrahams has conceded on voter ID in exchange for other measures she wants to get better elections.
Which is a tradeoff I'd make as well. I'm okay with Voter ID if it's also made easier to vote, to get an ID, etc.

Same type of bargaining has been on the table with regards to immigration control.

Give the dreamers their due and we'll tighten up over here.
But, gop wants their cake and eat it, too.
Meanwhile type of bargaining was on the table with regards to a Jan 6 commission. Gop demanded certain things, Dems said fine, and the gop senators still voted it down.

At some point, an educated and rational person figures out which way is up.
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concordtom said:

sycasey said:

concordtom said:

For what this is worth here:

I think Stacey Abrahams has conceded on voter ID in exchange for other measures she wants to get better elections.
Which is a tradeoff I'd make as well. I'm okay with Voter ID if it's also made easier to vote, to get an ID, etc.

Same type of bargaining has been on the table with regards to immigration control.

Give the dreamers their due and we'll tighten up over here.
But, gop wants their cake and eat it, too.
Meanwhile type of bargaining was on the table with regards to a Jan 6 commission. Gop demanded certain things, Dems said fine, and the gop senators still voted it down.

At some point, an educated and rational person figures out which way is up.

Indeed. The issue right now is that conservatives seem generally unwilling to give anything on their end, so it just becomes Voter ID and also more restrictions, not a fair tradeoff.
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sycasey said:

concordtom said:

sycasey said:

concordtom said:

For what this is worth here:

I think Stacey Abrahams has conceded on voter ID in exchange for other measures she wants to get better elections.
Which is a tradeoff I'd make as well. I'm okay with Voter ID if it's also made easier to vote, to get an ID, etc.

Same type of bargaining has been on the table with regards to immigration control.

Give the dreamers their due and we'll tighten up over here.
But, gop wants their cake and eat it, too.
Meanwhile type of bargaining was on the table with regards to a Jan 6 commission. Gop demanded certain things, Dems said fine, and the gop senators still voted it down.

At some point, an educated and rational person figures out which way is up.

Indeed. The issue right now is that conservatives seem generally unwilling to give anything on their end, so it just becomes Voter ID and also more restrictions, not a fair tradeoff.
"Give us something or you can't have safe elections."
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MinotStateBeav said:

sycasey said:

concordtom said:

sycasey said:

concordtom said:

For what this is worth here:

I think Stacey Abrahams has conceded on voter ID in exchange for other measures she wants to get better elections.
Which is a tradeoff I'd make as well. I'm okay with Voter ID if it's also made easier to vote, to get an ID, etc.

Same type of bargaining has been on the table with regards to immigration control.

Give the dreamers their due and we'll tighten up over here.
But, gop wants their cake and eat it, too.
Meanwhile type of bargaining was on the table with regards to a Jan 6 commission. Gop demanded certain things, Dems said fine, and the gop senators still voted it down.

At some point, an educated and rational person figures out which way is up.

Indeed. The issue right now is that conservatives seem generally unwilling to give anything on their end, so it just becomes Voter ID and also more restrictions, not a fair tradeoff.
"Give us something or you can't have safe elections."
"Give us something and we'll still gerrymander and suppress your votes out of existence."
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The 2020 election was among the most secure. Stop being so gullible and believing everything your Right Wing news bubble tells you.
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