Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

519,253 Views | 5341 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by movielover
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Peter McCullough, one of the most published and cited cardiologists in the world, has been cancelled by "Science". In his own words...


I was terminated as the Editor-In-Chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine after years of service and rising impact factors. There was no phone call, no board meeting, no due process. Just e-mails or certified letters. Powerful dark forces are working in academic medicine to expunge any resistance to the vax.
Yesterday I was stripped of my board certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiology after decades of perfect clinical performance, board scores, and hundreds of peer reviewed publications.
None of this will stop until there is a "needle in every arm."
He has an early treatment protocol that he claims has been very successful. Funny how the scientific establishment has no interest in debunking that.
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Many assert that Vitamin C, D, Zinc, and either Ivermectin or Quercetin (OTC) do wonders. Some add other items.

Some African countries with low vaxx rates and high Ivermectin use (for river blindness) have had few cases. Vitamin D comes natural (sun), and obesity is rare.
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This is just outstanding, even if it is from someone who is very much in favor of the Covid vaccines in general.

I don't know how anyone could watch this and think our policies are being driven by the science.

Btw, this is not a political post, something that will be perfectly clear if you actually watch the video.
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Zippergate said:

This is just outstanding, even if it is from someone who is very much in favor of the Covid vaccines in general.

I don't know how anyone could watch this and think our policies are being driven by the science.

Btw, this is not a political post, something that will be perfectly clear if you actually watch the video.

Good video

Offit said public health officials should be cautious about overselling the shots as a major upgrade.

"We have to be careful when we get in front of the American public and try and sell this vaccine as something that's significantly better when all the evidence we have so far doesn't support that,"
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Zippergate said:

This is just outstanding, even if it is from someone who is very much in favor of the Covid vaccines in general.

I don't know how anyone could watch this and think our policies are being driven by the science.

Btw, this is not a political post, something that will be perfectly clear if you actually watch the video.

Excellent video and an effective communicator. But we had many doctors telling us many of these facts for 1-2 years. They've been blackmailed, persecuted, and more.

Dr. Peter McCullough was the vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor at Texas A&M University. He now is labeled a spreader of "misinformation" and has been stripped of his medical certifications and three faculty appointments.

Sure sounds like George Orwell.
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"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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DiabloWags said:


I applaud him for not being pfizer's *****. He can think outside the Big Pharma box. At the same time, it is definitely fair to mock him for some ridiculous ideas.
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The Anti-Vaxxer crowd who supported Trump and even rioted on January 6th supporting the Orange Buffoon must have really enjoyed his OPERATION WARPSPEED.

Alex Jones Slams Trump on Covid-19 Vaccines (

"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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DiabloWags said:

The Anti-Vaxxer crowd who supported Trump and even rioted on January 6th supporting the Orange Buffoon must have really enjoyed his OPERATION WARPSPEED.

Alex Jones Slams Trump on Covid-19 Vaccines (


Anti-vaxxers certainly don't like Operation Warp Speed. Hahahahahahahaha.
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Frontline Doctor and Anti-Vaxxer Simone Gold.

Now serving 2 months in prison.

"Cults don't end well. They really don't."
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DiabloWags said:

Frontline Doctor and Anti-Vaxxer Simone Gold.

Now serving 2 months in prison.

The folks who trespassed on January 6 should spend some time in jail, as she did. I don't post much in that thread. I try to keep things on topic and not troll.
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Maybe add some n-acetylcysteine to your regimen for this covid, cold, and flu season this winter...
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Top cyclist career ended by heart injury:

This is reminiscent of the retirement of Sergio Aguero, one of the very top soccer players in the world, who retired after experiencing chest pain while playing, and whose heart damage forced his retirement. I`ve followed very closely European soccer since the mid 1970s, and never, ever witnessed that kind of injury, which has now happened to literally dozens of professional players the last year, including to top stars like Aguero....

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24yo Norwegian cross-country ski champion Sivert Bakken sidelined with heart problems:

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The liberal Atlantic:

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movielover said:

The liberal Atlantic:

Heck no. Nuremburg II.
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movielover said:

This is a dumb tweet mentioning things that are both wrong and absent from the article.

People can read the article here:
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If people think Emily Oster was in favor of major COVID restrictions from the beginning, think again. She took a lot of heat from the left for supporting school reopenings, for example.
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This is a great read

Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics

a few snips...

"Subsequently, e-mails released from legal proceedings have documented the ways in which government officials directly coordinated with tech companies like Twitter and Facebook to censor doctors, scientists and journalists (Lungariello and Chamberlain 2022; Ramaswamy and Rubenfeld 2022). In December 2021, an e-mail from the fall of 2020 was released via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. It revealed a behind-the-scenes effort by Francis Collins, then head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to his colleague, Anthony Fauci, head of NIAID, to discredit the Great Barrington Declaration and disparage its authors. In the email, Collins told Fauci that "this proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists … seems to be getting a lot of attention," adding that "there needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises. I don't see anything like that online yetis it underway?"
Furthermore, the denial or silencing of contrary views can elicit public mistrust (Gesser-Edelsburg and Shir-Raz 2016; Wynne 2001). Studies have indicated that in situations of risk, especially risk that involves uncertainty, the public prefers full transparency of information, including different views, and that providing it does not raise negative reactions in terms of behaviour, but rather, helps reduce negative feelings and increases the public's respect for the risk-assessing agency (De Vocht et al. 2014; Lofstedt 2006; Slovic 1994). As Wynne (2001) warns, institutional science's attempts to exaggerate its intellectual control and use knowledge as justification for policy commitments, while ignoring its limits, only alienates the public and increases mistrust.
The present study is designed to explore the subjective perceptions of well-credentialed, highly accomplished mainstream doctors and scientists who have experienced censorship and/or suppression after expressing non-orthodox positions regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they dealt with it. "

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So much for free speech.

It's been rare for any doctor to even recommend Vitamin C, D, Zinc, and losing weight to prevent Covid infection ... all perfectly safe. Released emails from FOIA requests reveal Dr. Birx noting we'll never match northern European numbers due to our obesity levels.
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movielover said:

It's been rare for any doctor to even recommend Vitamin C, D, Zinc, and losing weight to prevent Covid infection ... all perfectly safe.
That's because none of those things prevent Covid infection. Being generally healthier might give you a better chance of surviving the infection, so maybe they would help with that . . . except the vaccines exist and do BY FAR the best job of that already, so that's what a doctor would recommend.
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No one has studied it. The virus allegedly replicates in fat cells, hence the reason why obese people were hit harder. Obesity is a common comorbidity w Covid. Yes, censored doctors claim to have found effective treatments with Vitamin C, D, Zinc and Ivermectin. (Cocktail)
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movielover said:

No one has studied it. The virus allegedly replicates in fat cells, hence the reason why obese people were hit harder.
Okay, but if it does then that just means you're likely to get a worse outcome from a Covid infection if you're fat. It doesn't mean that being thin will prevent you from catching Covid. Do you guys even know what you're arguing anymore?

And again, the vaccines are better than anything else at preventing bad outcomes from an infection.
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sycasey said:

movielover said:

No one has studied it. The virus allegedly replicates in fat cells, hence the reason why obese people were hit harder.
Okay, but if it does then that just means you're likely to get a worse outcome from a Covid infection if you're fat. It doesn't mean that being thin will prevent you from catching Covid. Do you guys even know what you're arguing anymore?

And again, the vaccines are better than anything else at preventing bad outcomes from an

And you know this how?

Note some African countries with very low vaxx rates also have incredibly low infection rates. Why? We know that there are low obesity rates, plenty of Vitamin D (sun), and Ivermecton for river blindness. I believe one country had less than 5,000 infections, but allegedly wealthy Africans w a western diet (fat) had a much higher infection rate.
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movielover said:

sycasey said:

movielover said:

No one has studied it. The virus allegedly replicates in fat cells, hence the reason why obese people were hit harder.
Okay, but if it does then that just means you're likely to get a worse outcome from a Covid infection if you're fat. It doesn't mean that being thin will prevent you from catching Covid. Do you guys even know what you're arguing anymore?

And again, the vaccines are better than anything else at preventing bad outcomes from an

And you know this how?
Because that's what you said: the virus "replicates" in fat cells. For it to replicate that means you already caught it. Being fat had nothing to do with infection, just with severity of outcome.
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sycasey said:

movielover said:

No one has studied it. The virus allegedly replicates in fat cells, hence the reason why obese people were hit harder.
Okay, but if it does then that just means you're likely to get a worse outcome from a Covid infection if you're fat. It doesn't mean that being thin will prevent you from catching Covid. Do you guys even know what you're arguing anymore?

And again, the vaccines are better than anything else at preventing bad outcomes from an infection.
First of all, it's not an either or. Secondly, it's ridiculous to categorically say that vaxxines are better for everyone at all stages of the pandemic. Thirdly, many countries are waking up and not recommending the jabs for most people. What do they know that our experts are unwilling to admit? Lastly, why should we trust the authorities when they are hopelessly conflicted, politically motivated, and abuse their power to censor credible contrary viewpoints?

Most people feel lied to and betrayed. That's an opinion but I say that with confidence given the fact that the authorities are still pushing the vaccines for all ages regardless of covid status and the vast majority of Americans are rightly saying heck no, go boost yourself.
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The CDC director has been boosted 5x, and still caught Covid.
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movielover said:

The CDC director has been boosted 5x, and still caught Covid.
Yes, because we know it's not that effective at preventing infections (at least not at this stage, with the Omicron variant). She's still alive, though, right? No major problems? Seems like the vax is doing its job there.
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Zippergate said:

sycasey said:

movielover said:

No one has studied it. The virus allegedly replicates in fat cells, hence the reason why obese people were hit harder.
Okay, but if it does then that just means you're likely to get a worse outcome from a Covid infection if you're fat. It doesn't mean that being thin will prevent you from catching Covid. Do you guys even know what you're arguing anymore?

And again, the vaccines are better than anything else at preventing bad outcomes from an infection.
First of all, it's not an either or. Secondly, it's ridiculous to categorically say that vaxxines are better for everyone at all stages of the pandemic. Thirdly, many countries are waking up and not recommending the jabs for most people. What do they know that our experts are unwilling to admit? Lastly, why should we trust the authorities when they are hopelessly conflicted, politically motivated, and abuse their power to censor credible contrary viewpoints?

Most people feel lied to and betrayed. That's an opinion but I say that with confidence given the fact that the authorities are still pushing the vaccines for all ages regardless of covid status and the vast majority of Americans are rightly saying heck no, go boost yourself.
If people want to not get vaxxed and take their chances with the virus, then at this point I say, whatever, it's your life.

That wasn't the question I was addressing. It was about what doctors should recommend as the BEST way to avoid bad outcomes if you do catch Covid. That's still the vaccines.
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sycasey said:

If people want to not get vaxxed and take their chances with the virus, then at this point I say, whatever, it's your life.

That wasn't the question I was addressing. It was about what doctors should recommend as the BEST way to avoid bad outcomes if you do catch Covid. That's still the vaccines.
Thanks for that advice. I'll remember it the next time there's a hurricane coming.
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In the first wave, most people that died were over 70, many morbidly obese, and had multiple co morbidities.

Now we have a spoke in younger deaths, and an increase in myocarditis some attribute to the vaxx.
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Zippergate said:

sycasey said:

If people want to not get vaxxed and take their chances with the virus, then at this point I say, whatever, it's your life.

That wasn't the question I was addressing. It was about what doctors should recommend as the BEST way to avoid bad outcomes if you do catch Covid. That's still the vaccines.
Thanks for that advice. I'll remember it the next time there's a hurricane coming.
Perhaps in your language, this was a withering retort. I'll never know why.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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sycasey said:

Zippergate said:

sycasey said:

If people want to not get vaxxed and take their chances with the virus, then at this point I say, whatever, it's your life.

That wasn't the question I was addressing. It was about what doctors should recommend as the BEST way to avoid bad outcomes if you do catch Covid. That's still the vaccines.
Thanks for that advice. I'll remember it the next time there's a hurricane coming.
Perhaps in your language, this was a withering retort. I'll never know why.
Haven't you kept with the literature that says Vitamins C and D, Zinc and Ivermectin prevent hurricanes or at least lessen the effects?
Eastern Oregon Bear
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movielover said:

sycasey said:

movielover said:

No one has studied it. The virus allegedly replicates in fat cells, hence the reason why people obese people were hit harder.
Okay, but if it does then that just means you're likely to get a worse outcome from a Covid infection if you're fat. It doesn't mean that being thin will prevent you from catching Covid. Do you guys even know what you're arguing anymore?

And again, the vaccines are better than anything else at preventing bad outcomes from an

And you know this how?

Note some African countries with very low vaxx rates also have incredibly low infection rates. Why? We know that there are low obesity rates, plenty of Vitamin D (sun), and Ivermecton for river blindness. I believe one country had less than 5,000 infections, but allegedly wealthy Africans w a western diet (fat) had a much higher infection rate.
Just how many people in these African countries are taking Ivermectin to treat River Blindness? I think it would have be 80%-90% or higher to draw a meaningful correlation. If it's just 5%-10%, I doubt if the effects would be more than small blip in the data.

Update: I looked it up. In 2018, there were 15.5 million cases of River Blindness. In 2016, the population of Africa was 1.215 billion. So, assuming that all the River Blindness cases were in Africa (I don't know if that's true, but I'll go with the worst case scenario), that gives an infection rate of 1.28%. That's terrible, but it does suggest that Ivermectin used to treat River Blindness isn't widespread enough to have a meaningful impact on Covid.
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