Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

509,769 Views | 5321 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by movielover
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BearHunter said:

How accurate are these death toll numbers? Dying with Covid isn't the same thing as dying with Covid.

You must be really angry at the Trump Administration for doing that to us.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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I'm sorry you were forced to take the vaccines against your own will.
Big C
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Sometimes I can't just sit there while this thread becomes an echo chamber for right-wing talking points.

If we had somehow had the supply of vaccine and the wherewithal to jab the entire world's population in November of 2021, millions of lives would've been saved. Most all mainstream scientists believe this. Except the lunatic fringe.

True, hundreds of those people might have died from reactions to the virus. Hell, maybe even thousands, but do some simple arithmetic: Subtract a thousand from a million. Here, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, subtract ten thousand from a million, even a hundred thousand. We were in a global pandemic. Wake up: Trump got vaccinated. All the gutless people in Congress who refused to state if they had gotten vaccinated or not, what do you think they did? And why? Because it prevented most people from getting serious disease.
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BearHunter said:

I'm sorry you were forced to take the vaccines against your own will.

I'm not the one hear incessantly moaning and complaining. I'm sorry Trump did all that to you.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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My understanding is that the more jabs one has, the more likely to have adverse affects. Sweden followed a traditional path and faired well. African countrirs had low vaxx rates and faired well. They accidentally employed proven methods - Vitamin D (sun), low obesity, and Ivermectin (for river blindness).

The science is loaded with politics. Interesting that the number of flu deaths dropped to zero.

We had two swine flu vaccinations (1976, 2009) halted for far lower adverse incidents.
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dajo9 said:

BearHunter said:

I'm sorry you were forced to take the vaccines against your own will.

I'm not the one hear incessantly moaning and complaining. I'm sorry Trump did all that to you.
Goldener Bar
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Big C said:

Sometimes I can't just sit there while this thread becomes an echo chamber for right-wing talking points.

If we had somehow had the supply of vaccine and the wherewithal to jab the entire world's population in November of 2021, millions of lives would've been saved. Most all mainstream scientists believe this. Except the lunatic fringe.

True, hundreds of those people might have died from reactions to the virus. Hell, maybe even thousands, but do some simple arithmetic: Subtract a thousand from a million. Here, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, subtract ten thousand from a million, even a hundred thousand. We were in a global pandemic. Wake up: Trump got vaccinated. All the gutless people in Congress who refused to state if they had gotten vaccinated or not, what do you think they did? And why? Because it prevented most people from getting serious disease.
I wouldn't consider myself part of any lunatic fringe. I got both bivalent shots as soon as I was able. However I have a simple question about the vaccine.

If the vaccine was so important to keep millions of people from dying, why did they have to tell so many lies about it? Why did they have to cover up the lab leak. Why did they lie and say it would prevent retransmission when it didn't?

As a point of additional information, the death rate as of today is 0.9% of all COVID cases.

At the height of COVID pre-vaccine, it was more in the neighborhood of 4-5%, so the vaccine has definitely contributed to the decline in that death rate.

The pandemic has definitely negatively affected trust in public health agencies and with good reason. I know speaking for myself that I'm done with boosters.

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Sources please. The alleged falling death rate would correspond with the virus mutating (weakening), natural immunity, and the herd was thinning out*.

* One commentator put it this way: a typical Covid death was a morbidly obese person often in their 70s or 80s with multiple comorbidities - diabetes, pneumonia, hypertension, etc. "They were more than 'at deaths door before' before Covid; they had a foot through the threshold."

You also ignore the dramatic increase in mortality among healthy, working-age people 18-64 - a 40% spike. Some industry and medical professionals attribute these deaths to the jabs. They argue these are not deaths from Covid. The virus was weakening, herd immunity was up, and the mortality rate increased among the healthiest (and younger) population.
Big C
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Goldener Bar said:

Big C said:

Sometimes I can't just sit there while this thread becomes an echo chamber for right-wing talking points.

If we had somehow had the supply of vaccine and the wherewithal to jab the entire world's population in November of 2021, millions of lives would've been saved. Most all mainstream scientists believe this. Except the lunatic fringe.

True, hundreds of those people might have died from reactions to the virus. Hell, maybe even thousands, but do some simple arithmetic: Subtract a thousand from a million. Here, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, subtract ten thousand from a million, even a hundred thousand. We were in a global pandemic. Wake up: Trump got vaccinated. All the gutless people in Congress who refused to state if they had gotten vaccinated or not, what do you think they did? And why? Because it prevented most people from getting serious disease.
I wouldn't consider myself part of any lunatic fringe. I got both bivalent shots as soon as I was able. However I have a simple question about the vaccine.

If the vaccine was so important to keep millions of people from dying, why did they have to tell so many lies about it? Why did they have to cover up the lab leak. Why did they lie and say it would prevent retransmission when it didn't?

As a point of additional information, the death rate as of today is 0.9% of all COVID cases.

At the height of COVID pre-vaccine, it was more in the neighborhood of 4-5%, so the vaccine has definitely contributed to the decline in that death rate.

The pandemic has definitely negatively affected trust in public health agencies and with good reason. I know speaking for myself that I'm done with boosters.

I agree on some of those points. I think the government had a messaging problem where they felt it was in the public's best interest if they "shaped" the truth a little bit (not sure they were flat-out "lies").

The lab leak is a viable possibility (not a fact). My guess is that the govt. thought that if too many people believed it, there would be more racism against Asians. (If you think that is stupid, remember it is not me saying it.)

My understanding is that the vaccine reduces transmission for the first 3-6 months, then less and less, until hardly or not at all). If a population is getting slammed (or about to be) by COVID, it seems as if they are better off all being vaxxed.

I recommend the book "The Premonition" by the great author Michael Lewis (who lives in Berkeley). Written about 6-8 mos. into the pandemic, he talks about how the credibility of the CDC has eroded over the past several decades, as it has become more politicized and less and less able to turn on a dime to solve immediate public health problems.
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Big C said:

My understanding is that the vaccine reduces transmission for the first 3-6 months, then less and less, until hardly or not at all). If a population is getting slammed (or about to be) by COVID, it seems as if they are better off all being vaxxed.

Another part of this was that the original findings on preventing transmission were based on an earlier variant of the virus. Once Omicron came along it blew right through that. That doesn't mean the scientists were wrong, it means we later got new evidence and the virus changed.

I agree that public-health officials had other communication failures, but this was not one of them, if you were paying attention.
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Wow. It's like we've traveled back in time two years. I'm just amazed that educated people believe the propaganda around the vaxxines after all that's transpired and all the lies that were told. No need to rehash. Anyone who hasn't seen the light by now is never gonna get it. I'm sure they will fall obediently in line when the next plandemic hits. I just hope we collectively learned that the mandates are not gonna fly.
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MinotStateBeav said:


Um, I think the correct message is "No one is safe." I know, it's a little confusing since some of the narrative pushers misread the memo and said "nobody" but I think we want to stay on message here and be consistent.

But seriously, brilliant video. Amazing how soon we forget and how little we care when we've been lied to.
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What were the main causes of communication failure by our public health officials?
Was the public misled intentionally?
How were the DOD, CIA, NSA, and other agencies involved during the pandemic?
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A lot to unpack here. I had no idea the Corona virus went back to the 1960s. Suspicious patent timeline as well.

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Israel Ministry of Health - Disinformation spreaders?

Earlier this week, a stunning revelation came from the Israel Ministry of Health. For those who have been following the truth from the start such as Dr. Makary, Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr. Kuldorff, and others this will hardly come as a surprise. However, those who have been living in the fear-driven hallucination created by mainstream media and public health authorities, this will crumble the foundation of their Covid beliefs.
In response to Ori Xabi's freedom of information request asking how many people under 50 died of Covid without any underlying health conditions, the Israel Ministry of Health responded with the following:

"Of the deceased from Corona for whom an epidemiological investigation was conducted and the question regarding underlying diseases was answered, there were 0 deceased between the ages of 18-49 without underlying diseases."
(Note: translation of Israeli document can be derived from Google Translate. Also shared by Twitter user Ofir Prizat as copied below.)

Yes, the Ministry of Health could not detect a single recorded case of a healthy person under 50 who died of Covid. This does not mean it has never happened (there are rare anomalies), but in their extensive epidemiological investigation, they could not find a single such Covid death.

After all the online buzz, the Ministry attempted to undermine and discredit this new finding by claiming the absence of comorbidity information in their databases. However, as Dr. Retesef Levi shared, earlier reports from their own ministry have shown all Covid deaths have been associated with at least one comorbidity:

A Google-translated version of the highlighted section in this report reveals this stunning admission:

The Ministry of Health data shows that all those who died from Corona suffered from at least one underlying disease. That is, there were no deceased who did not suffer from underlying diseases at all.
As mentioned, none of this is surprising to those who have been tracking the data from the start. Stanford epidemiologist Dr. John Ionnadis' analysis of the pre-vaccination Covid infection fatality rates found a median infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.035% for those aged 0-59, who represent 86% of the global population. The age-stratified risks are as follows:
Ages 0-19: fatality rate 0.0003%; survival rate 99.9997%
Ages 20-29: fatality rate 0.003%; survival rate 99.997%
Ages 30-39: fatality rate 0.011%; survival rate 99.989%
Ages 40-49: fatality rate 0.035%; survival rate 99.965%
These rates are exceptionally low, but even they can inflate the real risk of Covid for the vast majority of individuals. One must ask, who is in the fractional subset of 0.035% who died of Covid before vaccines became available?

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MinotStateBeav said:

dajo9 said:

BearHunter said:

I'm sorry you were forced to take the vaccines against your own will.

I'm not the one hear incessantly moaning and complaining. I'm sorry Trump did all that to you.

Pot, meet Kettle.
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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This thread has evolved:

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).
Big C
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Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
So typical. Tragicomedy.
Big C
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Zippergate said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
So typical. Tragicomedy.

One good thing: We're both alive! I can think that it's because I got the vaccine (even though it probably isn't) and you can think it's because you didn't get it (even though it probably isn't). Here's to life: Go Bears!
Goldener Bar
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Big C said:

Zippergate said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
So typical. Tragicomedy.

One good thing: We're both alive! I can think that it's because I got the vaccine (even though it probably isn't) and you can think it's because you didn't get it (even though it probably isn't). Here's to life: Go Bears!
I think I'm alive due to pure luck. Wife got COVID and somehow I managed not to get it. It certainly wasn't due to me being overly careful. I had the vaccine, but then so did she.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.

If what they say is true, Trump is easily the worst President ever. Oh wait. That's the case even if they are wrong.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
Big C
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Goldener Bar said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
So typical. Tragicomedy.

One good thing: We're both alive! I can think that it's because I got the vaccine (even though it probably isn't) and you can think it's because you didn't get it (even though it probably isn't). Here's to life: Go Bears!
I think I'm alive due to pure luck. Wife got COVID and somehow I managed not to get it. It certainly wasn't due to me being overly careful. I had the vaccine, but then so did she.

Well, if we're doing real talk here, yeah. One of my theories on life is that randomness ("luck") plays a huge roll, but that's no fun to believe, or even admit.
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Drank the Kool-aid.
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Goldener Bar said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
So typical. Tragicomedy.

One good thing: We're both alive! I can think that it's because I got the vaccine (even though it probably isn't) and you can think it's because you didn't get it (even though it probably isn't). Here's to life: Go Bears!
I think I'm alive due to pure luck. Wife got COVID and somehow I managed not to get it. It certainly wasn't due to me being overly careful. I had the vaccine, but then so did she.
You probably had it and didn't even know it, Covid doesn't always present symptoms.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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MinotStateBeav said:

Goldener Bar said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
So typical. Tragicomedy.

One good thing: We're both alive! I can think that it's because I got the vaccine (even though it probably isn't) and you can think it's because you didn't get it (even though it probably isn't). Here's to life: Go Bears!
I think I'm alive due to pure luck. Wife got COVID and somehow I managed not to get it. It certainly wasn't due to me being overly careful. I had the vaccine, but then so did she.
You probably had it and didn't even know it, Covid doesn't always present symptoms.
Just because he had no symptoms, it doesn't mean you can assume he had COVID even if that conforms to your world view.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

MinotStateBeav said:

Goldener Bar said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
So typical. Tragicomedy.

One good thing: We're both alive! I can think that it's because I got the vaccine (even though it probably isn't) and you can think it's because you didn't get it (even though it probably isn't). Here's to life: Go Bears!
I think I'm alive due to pure luck. Wife got COVID and somehow I managed not to get it. It certainly wasn't due to me being overly careful. I had the vaccine, but then so did she.
You probably had it and didn't even know it, Covid doesn't always present symptoms.
Just because he had no symptoms, it doesn't mean you can assume he had COVID even if that conforms to your world view.

There is a good chance that he got Covid because he was heavily exposed to it by his wife getting it, even if that doesn't confirm to your world view.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
Pretty much. The COVID restrictions and vaccine requirements are largely gone now. The world has moved on. There's no point in debating any further.
Goldener Bar
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MinotStateBeav said:

Goldener Bar said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Zippergate said:

First of all, it's relative. What you label as right wing is firmly in the center in other places and times including America not too long ago. This is easily verifiable by listening to earlier speeches of all your current favs, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc.

Second, most of the authoritarian left has left this thread because their early beliefs about Covid have been shattered by reality over time. Go back and read the early posts. It's quite illuminating. The question is, will those people learn anything and be more skeptical when the next plandemic hits as Tedros "predicts"?

Since we're off-topic, this is an interesting read (unless you're easily triggered).

Just because the got-no-life lunatic fringe keeps on repeating that something happened or something didn't happen (after reasonable people have stopped debating it because it's settled), it doesn't make them correct... or even credible.
Yeah, I (and most others, I assume) got tired of correcting them and just decided to let them have their little vaxxine conspiracy echo chamber/circle jerk where they could pat each other on the back and feel good about themselves.
So typical. Tragicomedy.

One good thing: We're both alive! I can think that it's because I got the vaccine (even though it probably isn't) and you can think it's because you didn't get it (even though it probably isn't). Here's to life: Go Bears!
I think I'm alive due to pure luck. Wife got COVID and somehow I managed not to get it. It certainly wasn't due to me being overly careful. I had the vaccine, but then so did she.
You probably had it and didn't even know it, Covid doesn't always present symptoms.
I tested
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"A story that seems to have never been told. How Big Pharma ousted Trump's Health Sec, & Pence replaced him with Indiana drug buddy Azar, who sat on industry board with Pfizer. Azar originated the COVID taskforce. Pence appointed Fauci&Birx."

"Nowhere in this article is it noted that Pfizer was the biggest medical donor to Trump's inauguration, which bought the company four tickets to a "leadership luncheon" with "select Cabinet appointees and House and Senate leadership." That's how pharma shills like Scott Gottlieb and Alex Azar ended up in the Trump administration. That's also why Trump killed the vaccine safety commission Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was supposed to lead. That and the fact Trump cared more about the counsel of people like Bill Gates on vaccines than his own supporters. Trump bragged last year about how huge the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune is after the company received $1 billion for Operation Warp Speed. He protested when the J&J drug was temporarily pulled off the market when people kept dying in connection to it before it was completely nixed this year. Trump's financial disclosures show he holds stock in J&J and Pfizer. "

I certainly have my preferences, but at this point it's the Uniparty that is THE problem. The time for indiscriminate allegiance to Team Red or Team Blue is over.
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