Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

511,053 Views | 5321 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by movielover
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Excess deaths in the Philippines. Some of the arguments vaxxplainers use to dismiss the excess death problem won't fly here.

"In a surprising move, the Philippine's House of Representative has initiated a formal investigation into a staggering number of unexplained excess deaths. Citing official statistics, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dan Fernandez, voiced the concerns that have led to this inquiry:
"The copy of the said resolution, this is about a 260,000 excess deaths that we experienced in this country. We'll be showing a graph coming from the Philippine Statistics Authority. In DOH (Department of Health), they also have copies that have been submitted. We are shocked to find out that there were 262,000 excess deaths in 2021 alone."
He further added that the concerning trend continued into the following year, "After that, 2022, still had 67,000 excess deaths. These are all unexplained deaths (non-COVID)."
In comparison, from 2020 to November 2023, COVID-19 has claimed 67,000 lives. [SOURCE]"

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And what new illnesses and effects will we find out about in five or 10 years?
Big C
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In 5 or 10 years, a lot of the vaccinated Baby Boomers will be dying! Then, in 20-25 years, a lot of the vaccinated Gen X people will be dying!! Then, in 40-... well, you guys can figure out how all of this ends: Vaccinated people dying!
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Big C said:

In 5 or 10 years, a lot of the vaccinated Baby Boomers will be dying! Then, in 20-25 years, a lot of the vaccinated Gen X people will be dying!! Then, in 40-... well, you guys can figure out how all of this ends: Vaccinated people will be dying!
You're right. People die. And if the mortality rate stays elevated over time, it is a mathematical fact that excess mortality will disappear. Problem solved. Wouldn't want to waste precious resources tracking mortality of the vaccinated versus unvaccinated when we already know the answer: "safe and effective."
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Athletes in the prime of their young life dropping like flies. Healthy, non smoker, non drug user 70 year old vaxxed men unexpectedly dying. 400K excess deaths per year.
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What's unsettling is that there still hasn't been a national conversation about the pandemic to discuss lessons learned. If I remember correctly, Covid still dominated the headlines until around the time Russia invaded Ukraine. There's a sentiment of distrust of our public health system that hasn't gone away.
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The Covid vaccine history of the Philippines is an interesting read. I suppose anyone that thinks Wikipedia is unreliable can read the footnoted source material.,total%20of%2026%20million%20doses.
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He chose not to sue Moderna, who he was also investigating.

From May, 2023:

Texas AG Ken Paxton's latest stunt against vaccines is a waste of money
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Curious suit. I wonder how a state has standing to sue over a federally approved drug.
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tequila4kapp said:

Curious suit. I wonder how a state has standing to sue over a federally approved drug.

It will also be interesting to keep updating this story through conclusion.
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"Record level vaccination-date/death data obtained from a whistleblower in the New Zealand Ministry of Health was analyzed using a standard time-series cohort analysis. The results remained consistent even after varying all four of the key independent variables (observation time window, days after shot, age, and dose number). The only way that can happen is if the COVID vaccines significantly increased mortality for those aged 60 and older, the very population that the vaccine was supposed to help. All five Bradford Hill causality criteria are satisfied. From this data, we can accurately estimate that overall, the mRNA vaccines led to the premature death of more than 1 person per 1,000 doses on average over all doses.

This estimate is supported by COVID death data from Medicare obtained from another whistleblower. The data from Medicare was stunning: the number of people who died rose monotonically for those who got shot in 2021 or 2022. My whistleblower inside HHS had never seen anything like that before. It was a perfectly straight line sloping upwards for 365 days since the dose was given. A safe vaccine would see a decline in deaths by 4% to 5% after 1 year from the shot. The COVID vaccines had a 26% mortality increase, a net difference of 30%. This makes the COVID vaccine a competitor to heart disease as the leading cause of death among the elderly (which kills 20% of people per year). "

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It looks like Korean researchers are anti-vaxxers too.

wonder drugs that work wonders
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Tech millionaire Steve Kirsch went from covid trial funder to misinformation superspreader | MIT Technology Review

Steve Kirsch and the Seduction of Simplicity - McGill University
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I'm shocked that conflicted organizations have rallied around the establishment to cover up the vaxxine fiasco. Just shocked. You can either believe the countless doctors, researchers, and investigators all over the world who have risked their careers to expose the vaxxines or the people on the gutless grant gravy train who look the other way.
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I cannot keep up with all these reports of excess deaths. Question - do the reports account for the increase in suicides? (A report yesterday indicated suicides are at an all time high).
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How about the actuarial expert / consultant who documented 400K excess non-Covid deaths every year in America from able-bodied, employed adults working at Fortune 500 companies (the healthiest cohort)?
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Understandable. I would look at two things.
1. Group life data (about as objective as one can get)

2. Data from other countries like England, Philippines, New Zealand etc. (eliminates some of the explanations apologists use to explain away the increase)

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No Evidence Excess Deaths Linked to Vaccines, Contrary to Claims Online -

"Impact of Vaccination on Risk of COVID-19Related Mortality." CDC website. Updated 16 Nov 2022.

"Evidence Shows That COVID-19 Vaccines Don't Increase the Risk of Death, Contrary to Claim by Financier Edward Dowd." Health Feedback. 11 Jan 2023.

"COVID-19 Vaccines Did Not Cause Excess Deaths among Millennials." AP News. 26 Mar 2022.

"Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19." CDC website. Updated 12 Apr 2023.

"COVID-19 Death Data and Resources: Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics." CDC website. Updated 12 Apr 2023.

Meara, Ellen. "Excess Deaths In A Time Of Dual Public Health Crises: Parsing The Effects Of The Pandemic, Drug Overdoses, And Recession: Study Examines Excess Deaths from COVID-19, Drug Overdoses, and Recession in the US." Health Affairs. Nov 2022.

Meara, Ellen. Email sent to 6 Apr 2023.

George, Lisa. CDC. Email sent to 6. Apr 2023.

"(unadj) Population With a disability, Women." Bureau of Labor Statistics Data. Accessed 13 Apr 2023.

"(unadj Population With a disability, Men." Bureau of Labor Statistics Data. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

"How Safe Are the Vaccines?" Updated 17 May 2022.

Lyttelton, Thomas and Zang, Emma. "Occupations and Sickness-Related Absences during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 31 Jan 2022.

"(Unadj) Employed With a job, not at work, Own illness." Bureau of Labor Statistics Data. Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.

"Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19." CDC website. Internet Archive, Wayback Machine. Archived 30 Apr 2020.

"Trends in Number of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in the US Reported to CDC, by State/Territory." CDC COVID Data Tracker. 13 Apr 2023.

Freed, Meredith et al. "Deaths Among Older Adults Due to COVID-19 Jumped During the Summer of 2022 Before Falling Somewhat in September." KFF. 6 Oct 2022.

Faust, Jeremy Samuel, et al. "Excess Mortality in Massachusetts During the Delta and Omicron Waves of COVID-19." JAMA. 20 May 2022.

Nyberg, Tommy et al. "Comparative Analysis of the Risks of Hospitalisation and Death Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (B.1.1.529) and Delta (B.1.617.2) Variants in England: A Cohort Study." Lancet. 2 Apr 2022.

Wong, Jessica Y. et al. "Intrinsic and effective severity of COVID-19 cases infected with the ancestral 2 strain and Omicron BA.2 variant in Hong Kong." medRxiv. 21 Feb 2023.

Allen, Hester et al. "Comparative Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (B.1.1.529) and Delta (B.1.617.2) Variants and the Impact of Vaccination: National Cohort Study, England." Epidemiology & Infection. 20 Mar 2023.

Woolf, Steven H. et al. "Changes in Life Expectancy Between 2019 and 2020 in the US and 21 Peer Countries." JAMA Network Open. 13 Apr 2022.

Yong, Ed. "America Was in an Early-Death Crisis Long Before COVID." The Atlantic. 21 Jul 2022.

Schöley, Jonas et al. "Life Expectancy Changes since COVID-19." Nature Human Behaviour. 17 Oct 2022.

Todd, Megan and Scheeres, Annaka. "Excess Mortality From NonCOVID-19 Causes During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 20202021." American Journal of Public Health. Dec 2022.

"How Do We Know Vaccines Are Safe?" Updated 8 Jul 2021.

"Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination." CDC website. Updated 7 Mar 2023.

Robertson, Lori. "A Guide to Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 Vaccine." Updated 6 May 2022.

Bilinski, Alyssa et al. "COVID-19 and Excess All-Cause Mortality in the US and 20 Comparison Countries, June 2021-March 2022." JAMA. 18 Nov 2022.

Smith, Sean. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Email sent to via press officer. 6 Apr 2023.

Ne'eman, Ari and Nicole Maestas. "How Has COVID-19 Impacted Disability Employment?" National Bureau of Economic Research. Nov 2022.

Jaramillo, Catalina and McDonald, Jessica. "DeSantis' Dubious COVID-19 Vaccine Claims." Updated 5 Jan 2023.

McDonald, Jessica. "A Guide to Pfizer/BioNTech's COVID-19 Vaccine." Updated 27 Sep 2022.

McDonald, Jessica. "A Guide to Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine." Updated 27 Sep 2022.

Baden, Lindsey R. et al. "Efficacy and Safety of the MRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine." New England Journal of Medicine. 4 Feb 2021.

Polack, Fernando P. et al. "Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 MRNA Covid-19 Vaccine." New England Journal of Medicine. 31 Dec 2020.

Rosenblum, Hannah G. et al. "Safety of MRNA Vaccines Administered during the Initial 6 Months of the US COVID-19 Vaccination Programme: An Observational Study of Reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and v-Safe." The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 7 Mar 2022.

Jaramillo, Catalina. "Posts Distort Misleading Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data." 28 Oct 2022.

"See How Vaccinations Are Going in Your County and State." The New York Times. Updated 20 Oct 2022.

Zang, Emma Xiaolu. Email sent to 9 Apr 2023.

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more recent post (November 6, 2023) from the same author at factcheck..
> COVID-19 Vaccines Save Lives, Are Not More Lethal Than COVID-19
signed, vaccinated homeboy
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Zippergate said: seriously?
There's a point (and this was long ago) where you need to stop engaging him. It's pointless. People like him are what's so incredibly demoralizing about this whole thing... You'd hope that people would have learned... that they would be angry at the people who lied to them... angry at those liars who made them look like idiots... you'd think they'd be embarrassed about how they behaved... you'd think they would have some shame at the damage they helped cause... but instead they just double down. And we can only shake our head in pity and frustration.
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"The chasm between the two parties is widest when it comes to the Covid shot in particular. The overwhelming majority of Democratic voters (91 percent) said Covid vaccines are "very" or "somewhat" safe for adults. But barely half of Republicans (52 percent) said the same." Politico

Is it safe to assume that this is explained by the fact that Republicans* are simply more intelligent and discerning…..or is there another reason?

*I'm thinking Yogi is keeping TheFiatLux on the bench of his debate team.
*110 Republican Congressmen voted not to expel George Santos today. Your thoughts?
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No due process, the same UniParty birds voted against President Trump.
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Georgey Porgey is about to get so much Due Process that he will need a couple of doggie bags for the surplus.

Eastern District of New York | Congressman George Santos Charged With Conspiracy, Wire Fraud, False Statements, Falsification of Records, Aggravated Identity Theft, and Credit Card Fraud | United States Department of Justice
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Zippergate said:

"Record level vaccination-date/death data obtained from a whistleblower in the New Zealand Ministry of Health was analyzed using a standard time-series cohort analysis. The results remained consistent even after varying all four of the key independent variables (observation time window, days after shot, age, and dose number). The only way that can happen is if the COVID vaccines significantly increased mortality for those aged 60 and older, the very population that the vaccine was supposed to help. All five Bradford Hill causality criteria are satisfied. From this data, we can accurately estimate that overall, the mRNA vaccines led to the premature death of more than 1 person per 1,000 doses on average over all doses.

This estimate is supported by COVID death data from Medicare obtained from another whistleblower. The data from Medicare was stunning: the number of people who died rose monotonically for those who got shot in 2021 or 2022. My whistleblower inside HHS had never seen anything like that before. It was a perfectly straight line sloping upwards for 365 days since the dose was given. A safe vaccine would see a decline in deaths by 4% to 5% after 1 year from the shot. The COVID vaccines had a 26% mortality increase, a net difference of 30%. This makes the COVID vaccine a competitor to heart disease as the leading cause of death among the elderly (which kills 20% of people per year). "

The whistleblower's house has been raided by New Zealand authorities.
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Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

After everything that people have had to go through the past year+, i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized. Here we're lucky to have a way out of this mess and some people can't even hold out their arm for a free solution.
Your nationally known third grade teacher failed you.

Props to you, TFL, for doing your history research and for (not inappropriately) weaving two threads together! You make a good point!

I don't know how long ago I posted that (over two years ago?), but to me, it stands the test of time. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Many, many Americans died from COVID after the vaccine was widely available. Most of those deaths didn't need to happen.

Others' opinions may differ on the COVID vaccine and such. Respect.

(FYI to those not-in-the-know: The reference to my third grade teacher was from a different thread. Fun fact, she was featured in a Saturn commercial. Best.Teacher. Ever.)

It took me a while to come back to this because it's so depressing that you think your original comment stands the test of time. It was a simply abhorrent thing to say when you posted it... to not recognize that and in fact double down on it, shows a really disturbing pathology. And just the other day in another thread your sort of cavalierly accepting that it was OK for you to be locked down while the governor dined at the French Laundy, it's worse than appalling, it's depressing. Stunning to see it so proudly and shamelessly on display. I can't hold back because I find it so repugnant, because we all know, should another hysteria (and that's what COVID was) break out, you'll be right there leading the hysteria.

It's one thing to be lied to and believe those lies. But you went further than that, you were right there leading and inciting the metaphorical pogrom. And you demonstrate no contrition, in fact just the opposite.

Biden Sucks 5
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TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

After everything that people have had to go through the past year+, i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized. Here we're lucky to have a way out of this mess and some people can't even hold out their arm for a free solution.
Your nationally known third grade teacher failed you.

Props to you, TFL, for doing your history research and for (not inappropriately) weaving two threads together! You make a good point!

I don't know how long ago I posted that (over two years ago?), but to me, it stands the test of time. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Many, many Americans died from COVID after the vaccine was widely available. Most of those deaths didn't need to happen.

Others' opinions may differ on the COVID vaccine and such. Respect.

(FYI to those not-in-the-know: The reference to my third grade teacher was from a different thread. Fun fact, she was featured in a Saturn commercial. Best.Teacher. Ever.)

It took me a while to come back to this because it's so depressing that you think your original comment stands the test of time. It was a simply abhorrent thing to say when you posted it... to not recognize that and in fact double down on it, shows a really disturbing pathology. And just the other day in another thread your sort of cavalierly accepting that it was OK for you to be locked down while the governor dined at the French Laundy, it's worse than appalling, it's depressing. Stunning to see it so proudly and shamelessly on display. I can't hold back because I find it so repugnant, because we all know, should another hysteria (and that's what COVID was) break out, you'll be right there leading the hysteria.

It's one thing to be lied to and believe those lies. But you went further than that, you were right there leading and inciting the metaphorical pogrom. And you demonstrate no contrition, in fact just the opposite.

Big C's original post, which you quoted, was made on April 23, 2021. For some reason, you decided to respond to his post on November 22, 2023, two and a half years later after the original post despite never having posted in this forum before.

I think you should stop stalking Big C.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

After everything that people have had to go through the past year+, i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized. Here we're lucky to have a way out of this mess and some people can't even hold out their arm for a free solution.
Your nationally known third grade teacher failed you.

Props to you, TFL, for doing your history research and for (not inappropriately) weaving two threads together! You make a good point!

I don't know how long ago I posted that (over two years ago?), but to me, it stands the test of time. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Many, many Americans died from COVID after the vaccine was widely available. Most of those deaths didn't need to happen.

Others' opinions may differ on the COVID vaccine and such. Respect.

(FYI to those not-in-the-know: The reference to my third grade teacher was from a different thread. Fun fact, she was featured in a Saturn commercial. Best.Teacher. Ever.)

It took me a while to come back to this because it's so depressing that you think your original comment stands the test of time. It was a simply abhorrent thing to say when you posted it... to not recognize that and in fact double down on it, shows a really disturbing pathology. And just the other day in another thread your sort of cavalierly accepting that it was OK for you to be locked down while the governor dined at the French Laundy, it's worse than appalling, it's depressing. Stunning to see it so proudly and shamelessly on display. I can't hold back because I find it so repugnant, because we all know, should another hysteria (and that's what COVID was) break out, you'll be right there leading the hysteria.

It's one thing to be lied to and believe those lies. But you went further than that, you were right there leading and inciting the metaphorical pogrom. And you demonstrate no contrition, in fact just the opposite.

Thanks for dismissing the friends and family members I lost as hysteria. It's been a real mindset changer. I've been so shallow and self centered.
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

After everything that people have had to go through the past year+, i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized. Here we're lucky to have a way out of this mess and some people can't even hold out their arm for a free solution.
Your nationally known third grade teacher failed you.

Props to you, TFL, for doing your history research and for (not inappropriately) weaving two threads together! You make a good point!

I don't know how long ago I posted that (over two years ago?), but to me, it stands the test of time. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Many, many Americans died from COVID after the vaccine was widely available. Most of those deaths didn't need to happen.

Others' opinions may differ on the COVID vaccine and such. Respect.

(FYI to those not-in-the-know: The reference to my third grade teacher was from a different thread. Fun fact, she was featured in a Saturn commercial. Best.Teacher. Ever.)

It took me a while to come back to this because it's so depressing that you think your original comment stands the test of time. It was a simply abhorrent thing to say when you posted it... to not recognize that and in fact double down on it, shows a really disturbing pathology. And just the other day in another thread your sort of cavalierly accepting that it was OK for you to be locked down while the governor dined at the French Laundy, it's worse than appalling, it's depressing. Stunning to see it so proudly and shamelessly on display. I can't hold back because I find it so repugnant, because we all know, should another hysteria (and that's what COVID was) break out, you'll be right there leading the hysteria.

It's one thing to be lied to and believe those lies. But you went further than that, you were right there leading and inciting the metaphorical pogrom. And you demonstrate no contrition, in fact just the opposite.

Thanks for dismissing the friends and family members I lost as hysteria. It's been a real mindset changer. I've been so shallow and self centered.
Thanks for using your deceased relatives and friends as strawmen in a discussion about vaccines. I agree with you, that actually is definitionally shallow and self-centered.

Yes, Covid was hysteria. This thread demonstrates that very well. Forcing healthy young people, people who had already been exposed to the virus, etc to take the vaccine was, germane to this discussion, an example of the hysteria.
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Genocide Joe said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

TheFiatLux said:

Big C said:

After everything that people have had to go through the past year+, i think anybody who chooses to NOT get a vaccine (rare health exemptions aside), should be completely marginalized. Here we're lucky to have a way out of this mess and some people can't even hold out their arm for a free solution.
Your nationally known third grade teacher failed you.

Props to you, TFL, for doing your history research and for (not inappropriately) weaving two threads together! You make a good point!

I don't know how long ago I posted that (over two years ago?), but to me, it stands the test of time. We were in the middle of a pandemic. Many, many Americans died from COVID after the vaccine was widely available. Most of those deaths didn't need to happen.

Others' opinions may differ on the COVID vaccine and such. Respect.

(FYI to those not-in-the-know: The reference to my third grade teacher was from a different thread. Fun fact, she was featured in a Saturn commercial. Best.Teacher. Ever.)

It took me a while to come back to this because it's so depressing that you think your original comment stands the test of time. It was a simply abhorrent thing to say when you posted it... to not recognize that and in fact double down on it, shows a really disturbing pathology. And just the other day in another thread your sort of cavalierly accepting that it was OK for you to be locked down while the governor dined at the French Laundy, it's worse than appalling, it's depressing. Stunning to see it so proudly and shamelessly on display. I can't hold back because I find it so repugnant, because we all know, should another hysteria (and that's what COVID was) break out, you'll be right there leading the hysteria.

It's one thing to be lied to and believe those lies. But you went further than that, you were right there leading and inciting the metaphorical pogrom. And you demonstrate no contrition, in fact just the opposite.

Big C's original post, which you quoted, was made on April 23, 2021. For some reason, you decided to respond to his post on November 22, 2023, two and a half years later after the original post despite never having posted in this forum before.

I think you should stop stalking Big C.

Thanks Karen, I didn't realize you were the discussion monitor.

Many of us refuse to let people be revisionist and shirk their role in what happened to society. You do you though.
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I am against vaccine mandates. Everyone has to take the steps they believe are prudent to protect themselves. If that is what you meant to say fine…..but saying "Covid was hysteria" is painting with a pretty broad brush. If only your fearless leader tRump truly shared your opinion then we would never have had this Covita moment:

…because they would have buried that 300 pound tub of guts off the first fairway of his country club…..but tRump lived to fight another day because he gobbled monoclonal antibodies like they were KFC.

You are the guy who theorized that the City of Berkeley conspired with the professors at Cal to deliberately undermine the football program by having a Covid protocol.

I am enjoying you getting into it with Yogi because he is an antivaxxer like you, and was probably just being sarcastic. In any event, he is a former Bernie Bro so he would be a natural enemy of yours on most issues.

I have but one question: Who the f@uck are the nitwits that star your comments?

Mortality Analyses - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

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I believe these were all classified as Covid deaths so that hospitals can receive funding from the federal government:

1. pre-existing health conditions such as cancer with Covid
2. vaccine related health complications with Covid
3. other non-health related cases such as homicides or car accidents but with Covid
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bear2034 said:

I believe these were all classified as Covid deaths so that hospitals can receive funding from the federal government:

1. pre-existing health conditions such as cancer with Covid
2. vaccine related health complications with Covid
3. other non-health related cases such as homicides or car accidents but with Covid

You guys just keep rolling out your Greatest Hits again and again and again ad nauseum.

Hospital COVID payments tied to patient treatment, not deaths | AP News

Fox News wrote a check for almost $800,000,000 for airing perhaps your favorite greatest hit. Now Fox News is actually fact checking tRump statements at his rallies so that they don't have to write any more checks.
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bearister said:

bear2034 said:

I believe these were all classified as Covid deaths so that hospitals can receive funding from the federal government:

1. pre-existing health conditions such as cancer with Covid
2. vaccine related health complications with Covid
3. other non-health related cases such as homicides or car accidents but with Covid

You guys just keep rolling out your Greatest Hits again and again and again ad nauseum.

Hospital COVID payments tied to patient treatment, not deaths | AP News

Fox News wrote a check for almost $800,000,000 for airing perhaps your favorite greatest hit. Now Fox News is actually fact checking tRump statements at his rallies so that they don't have to write any more checks.

Oh, not deaths but Covid cases. Since not everyone dies from Covid, hospitals got funding anyways even though symptoms may not have been severe? A hospital would receive funding if a patient suffering from pneumonia had Covid?
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