Vaccine Redux - Vax up and go to Class

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Road Trip!
Covid Vaxx tin foil hat disinformation, Malaysia edition
Apparently it's not over for them either

"26 May 2024, Kuala Lumpur Malaysians are coming together, filled with anger and prayer, standing against the World Health Organization (WHO). Their fight is for those who suffered from genetic mRNA vaccines. This powerful moment happened at the AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization) gathering, named "A Prayer to Reject the IHR Amendment and Solidarity with Vaccine Affected Victims," held by Malaysia's Muslim Consumer's Association (PPIM). Here, vaccine victims and their families shared their pain and demanded justice."

"One doctor, filled with sorrow, admitted, "As a medical doctor, we are so ashamed of the mistake that we have made!""

"In a powerful address, Professor Dr Mustafa Ali, a former professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Melayu, and a respected advisor on environmental health, did not hold back his criticism. "The first is WHO is stupid, Actually, WHO, we should either maintain the usual status or EXIT," "

""We cannot tolerate it, because we can't keep letting our people die every day. Every day people die, every day there are adverse effects. And now we are getting more and more. What about the turbo cancer? We had spoken about this two months before the vaccine was launched. We debated 2 years ago, and 2 months before the vaccine was launched. They said 'oh no, just minor pain.' Now they are silent. Now AstraZeneca, Pfizer themselves admit that the vaccine has side effects. This is just now. We don't know what will happen in another 5 years. We don't know, and I suspect it could be worse. It could be worse,"

-Professor Dr. Mustafa Ali Mohd, former WHO Scientific Advisor and Professor of Medicine at the University of Malaya"

"Dr. Yong strongly stated, "And as a primary care doctor, I see cancer patients, I help them overcome the disease itself, overcome these problems and cancer related issues. I have seen a rapid increase in cancer cases." "

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I bet there are a few here sorely in need of another booster

"The evidence for the highly concerning phenomenon of COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness (the jab increases your chance of getting and even dying from COVID) continues to grow, this time from a Lancet preprint study, incredibly funded by WHO (who in turn is partly funded by Bill Gates, who profited bigly on the jabs). The CDC was also involved"

"And vaccine effectiveness for severe disease was worse still: "66% (95% CI 15-87) for a last dose received 14179 days prior, 23% (95% CI -6063) at 180269 days, and -40% (95% CI -15623) at 270364 days prior." Vaccine effectiveness for severe disease is -40% at around 9 months? So it increases the chance of COVID and severe COVID?"
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Your expert is a one stop shop;

There Was No Jesus, There Is No God: A Scholarly Examination of the Scientific, Historical, and Philosophical Evidence & Arguments for Monotheism: Lataster, Raphael Christopher: 9781492234418: Books
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The study he cites is published in THE LANCET. Are you saying a study published in the THE LANCET is invalid because it is picked up and reported on by a guy with questionable views?

Interesting reality you got there.
Big C
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I hear Bill Walton had been vaccinated and boosted. So sad...
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I'll bet Aunbear will be lining up like he's waiting for the latest iphone. The virtue signalling is priceless and you can never have enough plasmid DNA fragments, SV40, lipid nanoparticles, pseudouridine, etc. Literally, you can't, not if you want to stay ahead of the negative efficacy red queen.

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"The reported signs and symptoms of bird flu virus infections in humans have ranged from no symptoms or mild illness [such as eye redness (conjunctivitis) or mild flu-like upper respiratory symptoms], to severe (such as pneumonia requiring hospitalization) and included fever (temperature of 100F [37.8C] or greater)..

I'd probably wait until several thousand Deplorables in the Deep South took a bird flu dirt nap before I would consider it.
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The CDC, NIH, and all the major health institutions, organizations and hospitals will undoubtedly recommend it. Given your lack of medical training, who are you to disregard their advice and on what basis? Color me confused.
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You have medical training?
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No, but I'm not the one constantly claiming that the authorities are practically science itself and cannot be questioned. As for me, I'll listen to the scientists and doctors all over the world who don't answer to the Pharma Industrial Complex.
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You discount/disregard the opinions of mainstream medicine because of the financial conflict of interest caused by the money that flows from the ties to Big Pharma.

Do you believe that the opinions of the anti vax physicians/researchers can also be questioned on an analogous basis, that being the financial conflict of interest caused by the flow of money generated by the anti vax movement?

Does anyone pass a purity test in this dance?

Anti-vaxxers, flush with cash, now have political power - POLITICO

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You discount/disregard the opinions of mainstream medicine because of the financial conflict of interest caused by the money that flows from the ties to Big Pharma.

No, while it is reasonable to question their motives because of the obvious conflicts of interest, I "discount/disregard" their opinions not for this reason but because they have proven over and over again to be untrustworthy. Everything they told us about zoonotic origins, GoF, social distancing, masks, early treatment, lockdowns, and anything related to the so-called vaccines has proven to be not only false but known to be either unsupported or outright untrue at the time it was being disseminated to the public. The edifice is crumbling and all the lies are being exposed. You just won't read about them on Politico.

Do you believe that the opinions of the anti vax physicians/researchers can also be questioned on an analogous basis, that being the financial conflict of interest caused by the flow of money generated by the anti vax movement?

Sure, there are some who have done this. That makes them all guilty? For a lawyer, you don't seem to care much for all the messy details, like, for example, whether any particular anti-vaxxer benefited or was harmed by taking an anti-vax stance. And what are we to make of the doctors and researchers all over the world who have been outspoken against the gene therapies branded as vaccines? Why do doctors in, for example, Malaysia feel the need to apologize to their patients for recommending the "safe" jabs?

Does anyone pass a purity test in this dance?

What a sad, cynical person you must be to believe this. Yeah, I believe that there are courageous people out there who joined the crusade against the vaccines at great personal cost because it was the right thing to do, because they actually cared about their patients and wanted to prevent further suffering. People like Dr. Meryl Nass of Maine who lost her medical license because she tried to give her patients the banned though effective early treatment drugs and for criticizing the the Covid gene therapies.

Anti-vaxxers, flush with cash, now have political power - POLITICO

Not everyone is so obsessed with political power and winning at all costs that every story must be recast to serve the Narrative.
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Now let's do a compare and contrast of personal insults contained in our respective posts.

Why do you take it as such a personal affront when people don't see things your way?

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Where are the insults? I attacked your sacred cows, I challenged the logical conclusions of your positions. If I missed the mark and made a personal attack, then I apologize.

Now how about dealing with the specifics of our disagreement. Is there anything the CDC, FDA, medical associations and organizations, big pharma and MSM could do that would cause you to be skeptical of their advice? Why do view doctors and researchers outside this group with such extreme relative skepticism? Do you know of a single expert who defected from the anti-vax camp? I can think of many who went the other way.
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I'll continue to follow the medical advice of the my doctors in the John Muir System, the medical centers at UCLA, Stanford, UCSF, Harvard, Mayo Clinic, Toronto General, John's Hopkins, Massachusetts General Hospital and the top medical centers in Europe (

I will leave you to do your thing here, uncontested. I'm not sure what your mission is, but perhaps you ultimately will be successful convincing some of the BI community to cease getting Covid vaccinations (including vaccinations for measles and other contagious illnesses) for themselves and their family members.

I'm thinking your work isn't done here yet. Have at it.
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You ask a lot of questions but never seem to provide any answers. So much for dialog. I guess I won't be getting a response regarding the fraudulent HCQ trial.
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Zippergate said:

You ask a lot of questions but never seem to provide any answers. So much for dialog. I guess I won't be getting a response regarding the fraudulent HCQ trial.

We all want answers. What is new reserve currency since you claim it is no longer the dollar?
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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You're asking the wrong person, ask Xi. I only said that the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency was in jeopardy and that this is accelerating thanks to Biden administration's insane weaponization of the dollar. If you looked at China's trade and reserve data, you would see that this is happening.
Skate to where the puck is going...and let's try to stay on topic.
Perhaps you have something to offer on the fraudulent HCQ trial...or anthing on the vaxxines?
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The MoT says we need "pre-bunking" (cause it sounds so much better that state-sponsored propaganda).

No need to think, just receive your propaganda "innoculation." Wouldn't want to catch the misinformation "virus."

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Zippergate said:

You're asking the wrong person, ask Xi. I only said that the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency was in jeopardy and that this is accelerating thanks to Biden administration's insane weaponization of the dollar. If you looked at China's trade and reserve data, you would see that this is happening.
Skate to where the puck is going...and let's try to stay on topic.
Perhaps you have something to offer on the fraudulent HCQ trial...or anthing on the vaxxines?

"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Poor Fredo. But I'm glad we've at least come to the point where people can talk about some of these things freely on a podcast and not get censored on youtube or twitter.
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Why can't they just leave Saint Fauci alone?

"During the pandemic, the American people started to feel that Big Government was very cozy with Big Pharma.
Now we know just how close they were.
New data from the National Institutes of Health reveals the agency and its scientists collected $710 million in royalties during the pandemic, from late 2021 through 2023. These are payments made by private companies, like pharmaceuticals, to license medical innovations from government scientists.

Almost all that cash $690 million went to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), the subagency led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, and 260 of its scientists.

Information about this vast private royalty complex is tightly held by NIH. My organization,, was forced to sue to uncover the royalties paid from September 2009 to October 2021, which amounted to $325 million over 56,000 transactions.

We had to sue a second time, with Judicial Watch as our counsel, to pry open this new release.
Payments skyrocketed during the pandemic era: those years saw more than double the amount of cash flow to NIH from the private sector, compared to the prior twelve combined. All told, it's $1.036 billion.
It's unclear if any of the Covid vaccine royalties from Pfizer and Moderna, the latter of which settled with NIH by agreeing to pay $400 million, is even included in these new numbers. NIH isn't saying.

The American people have one last crack at getting some candor from Fauci, the face of our COVID response, when he testifies Monday before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
There's plenty to answer for.
He's spent years scoffing at questions about potential conflicts of interest between COVID policymakers, who relentlessly pushed vaccines, and recipients of private royalties.

Now he'll also need to account for bombshell emails sent by one of his deputies, which described in-house strategies to circumvent the federal Freedom of Information Act.
Fauci won't be able to misspell words to evade scrutiny or have folks physically courier messages just two of the FOIA-avoiding actions described by Dr. David Morens, a key Fauci deputy.
Instead, cameras from around the world will be trained on Fauci and he'll be answering for information he gave in a sworn deposition earlier this year.

It's a chance to either come clean or further cement the public's perception of him and the NIH as secretive and self-interested.
Beyond this small cabal of scientists covering up discussions of the virus' origin, NIH has consistently treated FOIA requests like viral attacks of their own. No wonder, then, that we're plaintiffs in six ongoing FOIA cases.
see also

Characteristically, NIH is still redacting pieces of the data that would help us more easily connect therapeutics with their government-paid inventors. For example, they refuse to show us the amount of royalties paid to each individual scientist. So we still can't entirely follow the money.
In the meantime, Sen. Rand Paul has sponsored the Royalty Transparency Act, which sailed unanimously through the committee process and deserves a floor vote immediately.
There's plenty Fauci could do in the meantime, too. He could indicate he supports bills like Paul's. He could call on NIH and CDC to voluntarily "unmask" the royalty payments. Then we could see whether their decisions have advanced the general welfare or their own.
Fauci could also support fixes to the FOIA law that create real consequences for those who purposely violate it.
At minimum, he must apologize for the utter contempt for FOIA, and the transparency war waged by his colleagues that's now been revealed in private communications.
Among the government's most basic duties to the public are providing for the general welfare and reporting its income and spending.

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Fauci has admitted that some of the most stringent COVID-19 guidelines, including social distancing and child masking, were not rooted in concrete scientific evidence.

This admission came during an interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, details of which were released ahead of Dr. Fauci's scheduled testimony this Monday.
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bear2034 said:

Fauci has admitted that some of the most stringent COVID-19 guidelines, including social distancing and child masking, were not rooted in concrete scientific evidence.

This admission came during an interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, details of which were released ahead of Dr. Fauci's scheduled testimony this Monday.
The worst thing about this isn't that he LIED about all this stuff (which any critical thinking person knew), it's that too many people, including demonstrably on here, now have concrete proof of the lies, and they still just go along, burry their head in the sand... and worse, maintain their original positions based on those lies masquerading as #science.
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It's amazing. These are huge stories. If people knew back then how they were being lied to and manipulated, they would have been outraged. Perhaps Trump hatred is a black hole which sucks in all the outrage of those who are obsessed with him.
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More Fauci lies

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Fauci testifies in combative hearing about Covid's origins

"But in a combative moment that prompted consternation from several of her House colleagues, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, of Georgia, said Fauci belonged in prison and did not deserve to have a medical license. She added that Fauci's medical guidance led children to be "muzzled" with masks in schools, and in a strange tangent accused him of signing off on experiments involving the torture of beagles.

As she left the hearing, Greene doubled down in comments to NBC News.

"Fauci belongs in prison. He should be tried for mass murder, and he should be tried for crimes against humanity. That's how I feel after that hearing," she said."

5 takeaways from Fauci's heated House hearing
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Honest question, because I know some people here believe it:

What should Fauci be in prison for? What exactly was the crime?
Eastern Oregon Bear
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sycasey said:

Honest question, because I know some people here believe it:

What should Fauci be in prison for? What exactly was the crime?
Being a convenient target for those not wishing to minimize their exposure to Covid-19.
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sycasey said:

Honest question, because I know some people here believe it:

What should Fauci be in prison for? What exactly was the crime?

Pinning down a conspiracy theorist with a cross examination question with regard to one of their allegations violates the Rules of Civil Procedure in tRumpworld.
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sycasey said:

Honest question, because I know some people here believe it:

What should Fauci be in prison for? What exactly was the crime?

Was anybody charged in the Purdue Pharma Oxycontin conspiracy? This would be similar.
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oski003 said:

sycasey said:

Honest question, because I know some people here believe it:

What should Fauci be in prison for? What exactly was the crime?

Was anybody charged in the Purdue Pharma Oxycontin conspiracy? This would be similar.

Explain to me how Fauci is criminally responsible.
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sycasey said:

Honest question, because I know some people here believe it:

What should Fauci be in prison for? What exactly was the crime?
I don't know what the legal standard is for crimes against humanity but that is what he is guilty of.
He illegally continued the funding for the gain of function research at Echohealth Alliance which created the corona virus. He played a major role in sabotaging the clinical trials of Ivermectin and HCQ including withholding access to the government's stockpile of drugs; this alone resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. He perjured himself multiple times when testifying before Congress. His subordinates intentionally evaded the FOIA system and I bet grand jury investigation would discover that he did as well. He forced the vaccines on millions of young Americans who didn't need it but didn't disclose that he and his colleagues were raking in millions off them. While it may not be a crime, he lied to the American people on so many issues it's hard to keep track: the effectiveness of masks, especially the surgical masks everyone was wearing, social distancing, the effectiveness of the vaccines in reducing transmission, the safety of the vaccines, etc. Much, more could be said.

None of this is speculation; it has all been documented. I think it's completely fair to say that Fauci is responsible for more American deaths than any person in history. Surely, a clever lawyer should be able to put together a case against him.
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sycasey said:

oski003 said:

sycasey said:

Honest question, because I know some people here believe it:

What should Fauci be in prison for? What exactly was the crime?

Was anybody charged in the Purdue Pharma Oxycontin conspiracy? This would be similar.

Explain to me how Fauci is criminally responsible.

It is in this thread ad nauseum. Other than that, I heard he was blackmailed by a mistress, paid it off, and then followed Hillary's lead and his people categorized it as a legal expense.
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Anthony Fauci is retiring. His credibility did not survive the pandemic intact.

About the author:
Lecturer in Science & Writing | NYU Langone Health
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