sycasey said:movielover said:sycasey said:Cal88 said:sycasey said:Big C said:
Got a 20 year old? Want to send him/her over to help this noble cause? I thought not, nor should you.
Why should anyone expect, at this point, that Russia's military is strong enough to require us to draft troops and send them over to fight them? Seems pretty clear from their results in Ukraine that it wouldn't require nearly that much effort.
So it's OK, as long as it's the Ukrainians, and soon the Poles, that are doing the dying for us?
A large number of Ukrainians don't want to die at the front, and are being forcibly conscripted.
As well, about 4,800 foreign fighters have already been killed, and NATO insiders (especially the Brits and Poles) have been calling for an escalation:
Russia can stop invading whenever they want. I think it's pretty clear at this point that the Ukrainians do not want to be part of Russia.
Half truth, half lie = lie.
Eastern UKR, the Donbas area of ethnic Russians, want peace either via a neutral zone or joining Russia partly, or in whole.
So Russia says. I think the people there should be able to choose or not choose that option freely rather than be militarily invaded.
People in the Donbass have been waging a guerilla war against the Kiev regime since 2014. Kiev sent their tanks and airplanes to crush them, and killed 11,000 civilians in the process. The Kiev regime president Poroshenko even boasted about bombing locals into submission, stating tin this speech hat the Donbass kids will grow up cowering in basements while Ukrainian kids go about their daily lives.
Mutinies against the Maidan Coup were also violently repressed in the rest of russophone Ukraine, including Mariupol and Odessa. Kiev sent their tanks into Mariupol to crush locals on Victory Day, which commemorates the defeat of Nazi Germany (see below), and they bussed hundreds of thugs from the northwest to crush unarmed protestors in Odessa, burning alive dozens of them in May 2014.
Odessa massacre: