There can be very smart people who get so convinced of their own smartness that they wind up in a self-congratulatory bubble and start only hearing from people who tell them what they want to hear. I feel like this has happened with more than a few famous figures lately: DeSantis, Elon Musk, etc.dimitrig said:calbear93 said:dimitrig said:
I don't want to dwell on this DeSantis thing but I will say :
1. He was a very good baseball player. I suspect that played into his admission to Yale. Maybe not, but it is worth acknowledging as a possibility.
2. In a more general sense there are a lot of people at Yale that aren't all that smart. Do not put too much stock into where someone went to school. I met a young woman yesterday who went to Florida Tech and she is doing amazing research that is coveted by both the DoD and commercial companies. I did ask her how she ended up at such an unknown school. She said that she wanted to go to MIT or Stanford but that at the time she was working for Delta Airlines and Florida Tech was one of the schools that Delta would reimburse tuition for and so she ended up there. She said she has no regrets as her decision worked out very well for her. The field I work in is full of very brilliant engineers and scientists and most of them did not go to Ivy League schools. So what?
3. I have yet to read or hear of something DeSantis has done which is anything but stupid. You may say the same about me, but I am bull****ting on a sports board. This guy is the governor. If he constantly does and says dumb things as part of his job as governor then maybe he just isn't that smart.
By the way, at Cal I took Astronomy. Chemistry, Upper Div Math, Upper Div Physics, upper Div CS and my electives were classes like Philosophy, Economics, Classics, and Anthropology. I never got lower than an A in any non-STEM course and that was with me not devoting much time to it because I was being killed with workload for my other courses. I probably could be an Archaeologist right now as my professor and TAs were really pushing me to go that route and I did well. Would I be smarter if I was an archaeology professor at Harvard or Cambridge or would that have just been a career choice?
I am not going to be one of those people that says people in STEM are smarter than anyone else, because I certainly could not have passed my roommates Spanish and French literature courses that required the essays to be written in the foreign language. We all have unique skills and abilities. Intelligence is hard to quantify.
One of the smartest guys I know is a peon engineer who went to Caltech. He still lives in the same 1 bedroom apartment and drives the same old car he always did. He never advanced in his career. Once he got recruited to be a quant on Wall Street. He doubled his salary but quit within 2 years because he didn't like it, didn't like the people, didn't like New York. He is back to his old job. I guarantee you he is smarter than you, me, and DeSantis but other than his Caltech degree there is nothing that would indicate that. Give him a math problem to solve, though.
I think two things will clarify the things you wrote to minimize his experience at Yale and Harvard. Summa cum laude and cum laude. He graduated with exceptionally high grades. So, despite being on the baseball team and working as an electrician in college, he graduated near the top of his class.
Again, he is a bad politician who ran to the right of Trump. That was a dumb move but it does you no good for your arguments and it does not make you seem any less tribal to minimize his academic achievements.
I was in college of chemistry for two years. I admit that the only grades less than an A I received were in organic chemistry and physical chemistry. So I agree that humanities were much easier. But let's not assume you would have gotten into Yale and that you would have graduated summa cum laude.
About solving math problems - I believe he got perfect score on the math portion of the SAT. So maybe he didn't take advance math classes but he probably had the mental capacity to do well.
If you want to make yourself feel better by convincing yourself that you are smarter, won't stop you. But it's stupid to say he is stupid. Trump maybe. But not DeSantis.
If he is so smart why does he do and say so many dumb things? Did he take a lot of drugs? Have a stroke? He doesn't act like a smart person. Perhaps he once was smart but he now has diminished capacity.
What can you point to that makes you think he is so smart other than some grades he got 20 years ago at a school which is known for grade inflation? The mean GPA at Yale and Harvard is 3.7.