The Official Russiagate Was BS Thread

7,066 Views | 79 Replies | Last: 4 days ago by Cal88
Eastern Oregon Bear
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That didn't take long, Yogi.
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The CJR piece was written by Jeff Gerth who is most famous for his bad reporting on Whitewater in the 1990s. This CJR piece suffers from the same innuendo, bias, and anti-Hillary derangement.

"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Still waiting for details on the 102 meetings between tRump Campaign and Russians in the lead up to the 2016 Election.
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bearister said:

Still waiting for details on the 102 meetings between tRump Campaign and Russians in the lead up to the 2016 Election.

Seeing each other at a convention and talking for 30 seconds in passing was considered a meeting. So was a 30 second phone call.
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Welcome back BareFarce..................said no one ever.
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Links between Trump associates and Russian officials - Wikipedia

Mueller Report Shows Depth of Connections Between Trump Campaign and Russians - The New York Times

Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia - The New York Times

All of Donald Trump's Ties to Russia and Putin, in 7 Charts - POLITICO Magazine

Trump campaign Russia contacts were 'grave threat', says Senate report - BBC News

*In a prior era, tRump would have been properly charged, properly tried, properly convicted, and then properly hung by the neck until dead in the central courtyard of USP Leavenworth.
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bearister said:

Still waiting for details on the 102 meetings between tRump Campaign and Russians in the lead up to the 2016 Election.

A lawyer, a spy, a mob boss, and a money launderer walk into a bar.

The bartender says:
"You guys must be here to talk about adoption."

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bearister said:

Still waiting for details on the 102 meetings between tRump Campaign and Russians in the lead up to the 2016 Election.

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Eastern Oregon Bear
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Ursine said:

The Spectator is the "leading institution in journalism"? Talk about casting doubt on your message!
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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Ursine said:

The Spectator is the "leading institution in journalism"? Talk about casting doubt on your message!
Furthermore, the author of the CJR piece is the same hack that propped up bogus claims about Whitewater in the 1990s
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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dajo9 said:

Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Ursine said:

The Spectator is the "leading institution in journalism"? Talk about casting doubt on your message!
Furthermore, the author of the CJR piece is the same hack that propped up bogus claims about Whitewater in the 1990s

Lets Go Brandon 3
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bearister said:

Still waiting for details on the 102 meetings between tRump Campaign and Russians in the lead up to the 2016 Election.

If there was any substance to this, at least one of these alleged meetings would have been described, and the "Russians" who have allegedly participated would have been household names by now, not still identified as "Russians",

This deep state/government/intel PR campaign is very similar to others in the post-9/11 heyday where that element, which was dominated by Republican neocons at the time, run stories about alleged numerous Saddam meetings with Al Qaeda in order to sell the invasion of Iraq to a gullible, emotionally-driven and somewhat xenophobic audience, not just Fox News listeners, but also NYT readers:


"It is undisputed, and has been confirmed repeatedly in Iraqi government documents captured after the invasion, that Saddam had deep, longstanding, far-reaching relationships with terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda and its affiliates. It is undisputed that Saddam's Iraq was a state based on terror, overseeing a coordinated program to support global jihadist terrorist organizations. Ansar al Islam, an al Qaeda-linked organization, operated training camps in northern Iraq before the invasion. Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the future leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, funneled weapons and fighters into these camps, before the invasion, from his location in Baghdad. We also know, again confirmed in documents captured after the war, that Saddam provided funding, training, and other support to numerous terrorist organizations and individuals over decades, including to Ayman al Zawahiri, the man who leads al Qaeda today."

Former vice president Dick Cheney and former deputy assistant secretary of state Liz Cheney, writing in the July 21 edition of The Weekly Standard.

"102 meetings" is similar to the "17 intelligence agencies" that signed to the story of Russian hacking, or the "50 intelligence experts" that swore that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinfo:


National Security

Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say
More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son.

Those types of PR campaigns are no different than ones claiming "9 out of 10 doctors recommend Sensodyne" or "Doctors smoke Camels"

These types of marketing campaigns rely on two key elements in the manipulation of their audience:

-Appeal to authority through the use of authority figures - doctors or intel "experts". These intel experts are the white-coat, government-appointment experts who are toiling day and night to protect America from the Saddams, Borises and Natashas who want to take away your freedom and destroy our way of life...

-Social proof - it's not just one doctor dude, but nearly all of them! Not just one agency, 17 AGENCIES!
102 meetings with Russians = 99 billion Big Macs sold.
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There is plenty of information on some of these meetings. Those interested in truth and not Russian propaganda should read here:
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dajo9 said:

There is plenty of information on some of these meetings. Those interested in truth and not Russian propaganda should read here:

If there was one egregious event, it would have been identified as such, instead we have a long list of mundane meetings of the order of "the POTUS and some of his officials met with the Russian ambassador".

102 meetings!
99 billion Big Macs sold!!!

Someone associated with Trump met socialite Wendi Deng... who allegedly dated Putin!!! - that's the level of expertise that is being trotted here. I mean you have to be near ConcordTom levels of TDS to buy into this kind of propaganda.

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tRump and Billy Barr Sinister were fans of the Mueller Report, interpreting it as totally exonerating tRump from Russian Hoax allegations.

Well, all the Russian/tRump World contacts (140?) were in the Mueller Report, tRump simply felt no need to explain it and no one present at the meetings was tellin'.

Mueller Report Shows Depth of Connections Between Trump Campaign and Russians - The New York Times

*Anyone who looks me in the eye and tells me Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn are kosher has me reaching to protect my wallet. I have read a few stories in military publications about Flynn once being respected by his colleagues….before mentally degrading and falling down a Q rabbit hole. Manafort? Is there actually a debate about his function?
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People are allowed to meet.

Meetings are bad if there is a nefarious purpose.

This is where The Left went off the deep end.

Your cited link shows 1 of the 140 evil Mueller Report "meetings" was an email in the summer of 2015 from an online Russian newspaper to Hope Hicks - Communications Director - asking for a Trump interview. She also received a congratulatory note from Putin to Trump after Trump won the election.

It is amazing our nation survived these Manchurian Candidate tactics.
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It has never been contested that the Russians' candidate of choice was tRump. That being the case, one can assume what the subject matter of the meetings related to other than Russian adoptions and the dirt on Hillary discussion tRump Lite admitted to.

"Mueller spent almost 200 pages describing "numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign." He found that "a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton." He also found that "a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations" against the Clinton campaign and then released stolen documents….

Mueller found that Trump campaign members Donald Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner met with Russian nationals in Trump Tower in New York June 2016 for the purpose of receiving disparaging information about Clinton as part of "Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump," according to an email message arranging the meeting. This meeting did not amount to a criminal offense, in part, because Mueller was unable to establish "willfulness," that is, that the participants knew that their conduct was illegal."

Mueller Report: Breaking Down the Biggest Myths | TIME

*Based on all the discussion in the Ukraine Invasion thread that Russia is not really our enemy and Putin has valid reasons for his actions in the Ukraine, I don't really understand the resistance by the Right and the Matt Taibbi School of De Facto tRump Support to own, and actually relish in, tRump's cozy relationship with the Russians. When viewed from that perspective, tRump did nothing wrong, and Michael Flynn would be the first guy to tell you that.
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I haven't noticed the Russia, Russia, Russia narratives circulating yet and it's already February.
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bear2034 said:

I haven't noticed the Russia, Russia, Russia narratives circulating yet and it's already February.

Keep in mind that heinous conduct, provable or alleged, only strengthens trump's support amongst his "We hate America because we got left behind, you look down on us and you don't understand us" base. tRump should jump at the chance to own it all.

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bearister said:

*Based on all the discussion in the Ukraine Invasion thread that Russia is not really our enemy and Putin has valid reasons for his actions in the Ukraine, I don't really understand the resistance by the Right and the Matt Taibbi School of De Facto tRump Support to own, and actually relish in, tRump's cozy relationship with the Russians. When viewed from that perspective, tRump did nothing wrong, and Michael Flynn would be the first guy to tell you that.

The only time the Putinista tankies will ever acknowledge the massive demographic problems facing Russia is when they try to pretend that Trump genuinely took a meeting with a representative of the Russian government to discuss adoptions lol.

Everyone knows that Russia's perfectly happy stealing children and doesn't need to rely on arms-length adoption.
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Unit2Sucks said:

bearister said:

*Based on all the discussion in the Ukraine Invasion thread that Russia is not really our enemy and Putin has valid reasons for his actions in the Ukraine, I don't really understand the resistance by the Right and the Matt Taibbi School of De Facto tRump Support to own, and actually relish in, tRump's cozy relationship with the Russians. When viewed from that perspective, tRump did nothing wrong, and Michael Flynn would be the first guy to tell you that.

The only time the Putinista tankies will ever acknowledge the massive demographic problems facing Russia is when they try to pretend that Trump genuinely took a meeting with a representative of the Russian government to discuss adoptions lol.

Everyone knows that Russia's perfectly happy stealing children and doesn't need to rely on arms-length adoption.

It is kind of funny that the FBI is wiretapping everyone in Trump's orbit, and the best they can do is find out that one time Russian folks were trying to give Trump's team information on how Russia was illegally funding the DNC.
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oski003 said:

It is kind of funny that the FBI is wiretapping everyone in Trump's orbit, and the best they can do is find out that one time Russian folks were trying to give Trump's team information on how Russia was illegally funding the DNC.

1. Please provide citation with link for support of FBI wiretapping of tRump associate (other than convicted felon Manafort and Carter Page); and

2. Please provide citation with link for support of Russia funding the DNC.

Thank you.
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bearister said:

oski003 said:

It is kind of funny that the FBI is wiretapping everyone in Trump's orbit, and the best they can do is find out that one time Russian folks were trying to give Trump's team information on how Russia was illegally funding the DNC.

1. Please provide citation with link for support of FBI wiretapping of tRump associate (other than convicted felon Manafort and Carter Page); and

2. Please provide citation with link for support of Russia funding the DNC.

Thank you.

1) We learned that in the final days of the 2016 presidential race, when the Clinton campaign came up with the Steele dossier a collection of sensational and unsupported allegations about Trump and Russia the FBI used the dossier to win approval to wiretap Carter Page, a low-level former Trump campaign adviser. Then we learned that also in 2016, the FBI used a confidential informant, a professor named Stefan Halper, to spy on Page and George Papadopoulos, another low-level Trump adviser.

Then we learned that in 2016, the FBI sent an undercover agent a woman who used the alias Azra Turk to secretly record conversations with Papadopoulos.

In a court filing Friday, Durham reported that in July 2016, a tech executive named Rodney Joffe (he is unnamed in the court papers, but his name has been widely reported) worked with the Clinton campaign's law firm to "mine internet data," some of it "non-public and/or proprietary" that means secret to search for information that could be used to claim a Trump-Russia connection. Among the secret data that was "exploited," according to Durham, was internet traffic from Trump Tower, from Donald Trump's Central Park West apartment building and after Trump was elected the executive office of the president of the United States, or EOP.

Joffe's company, Durham says, "had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement" a government contract to provide tech services. They then "exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's [internet] traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."

After that, the Clinton team went to the CIA to try to get the nation's spy agency interested in the anti-Trump effort. That mirrored earlier Clinton approaches to the FBI, when Clinton operatives tried to interest agents in what is known as the "Alfa Bank" story, which was a phony allegation that there were all sorts of suspicious connections between a Russian bank and the Trump campaign.

The bigger goal of all of it, Durham says, was "to establish 'an inference' and 'narrative' tying then-candidate Trump to Russia." So there was a two-track operation going on: While the FBI was doing spying of its own, the Clinton team was spying, too, and trying to get the FBI and CIA involved. It was all part of a larger plan to push the "narrative" of Trump-Russia collusion.

How did it end? You'll remember that a special counsel, Robert Mueller, using all the resources and powers of federal law enforcement, searched for collusion for years and could never establish that it happened, much less that any Trump campaign figures might have been involved.

The new revelation is confirmation for some of the Republicans who uncovered the early clues of the spying operation. "Democrat-paid operatives illegally hacked their political opponents' communications during a presidential campaign and then did it again to a sitting president and the White House staff," said Devin Nunes, who as House Intelligence Committee chairman investigated the spying allegations. He just left Congress and is now CEO of the new Trump social media venture.

2) I am not sure why you are asking this. Some Russian duped someone in Trump's team that they had this info and then apparently didn't. That was the premise of this HUGE smoking gun meeting you are referring to.
Lets Go Brandon 3
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dajo9 said:

There is plenty of information on some of these meetings. Those interested in truth and not Russian propaganda should read here:
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Imagine using the fiction written by failed special prosecutor, John Durham, as an argument for anything. The special prosecutor worked for years longer than Mueller and spent millions and then humiliated himself in court.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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oski003 said:

bearister said:

oski003 said:

It is kind of funny that the FBI is wiretapping everyone in Trump's orbit, and the best they can do is find out that one time Russian folks were trying to give Trump's team information on how Russia was illegally funding the DNC.

1. Please provide citation with link for support of FBI wiretapping of tRump associate (other than convicted felon Manafort and Carter Page); and

2. Please provide citation with link for support of Russia funding the DNC.

Thank you.

1) We learned that in the final days of the 2016 presidential race, when the Clinton campaign came up with the Steele dossier a collection of sensational and unsupported allegations about Trump and Russia the FBI used the dossier to win approval to wiretap Carter Page, a low-level former Trump campaign adviser. Then we learned that also in 2016, the FBI used a confidential informant, a professor named Stefan Halper, to spy on Page and George Papadopoulos, another low-level Trump adviser.

Then we learned that in 2016, the FBI sent an undercover agent a woman who used the alias Azra Turk to secretly record conversations with Papadopoulos.

In a court filing Friday, Durham reported that in July 2016, a tech executive named Rodney Joffe (he is unnamed in the court papers, but his name has been widely reported) worked with the Clinton campaign's law firm to "mine internet data," some of it "non-public and/or proprietary" that means secret to search for information that could be used to claim a Trump-Russia connection. Among the secret data that was "exploited," according to Durham, was internet traffic from Trump Tower, from Donald Trump's Central Park West apartment building and after Trump was elected the executive office of the president of the United States, or EOP.

Joffe's company, Durham says, "had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement" a government contract to provide tech services. They then "exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's [internet] traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."

After that, the Clinton team went to the CIA to try to get the nation's spy agency interested in the anti-Trump effort. That mirrored earlier Clinton approaches to the FBI, when Clinton operatives tried to interest agents in what is known as the "Alfa Bank" story, which was a phony allegation that there were all sorts of suspicious connections between a Russian bank and the Trump campaign.

The bigger goal of all of it, Durham says, was "to establish 'an inference' and 'narrative' tying then-candidate Trump to Russia." So there was a two-track operation going on: While the FBI was doing spying of its own, the Clinton team was spying, too, and trying to get the FBI and CIA involved. It was all part of a larger plan to push the "narrative" of Trump-Russia collusion.

How did it end? You'll remember that a special counsel, Robert Mueller, using all the resources and powers of federal law enforcement, searched for collusion for years and could never establish that it happened, much less that any Trump campaign figures might have been involved.

The new revelation is confirmation for some of the Republicans who uncovered the early clues of the spying operation. "Democrat-paid operatives illegally hacked their political opponents' communications during a presidential campaign and then did it again to a sitting president and the White House staff," said Devin Nunes, who as House Intelligence Committee chairman investigated the spying allegations. He just left Congress and is now CEO of the new Trump social media venture.

2) I am not sure why you are asking this. Some Russian duped someone in Trump's team that they had this info and then apparently didn't. That was the premise of this HUGE smoking gun meeting you are referring to.
So you went from "the FBI is wiretapping everyone in Trump's orbit" to a long series of paragraphs that only mentions Carter Page being wiretapped and no one else. The rest of the stuff you mentioned was not wiretapping.
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Fair enough. Still quite a bit of spying to only come up with the nothingburger of the "meetings."
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So give me a linked source for this. Thanks.
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