Cal_79 said:
concordtom said:
Cal_79 said:
concordtom said:
Cal_79 said:
concordtom said:
Aug 2023:

Look at Trump's ear in these different pictures.

I think it's really funny how he had the huge white bandage to play up his victimhood. You know he always has a mind for the stagecraft of it all.

If his ear looks unaltered after he removes the final bandage, and everyone asks why the big white one, he'll say he had plastic surgery to repair it.

What I'm getting at is, it was a mere flesh wound, but he sure wanted everyone to know!
That said, there was significant visible blood immediately, so it certainly wasn't nothing.
2 days ago:
"The bullet track produced a 2 cm wide wound that extended down to the cartilaginous surface of the ear," Jackson wrote.
"There was initially significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear," he said.
Jackson, who wrote that he's treated Trump daily since last weekend, said the swelling has "resolved" since then and that "the wound is beginning to granulate and heal properly."
"Based on the highly vascular nature of the ear, there is still intermittent bleeding requiring a dressing to be in place," Jackson said Saturday. "Given the broad and blunt nature of the wound itself, no sutures were required."
And if it's only a flesh wound, that's supposed to make it okay?
No, though I know you enjoyed putting words in my prose.
The point was, was the huge white bandage really necessary?
No, it wasn't.
How about trading places with him (you're the one who gets shot at) and then we compare your respective responses?
I'll let you know when it happens.
I am not a fan of Trump, but the guy was nearly assassinated and your complaint is about the size of the bandage?
Oh, certainly not at all.
Click on my profile, I've got 29,280 posts. 48% of them are in Off Topic. That's 14,054.
I'd say at least 80% of those are complaints about Trump. Long time readers here can attest!
They say Trump has told 10,000 lies; well, I have 10,000 complaints. The size of the bandage is merely another lie, just like when Jr said half his father's ear was blown off.
It's a terrible thing that he was shot at! True!!
But was it surprising? The man spews hate and negativity daily. That's all his campaign rallies are. Focused ire, and he'll find somebody to point to, that's for sure.
I do not condone the violence.
I am glad he was not more severely injured, or killed.
But, he gets no sympathy from me. If he can't learn anything in this lifetime, maybe he can in the next. Which can come soon enough. Father Time is calling, and he's undefeated!!

I AM for his # being called, that is true. But not by unnatural causes.
Have you read any of my fantasies about how it could happen?
Heart attack.
Falling down stairs.
Even suicide is acceptable to me, though the conspiracy theories would never end - unless he filmed it himself. The ratings would be HUUUUGGGGEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Oooo! I just thought of a new one!
Infection obtained from excessive micro hair follicle surgery on the scalp. That's a good one. Hey, he signed the release waiver, knew the risks. Infection can happen. Especially when trying to save a few bucks by choosing some crap doctor/facility.