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UK STATE TORTURE : Tommy Robinson has suffered 128+ days so far in solitary confinement at HMP Woodhill 22 hours a day locked in a cell, facing an 18 month sentence for a non-crime of showing the public a documentary he was banned from showing.
His legal team appointed an independent Clinical Psychologist, with a Doctorate and 15+ years in NHS forensic mental health to assess him and they deliver a damning report: 'This is mental torture.' Assessing him with ADHD and Complex Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), she warns, 'Solitary confinement is directly related to the reactivation of past CPTSD due to the similar environment.' She adds, 'He has difficulties coping… exacerbated by ADHD he is deteriorating.
'I've lost my head,' he says. 'Dark dreams and cold sweats jolt me awake at 3am. I can't sleep, I'm paranoid, helpless and continually panic about my kids.' His legal team has launched an emergency court challenge due to deterioration in mental health, highlighting multiple human rights violations.
Threshold: Internationally, 15 days is a cutoff for when solitary confinement becomes cruel or inhuman treatment (United nations Mandela Rules, UN Rapporteur). Beyond that, it's a sliding scale towards torture.
Tommy's Case: At nearly 130 days, with documented mental deterioration (CPTSD relapse, paranoia, sleep disruption), it's well past this threshold. The psychologist's "mental torture" assessment, tied to his specific vulnerabilities, suggests it's already torture in effect, especially given the states planned 18 month sentence.
The report details a cluster of severe symptomspost traumatic stress, ADHD, hypervigilance, paranoia, traumatic sleep disruption, guilt, social withdrawal, and a subjective sense of mental collapseall explicitly linked to the "mental torture" of solitary confinement. These are not mild or transient; they're debilitating, worsening, and rooted in his specific vulnerabilities, as the psychologist's quotes make clear. These expert observations confirm severe symptoms escalating over time, with a prognosis of lasting harm.
This isn't punishmentit's a calculated breaking of a man who dared speak. Proven by independent expert testimony!
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@jordanbpeterson @elonmusk @Bannons_WarRoom @maureen_bannon @JackPosobiec @charliekirk11 @Riley_Gaines_ @BillboardChris @toadmeister @GenFlynn @RealAlexJones @realDonaldTrump @JDVance @DonaldJTrumpJr @Joey7Barton @liamtuffs1
#FreeTommy #EndSolitary #Stazistarmer #StopTheIsolation
Does this sound like proper justice?