White House has settled in

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BearDevil said:

....Also good luck to Falwell Jr, Franklin Graham, Tony Perkins, and Papa Huckabee in spinning this....

Evangelical spin: Stormy is a Jezebel that tempted a good man beyond his ability to resist her DD charms. Let he without sin cast the first stone. tRump has cried 10,000 tears and Jesus told Mike Pence that he is forgiven.
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Another Bear said:

BearDevil said:

BearNIt said:

Looking for a self starting, loyal and discrete lawyer who would not be adverse to paying a porn actress $130K out of his own pocket. Must be able to obtain a top level security clearance.

Anybody know someone?

Cohen may have screwed up bigly. Stormy's attorneys are now claiming Cohen breached the NDA. If true, Stormy gets to keep the $130K and can sell her story to US and/or British tabloids for at least that much.

A few appearances on morning TV, late night, and Sunday shows and Trump's 29% approval rating among White wonen sinks even lower. There may be a tiny demographic that approves of having unprotected sex with a porn star when you're on your third marriage and your fifth kid is 4 months old, but good luck finding it. Also good luck to Falwell Jr, Franklin Graham, Tony Perkins, and Papa Huckabee in spinning this. Somebody needs to ask Kellyanne and Sarah Huckabee which of their young daughters they'd want married to Trunp or Porter.

In addition to not being Perry Mason, Cohen doesn't understand wag the dog diversions at all.

Oh she's going to get paid way more. I'd guess the bidding starts at a million. The Brit tabloids might couple it with photos on page 3. There will also be TV and video deals, both porn and a regular drama. She is going to cash in.

If there's enough video and hype, TV, porn or otherwise, I think that might sink Trump. Why not, nothing else can (yet) and it would be right in America's Puritanical wheelhouse. On that note...

Theoretical question, just for the hell of it. Would you sleep with Stormy Daniels if Trump didn't (or did), and you get a condom? (Happy Valentine's Day!)

Valentine's Day Answer: Based on her appearance on Jimmy Kimmel's show, and her success in business, Stormy has a good mind.
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Cal88 said:

bearister said:

I think he also prefers Fox and Friends dumbed down bullet points wrapped in platitudes. Here is additional factual information that he can print out along with the Moyer's information and use it to wrap fish or line a bird cage:


Do you really think that RT, Sputnik and some social media posts were the reason why Hillary and her billion dollar campaign, and the MSM in her pocket, lost in MI, WI, OH and PA?

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oski003 said:

Does the fact that Cohen was put in a corner by stormy discussing this with friends and word got out have any bearing on whether or not he violated the gag order? Are you sure this isn't just your wishful thinking?
Really depends on the words of the NDA doesn't it? I've negotiated more NDAs than I would care to admit, and they (almost) never prevent someone from disclosing something that is in the public domain. Given that her interview with InTouch was publicly available prior to her signing the NDA, we're already in a bizarro world of non-standard agreements so it's entirely plausible that Cohen materially breached the NDA which would allow her to terminate it.

In any event, as I've stated previously, Trump has told us that he doesn't settle, so it doesn't make a lot of sense for him to allow Ms. Daniels to publicly claim that they had an affair for 5 years prior to paying her off without suing her and defending his honor. Nothing surprises me anymore, but you have to be pretty naive to think that Daniels is lying and that she never had a relationship with Trump.
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I keep wanting to say this:
The Republican Party has more than enough history, skill and knowledge with racial and class divisive rhetoric, fake news, tech ability, knowing which buttons to push and where, money to accomplish all the above; and, when the Republican Party and its Fellow Travelers do it, it's legal.
Why do they need the Russians, who have to commit crimes in order to do the exact same stuff as the Republicans do legally, and, by necessity, also have to get the right information from the Republicans & Fellow Travelers?
I can only guess that, maybe the size of Russia's military/industrial cyber-warfare machine was the key. But is that really necessary in Cyber War, where you can create a giant army at the push of a button?

On the other hand: I am still, hopefully, enough of a believer in Democracy and the wisdom of the Electorate, that, the more Trump actually reveals himself daily to be even more of an actual monster than we imagined, the more I tend to believe that Russia's industrial-strength cyber-army, backed by its truly ancient history in these kinds of activities, going back to at least the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the late-19th Century, the more it seems possible that Trump's election is attributable to some monstrous foreign force -- or, maybe this phenomenon, along with the 1933 Election in Germany and its aftermath, are lessons that Democracy, for all that recommends it, in which I have believed ardently all my life, has real weaknesses and imperfections that have to be paid attention to.

Somebody the other day (I think it was David Frum, or whomever was interviewing him) asserted that the Republicans' already significant advantage in its endless, overt voter-suppression techniques, may have needed for it to be successful only to eliminate 6% of the electorate - Although the thing that struck me about that exchange in the interview was Frum's casual acceptance (and he IS a rightist) of that as being a long-standing (indeed, truly necessary), and baked-in, aspect of Republican political strategy.
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Stormy needs to report that tRump has a 2 inch unit. The embolism to follow will obviate the need for impeachment and subsequent trial, conviction and incarceration for treason, obstruction of justice, money laundering and tax evasion.
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Hilarious that team Trump got outplayed by a porn star. Symbolic of the state of the country.
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tRump's non sequitur tweets, which also wholly lack any semblance of decorum, are subjecting our country to shame and ridicule on a global basis. It probably also compromises our national security in light of the fact the Administration is failing to disguise that the emotional and intellectual development of our leader apparently hit a wall when he was 12 years old. Meanwhile his base continues to interpret his conduct as a cross between 3 dimensional chess and performance art that is part of his Master plan to drain the swamp.
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bearister said:

Cal88 said:

bearister said:

I think he also prefers Fox and Friends dumbed down bullet points wrapped in platitudes. Here is additional factual information that he can print out along with the Moyer's information and use it to wrap fish or line a bird cage:


Do you really think that RT, Sputnik and some social media posts were the reason why Hillary and her billion dollar campaign, and the MSM in her pocket, lost in MI, WI, OH and PA?


So if I'm getting this straight, $50,000 in online ads, most of which spent after the elections, and a few dozen FSU trolls ended up making a difference in the billion dollar presidential campaign, because "intelligence chiefs" said so??

This feels like a rerun of the 2003 "intelligence chiefs" narrative of yellowcake from Niger and Saddam mobile bio-weapon labs, except this time the true believer vindictive zealots have flipped to the other side of the isle.

Those early 00s weren't good times, a million innocent people halfway around the world ended up dead, and whole countries were destroyed. The potential for unbridled mideast military mayhem is here again today, and frankly it's downright discouraging and pretty scary at once.
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With today's news we are up to 19 indictments and 5 guilty pleas, while some continue to push the Moscow narrative. The fact Mueller is still pulling in cooperative witnesses shows that we are just getting started.

The beauty of a free, democratic country (other than just the benefits to the people) is its resilience. Hardline, authoritarian regimes will shatter when the mask is revealed. Free, democratic countries, reform - stronger - more prepared to face their enemies.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Other than Javanka, Pence, Hicks, Huckabee, and Kellyanne, is there anyone else left in the Trump administration who's still ali in/a Trump true believer?

Certainly not Kelly, McMaster, Sessions, Rosenstein, Tillerson, and Haley who have all contradicted or ignored Trump. Not clear where Don McGhan and Mattis stand. Same with the Senate, McConnell, and Ryan although most House 'Pubs are still onboard.

Nunes, Hannity, Tucker Carlson , Newt, and Lewandowski, are his biggest public cheerleaders, but ~30 House 'Pubs wouldn't be bailing if they thought the future were bright.
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BearDevil said:

Other than Javanka, Pence, Hicks, Huckabee, and Kellyanne, is there anyone else left in the Trump administration who's still ali in/a Trump true believer?

Certainly not Kelly, McMaster, Sessions, Rosenstein, Tillerson, and Haley who have all contradicted or ignored Trump. Not clear where Don McGhan and Mattis stand. Same with the Senate, McConnell, and Ryan although most House 'Pubs are still onboard.

Nunes, Hannity, Tucker Carlson , Newt, and Lewandowski, are his biggest public cheerleaders, but ~30 House 'Pubs wouldn't be bailing if they thought the future were bright.

STEPHEN MILLER (aka Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, etc.), albeit a believer in nothing and no one except pure evil - Fortunately, his appearance is such that everyone who has seen him or heard him speak knows who he really is
Another Bear
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Ivanka and Huckabee are not competent to host a Tupperware party much less try to pass themselves as diplomats on the international stage at the Olympics. It is mortifying to see a great country like America shamed and humiliated like this.
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bearister said:

Ivanka and Huckabee are not competent to host a Tupperware party much less try to pass themselves as diplomats on the international stage at the Olympics. It is mortifying to see a great country like America shamed and humiliated like this.
You should feel ashamed, the Trump presidency is a product of the Left. But then again, if that's mortifying, you have bigger problems than a Trump presidency, let alone any concern about the First Lady and a politician passing themselves as diplomats at the Olympics.

And Michele Obama disagrees with you that America is a great country. She never felt proud to be an American until, like, 5 years ago or something...
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Hmmmm so Ivanka is the First Lady now? That's new.
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How about that Schiff memo? Without getting into the details, the fact that Trump would put himself in a situation where he allows the Nunes memo to go public knowing the Schiff memo would in all likelihood eventually be made public should be grounds for impeachment for stupidity and poor judgment. Any person of middling competence would have been able to prevent this from happening. At the very least they should have had a response to the Schiff memo ready and released concurrently.

If they can't even get the basics of propaganda and political fraud right, how can we trust them to do anything?
Another Bear
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Humiliation? The guy likes to be pee'ed on.
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Unit2Sucks said:

How about that Schiff memo? Without getting into the details, the fact that Trump would put himself in a situation where he allows the Nunes memo to go public knowing the Schiff memo would in all likelihood eventually be made public should be grounds for impeachment for stupidity and poor judgment. Any person of middling competence would have been able to prevent this from happening. At the very least they should have had a response to the Schiff memo ready and released concurrently.

If they can't even get the basics of propaganda and political fraud right, how can we trust them to do anything?
I don't know, Trump kind of played this to his advantage. He released the R memo, crowed about it, then delayed the D memo for a couple weeks until his base forgot about the whole thing. The only thing his base will remember is the R memo and how awesome it was for Trump.
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Oops! I guess some of the Justices didn't get the memo about how you are supposed to rule when you are bought and paid for:

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Unit2Sucks said:

How about that Schiff memo? Without getting into the details, the fact that Trump would put himself in a situation where he allows the Nunes memo to go public knowing the Schiff memo would in all likelihood eventually be made public should be grounds for impeachment for stupidity and poor judgment. Any person of middling competence would have been able to prevent this from happening. At the very least they should have had a response to the Schiff memo ready and released concurrently.

If they can't even get the basics of propaganda and political fraud right, how can we trust them to do anything?
If Trump is good at anything, it's propaganda.

He knows that the American body politic has the attention span of a gnat, such that he could have Nunes put out what any reasonable person would know is a pack of lies, allowing the Fox News crazies to construct ever-expanding castles in the air, which they know 35% of the population will take in as an article of faith never subject to any contradiction, reason, etc.; and, as to the rest of the population, the tiny ripple occurring, what, a month, later won't in the slightest compare to the big splash the Nunes/Trump/Fox/Goebbels pronounciamento was able to gin up.
B.A. Bearacus
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Brian Stelter (CNN) pointed out the following Trump distortion about the Democratic memo:

1. A Fox News anchor said the following: "Congressman Schiff, he ARGUES the REPUBLICAN memo omitted and distorted key facts."

2. Subsequent Trump tweet:
"'Congressman Schiff omitted and distorted key facts' @FoxNews So, what else is new. He is a total phony!"

Stelter: "Trump misquoted two different @FoxNews reports tonight. Either he truly misunderstood what he heard on TV, which is worrisome, or he purposefully misquoted it, which is also worrisome."
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mikecohen said:

...He knows that the American body politic has the attention span of a gnat....

tRump has genitalia the size of a gnat.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Brian Stelter (CNN) pointed out the following Trump distortion about the Democratic memo:

1. A Fox News anchor said the following: "Congressman Schiff, he ARGUES the REPUBLICAN memo omitted and distorted key facts."

2. Subsequent Trump tweet:
"'Congressman Schiff omitted and distorted key facts' @FoxNews So, what else is new. He is a total phony!"

Stelter: "Trump misquoted two different @FoxNews reports tonight. Either he truly misunderstood what he heard on TV, which is worrisome, or he purposefully misquoted it, which is also worrisome."
I think Trump is so addled that he was using twitter to respond to a report he heard on air. Imagine this - he hears a report that Schiff says the R memo omitted and distorted key facts. He shouts at the screen "Shiff omitted and distorted key facts!!!!". When the TV didn't immediately respond, he decided to repeat his message on twitter. It's incredibly poor behavior from a sitting president, but it's more a sign of his petulance and inability to control his emotions than it's is a misquote or a misunderstanding. Of course, it's also a lie as he has no idea and doesn't really care about the truthiness of the Schiff memo but that's SOP for this president.
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"At the same time, though, who'd look at our democracy today as a model for emulation? It takes $1 billion to run for the White House, Congress has become a forum for legalized bribery, the president has uttered roughly 2,000 lies and misleading statements since taking office and his own party doesn't care a gun cult holds Congress hostage, and computer-designed gerrymandering enables candidates to pick their voters, not have voters pick them.
We also now have our own major state-run network, Fox News, that treats our president as "Dear Leader" much the same way that China's People's Daily does Xi." Thomas Friedman
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Trump's lashing out at Sessions again. I'm beginning to think those two won't be attending Easter services together...
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BearDevil said:

Trump's lashing out at Sessions again. I'm beginning to think those two won't be attending Easter services together...
Maybe Sessions is holding on to be in a position to bend Trump and his family over when the time comes. It would satisfy any revenge motive, give a big middle finger to Trump who has used him as a verbal punching bag again and again, and could go a long way in restoring his own reputation which has been destroyed in his service to the Trump administration.

Sessions is an angry little elf.
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It's odd that nobody has turned on Trump despite the ongoing investigations, and the fact so many think he is so obviously guilty.
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oski003 said:

It's odd that nobody has turned on Trump despite the ongoing investigations, and the fact so many think he is so obviously guilty.
It's odd that so many avowed "Conservatives" continue to blindly support Trump despite the growing evidence that he is so obviously guilty of a number of offenses that would appear to go against many closely held Conservative/Christian/Family Values/GOP platform positions.

The inescapable conclusion is that he is the Republi-cons' useful idiot - as long as he can hold a pen and scribble his name on anything they manage to slide in front of him, they'll keep him around and ignore all his warts.

What a good little Reich Wing Cultservative you are, oski003! Keep up the good work; Dear Leader Loves U!!!
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- (maybe) Benjamin Disraeli, popularized by Mark Twain
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AunBear89 said:

oski003 said:

It's odd that nobody has turned on Trump despite the ongoing investigations, and the fact so many think he is so obviously guilty.
The inescapable conclusion is that he is the Republi-cons' useful idiot

I think there is a more likely conclusion: many top Republicans are in legal jeopardy too. And so, they need to stonewall this investigation to protect more than Trump or their control of Congress, but to avoid convictions themselves. This did not seem like a plausible explanation back when this all started, but their behavior makes this seem like the most logical conclusion, in which case this investigation is really about trying to protect our system of government (what's left of it).

Conservatives rail at Big Government and many feel like they need to arm themselves for a possible war against tyranny. But then a tyrannical leader appears and they line up behind him, all the while having complete trust and faith in Big Corporations to bring about a just, desirable society by way of their pursuit of profit. It's complete brainwashing--and I don't mean that in the pejorative, hyperbolic sense. It is literal brainwashing through the use of religion and culture and lack of education to systematically feed them scary propaganda so that they look at issues in black and white terms (pun intended) and see "others" as a threat and the deceptive, self-interested narcissists as their friends.

To make a Star Wars analogy, most Trump supporters oddly see themselves as the Rebels though their articulated values and policy positions map more neatly to the Empire. Yoda nailed it: Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

That's how you get to more guns, more income inequality, the vilification of empathy, cult of materialism, authoritarianism, patriotism as bullying, mistrust of science/arts/intellectuals, and celebration of "winner's" and "losers" in purely power and wealth terms as opposed to seeing us all as a having unique parts to play in an interconnected society trying to help one another live in pursuit of happiness (that providing for all is weakness catering to "laziness"). It is profoundly anti-Jesus though they call themselves Christian. It is in fact the laziest and easiest set of human emotions (greed, jealousy, one-ups-man ship, etc).
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blungld said:

To make a Star Wars analogy, most Trump supporters oddly see themselves as the Rebels though their articulated values and policy positions map more neatly to the Empire. Yoda nailed it: Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Sort of like Ted Cruz's idiotic Simpsons reference.

I mean, never mind that he's clearly wrong about Marge (she voted for Jimmy Carter! Twice!), but anyone who watches that show knows that Homer is a moron, Bart is a brat, and Lisa is the voice of reason. Except Ted Cruz, apparently.
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Hope Hicks resigns. Mooch warming up in the bullpen for a triumphant return?
Another Bear
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Trump has started the search immediately. He called up Elite Models looking for a 20-something chick to be White House Communication Director. He made three requests: not so smart, hot, potentially bangable. They said they'll get back to him.
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BearDevil said:

Hope Hicks resigns. Mooch warming up in the bullpen for a triumphant return?

They are learning Visiting Day etiquette for Leavenworth.
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